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Posts posted by CorpusChristie

  1. 5 hours ago, luckyluke said:

    "Retailers have urged the public not to panic buy over the prospect of a no deal with the EU." 

    - The Sun-13th.December-


    Why does the Retailers think the U.K.public will panic when no deal? 


    It seems that they think the U.K.public does not trust their government when these proclaim that everything will be fine in the U.K., even with a no-deal. 


       Retail groups have asked people not to panic buy , which will cause the public to be concerned and then resort to panic buying .............and the retail groups enjoy huge profits 

    • Like 2
  2. 3 hours ago, placeholder said:

    So it was the EU who asked for an extension? The EU is not forcing the UK to continue talking. It is not forcing the UK to negotiate. The UK is free to cease negotiating any time it wants to. Take it up with Boris.


      Look, both side want to continue the talks , its rather stupid of one side to suggest they have the upper hand because the other side is still in talks with them .

      Both the UK and the EU both want a deal and the UK has recently signed numerous deals with various other Countries , which shows that the UK is reasonable with their requirements .

       No other Country has played hard ball like the E.U.

    • Like 2
  3. 6 minutes ago, RayC said:




    Btw: My question below addressed to you remains unanswered:


    How will trading under WTO rules with the EU, rather than the current FTA, be more advantageous for the UK in either short medium or long-term?


    (My definition of timescales; redefine them if you wish. ST: next 2 years; MT: 2 - 10 years; LT: > 10 years)



       It will not be advantageous , the WTO rules are something to fall back on if no deal can be made .

    Its a plan B


  4. 2 minutes ago, david555 said:

    Besides Dutch  3 langueges i can manage reading or hearing , besides my awfull English writing skills ????....


    but question remains  why U.K.still is standing in the exit  doorway hoping to keep using the E.U. facilities further on as a third country ...same as example  Pakistan or Bangladesh  ....?





      Why is the E.U still negotiating and talking to us , four years after we told them we want to leave ?

    Let us go, its what we want 

    • Haha 1
  5. 8 minutes ago, Hi from France said:

    Covid-19 rates are one thing, but when you are obese they turn up the mortality 



      Right , so it wasnt the people mixing with each other that caused Covid to spread , the reason was because they were over weight ?

      I do think that if overweight people didnt mix with others who had the virus , they wouldnt have contracted the virus .

      Overweight people who stay at home contract Covid , slim people who congregate with infected people do not contract the virus ?


    If you say so

    • Haha 1
  6. 1 minute ago, Hi from France said:

    You should try again writing UE, for "union européenne" and I'd like the Greek version too, Il like Greek letters ????


    @CorpusChristie nothing to laugh about: the high mortality rates in the UK are not just the result of the carelessness of Boris Johnson (who went to shake hands and got his pregnant girlfriend ill as well as a good share of the UK government) 


    It's also the consequence of the high obesity rate in the UK. 


    Allegedly, the UK does not need cheap chicken imports. It will push up obesity, not just ruin your poultry farmers. 


    You do not like the deal with the EU? Wait for the USA deal... We' ll hear much less recriminations but this would be much harder for the country. Anyway the US currently have a trading deficit with the UK, so a FTA is not really attractive to them, you will need to give them quite a lot. 


    Did Boris not tell you? 




      The high Covid rates in the UK are due to locals not self distancing .

    All those riots and gatherings in the summer , all the protests and taking down statues and completely unconcerned about the virus , caused the virus to spread . Unlike Thailand, were we adhered to th rules of social distancing , and we have been more or less covid free .

      Thats going off topic though , we really should get back on topic and obey the rules 

    • Haha 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

    You speak English? Then you should know, if you ever went to school that is.

    In which language all the other Countries converse in , wasnt really taught .

    They seemed more interested in teaching us Latin , for some unknown reason .

    But, Ive  got by in life not knowing the name of the language that Dutch/Holland/Netherlands people converse in , all I know is that they use very long words and that their words are difficult to pronounce 

  8. Just now, david555 said:

    But only one for  brexit  leave !......standing more than 4 years at exit doorway ....hesitating ...yelling  "we go leave, we are leaving , we are out already  "....deadline passing by deadline in numbers .......and that bright other opportunity is waiting .....but still they are waiting ..hoping ..???? 


      Can you not understand : We have left , shall I write that in French for you ?

    Nous avons quitté l'e.u
  9. 1 hour ago, RayC said:

    Your words: "There are 66 million in the UK who don't care about the burdens of ones who left."


    No exclusions mentioned there. Anyhow, you only disregard the plight of UK nationals resident in the EU? Those in, for example, Thailand are entitled to be treated differently?


    BTW: You don't speak for me or anything like 66 million Brits.


      That is the topic of this thread , we have been asked to keep on topic 

    • Like 1
  10. 5 minutes ago, GrandPapillon said:

    Boris is desperate for that deal and it's starting to show


    his little bluff didn't work with the EU, we Europeans are not as gullible as the British voters ????


      The E.U agreed to and wanted an extension of the talks and negotiations .

    You could have disagreed and walked away if you wanted to 

    It takes two to Tango

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