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Posts posted by CorpusChristie

  1. 2 hours ago, Bruntoid said:

    Who has told you all this ? Do you hear voices ? 

    You’re claiming wild assumptions as facts which isn’t making you sound too clever. 


       The info came from UNICEFs homepage , they are asking for donations and giving money to the UK will help publicise themselves and help with getting more donations 

  2. 4 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

    A common refrain from people who object to Overseas aid......and usually the first people to also object to helping the homeless and the poor here in the UK.


      How about yourself ?

    Do you think that its correct of UNICEF to give the UK aid ?

    Is the UK are most needy Country in the world and thus deserve UNICEF aid ?

    If so, the UK should stop giving money to other Countries, if we are THAT poor .

    What is you opinion on UNICEF giving aid to the UK at the expense of African/poor Countries ?

    • Confused 1
  3. 12 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

    A much larger 'cunning stunt' than you first imagined.....


    Unicef is providing grants of between £5,000 and £25,000, with more than £700,000 being made available in total to 30 community organisations to fund projects for children and families.


    “For some of the projects in question, the funding is distributed via a council, but the majority of the grants are being made directly to community organisations,” she said. “In Southwark, the funding has gone directly to School Food Matters, a community organisation.”


      If charities feel that the UK is the Country that in  most need of donations , the UK should stop giving aid to other Countries and spend the money on UK kids .

    • Confused 2
  4. 46 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

    Publicity for what? Are they selling something?


    UNICEF are  publicly seeking donations in the U.K from the General Public .

    The £ 25 K worth of food they gave to the UK , wouldnt pay for much advertising .

    They did it as a stunt to advertise themselves and receive more in donations 

    • Haha 2
  5. 22 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

    It was a publicity stunt....why? Because Rees-Mogg told you it was?....Publicity for what? Are they selling something?


    So you think no kids in the UK go hungry?......Unbelievable....What on Earth do you think free school meals and breakfast clubs are all about.....a generous way of getting rid of rich Tory leftovers...a few crumbs from the table?


       They gave £ 25 000 to ONE London borough .


    So, all the UK hungry kids were all in the same place ?

    Will that small amount of money stop all the "hunger "

    Why not open up feeding places all over the UK ?

    I can absolutely guarantee that there are many more , millions more kids in the world who are in more need of that food 

    • Sad 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, bannork said:

    Running away from Brexit I expect.

    Barnier told the UK way back in February it was impossible to have a Canada style deal.

    I propose we call the deal a Zimbabwe style deal rather than Australia.

    Sad to see the UK achieving Third World status, UNICEF having to assist hungry children. Their work is going to increase ten fold after Brexit 


      That was a publicity stunt by UNICEF .

    Whoever decided that the UK kids needed food, moreso that many other hungry kids in the World , really needs to get sacked .

       He is depriving genuinely hungry kids in the World a meal and giving the food to a Country where its not needed just for publicity .

      He needs to go

    • Sad 1
    • Thanks 1
  7. 6 minutes ago, red roger said:

    Góod riposte Andy.

    I estimate that the Brexitloons owe me around 10k GBP since June 24th 2016 the day that the GBP plummeted in value by 25 per cent as predicted by Project Fea..sorry Reality.



      Well, the Baht fell from 52 Baht to the Pound to 48(Whats that , 7 %? ) Baht to the Pound and stayed that way for a few months , the Pound began to decline further when there was confusion over whether the UK would leave the E.U , which was because Remainers trying to get the vote overturned .

      Also the strong Baht is also a reason for the Pound current poor showing 

    • Like 2
  8. 2 hours ago, Bruntoid said:

    You really do have a bizarre obsession with fish ! 

    I note recent unanswered questions have been a tad difficult for you but here’s an easy one, I would hope, is fish more important to the well being of the U.K. than unfettered access to the single market ? 

    Only tonight it’s Boris who has been given that very ultimatum - right now he will be panicking like <deleted> that he’s swapped some cod for a huge trade arrangement !! 


