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Posts posted by CorpusChristie

  1. 26 minutes ago, OJAS said:


    How about alerting you to fresh legal obligations to be imposed on landlords, for instance? In this connection, are you, for example, aware of the new Electrical Safety Standards Regs which are due to come into force for existing tenancies from 1 April 2021?




    I would probably have carried on in blissful ignorance of the implications of this new requirement for the existing tenancy on my UK property had there