      E.U Countries should no longer have the right to fish in non E.U Countries waters .

    Unfair demands from the E.U and the UK is quite right not to accept 

    • Like 2
  9. 4 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


    I appreciate that tangents and parallels may be hard to deduce for some. Take time and think about it a bit more. 


      I would go a step further than that , The parallels between the UK leaving the  E.U and Lebedev sitting on the HoL are impossible for me to comprehend .

       Quite simply , incomparable. 

    • Like 2
  10. 1 minute ago, RuamRudy said:


    No, I am highlighting the utter hypocrisy of Brexit, and the cronyism and corruption that is endemic from the PM down, which makes a mockery of this whole concept of 'taking back control', not that any brexiteer has ever been able to define what that actually meant.


      Brexit was never about stopping half British people from getting the top jobs in the UK.

    • Like 1
  11. 11 minutes ago, sandyf said:

    Wrong again, the transition period will end on 31st Dec and the UK will leave the SM and customs union, irrespective.

    There are essential agreements that must be put in place before then but they do not relate to trade, they are about other issues that were supposed to be included in the FTA.



    begin & end.jpg


    This is the list of E.U member states , the UK is NOT on the list


    List of member states
    State Capital Accession Population (2019)[82] Area Population density MEPs
    27 total 446,834,579 4,233,262 km2
    (1,634,472 sq mi)
    (270/sq mi)
    23px-Flag_of_Austria.svg.png Austria Vienna 1 January 1995 8,858,775 83,855 km2
    (32,377 sq mi)
    (270/sq mi)
    23px-Flag_of_Belgium_%28civil%29.svg.png Belgium Brussels Founder 11,467,923 30,528 km2
    (11,787 sq mi)
    (970/sq mi)
    23px-Flag_of_Bulgaria.svg.png Bulgaria Sofia 1 January 2007 7,000,039 110,994 km2
    (42,855 sq mi)
    (160/sq mi)
    23px-Flag_of_Croatia.svg.png Croatia Zagreb 1 July 2013 4,076,246 56,594 km2
    (21,851 sq mi)
    (190/sq mi)
    23px-Flag_of_Cyprus.svg.png Cyprus Nicosia 1 May 2004 875,898 9,251 km2
    (3,572 sq mi)
    (250/sq mi)
    23px-Flag_of_the_Czech_Republic.svg.png Czech Republic Prague 1 May 2004 10,649,800 78,866 km2
    (30,450 sq mi)
    (350/sq mi)
    20px-Flag_of_Denmark.svg.png Denmark Copenhagen 1 January 1973 5,806,081 43,075 km2
    (16,631 sq mi)
    (350/sq mi)
    23px-Flag_of_Estonia.svg.png Estonia Tallinn 1 May 2004 1,324,820 45,227 km2
    (17,462 sq mi)
    (75/sq mi)
    23px-Flag_of_Finland.svg.png Finland Helsinki 1 January 1995 5,517,919 338,424 km2
    (130,666 sq mi)
    (41/sq mi)
    23px-Flag_of_France.svg.png France Paris Founder 67,028,048 640,679 km2
    (247,368 sq mi)
    (270/sq mi)
    23px-Flag_of_Germany.svg.png Germany Berlin Founder[n] 83,019,214 357,021 km2
    (137,847 sq mi)
    (600/sq mi)
    23px-Flag_of_Greece.svg.png Greece Athens 1 January 1981 10,722,287 131,990 km2
    (50,960 sq mi)
    (210/sq mi)
    23px-Flag_of_Hungary.svg.png Hungary Budapest 1 May 2004 9,797,561 93,030 km2
    (35,920 sq mi)
    (270/sq mi)
    23px-Flag_of_Ireland.svg.png Republic of Ireland Dublin 1 January 1973 4,904,226 70,273 km2
    (27,133 sq mi)
    (180/sq mi)
    23px-Flag_of_Italy.svg.png Italy Rome Founder 60,359,546 301,338 km2
    (116,347 sq mi)
    (520/sq mi)
    23px-Flag_of_Latvia.svg.png Latvia Riga 1 May 2004 1,919,968 64,589 km2
    (24,938 sq mi)
    (78/sq mi)
    23px-Flag_of_Lithuania.svg.png Lithuania Vilnius 1 May 2004 2,794,184 65,200 km2
    (25,200 sq mi)
    (110/sq mi)
    23px-Flag_of_Luxembourg.svg.png Luxembourg Luxembourg City Founder 613,894 2,586 km2
    (998 sq mi)
    (610/sq mi)
    23px-Flag_of_Malta.svg.png Malta Valletta 1 May 2004 493,559 316 km2
    (122 sq mi)
    (4,050/sq mi)
    23px-Flag_of_the_Netherlands.svg.png Netherlands Amsterdam Founder 17,282,163 41,543 km2
    (16,040 sq mi)
    (1,080/sq mi)
    23px-Flag_of_Poland.svg.png Poland Warsaw 1 May 2004 37,972,812 312,685 km2
    (120,728 sq mi)
    (310/sq mi)
    23px-Flag_of_Portugal.svg.png Portugal Lisbon 1 January 1986 10,276,617 92,390 km2
    (35,670 sq mi)
    (290/sq mi)
    23px-Flag_of_Romania.svg.png Romania Bucharest 1 January 2007 19,401,658 238,391 km2
    (92,043 sq mi)
    (210/sq mi)
    23px-Flag_of_Slovakia.svg.png Slovakia Bratislava 1 May 2004 5,450,421 49,035 km2
    (18,933 sq mi)
    (290/sq mi)
    23px-Flag_of_Slovenia.svg.png Slovenia Ljubljana 1 May 2004 2,080,908 20,273 km2
    (7,827 sq mi)
    (270/sq mi)
    23px-Flag_of_Spain.svg.png Spain Madrid 1 January 1986 46,934,632 504,030 km2
    (194,610 sq mi)
    (240/sq mi)
    23px-Flag_of_Sweden.svg.png Sweden Stockholm 1 January 1995 10,230,185 449,964 km2
    (173,732 sq mi)
    (60/sq mi)

    European Union - Wikipedia

    • Like 2
  12. 9 hours ago, sharksy said:

    I think you confusing the Electrical Safety tests with Energy Performance Certificate.


      No, I had to get  Electrical safety certificate , a Gas Safety certificate and an EPC , this was ten years ago

    ESC needed renewing every five years , the GSC needed renewing every year and the EPC needed renewing every ten years .

      Electrical safety certificates are nothing new .

    Thinking about it , I just had to show them to the Council , if the Council are not involved, just a GSC and a EPC are required to be given to private renters 

  13. 8 hours ago, 7by7 said:


    I assume you mean a trade agreement, as the terms of the withdrawal agreement had officially been under negotiation ever since May first triggered Article 50 on the  29th March 2017! Although formal negotiations didn't begin until 19th June 2017.


    It was not that the EU wouldn't begin trade negotiations until after we left; it was agreed by both sides that UK/EU trade negotiations while  we were still a member would be awkward at the very least as we would have had a foot in both camps.




    The transition period ends at midnight on the 31st December 2020, unless both sides agree to extend it.




    We remain members of the single market and customs union until midnight on the 31st December 2020, unless both sides agree to extend the transition period.




       The UK has left the E.U .

    Member states are in Green , non E.U members are in White 

    Map (clickable)

    • Thanks 1
  14. 18 hours ago, Hi from France said:

    I was talking about you, for me it's not a disappointment,


    I think the no-deal situation you yearn for is simply not possible.


    Late 2020 or early 2021 the UK have the very same crappy deal with just a bit more unemployment and recession for Britain.The Brexit situation took 10 minutes at the last EU summit, the EU can wait.



       Are you hoping that the UK suffers hardship ?

    If you want that , why do you want the UK to suffer ?

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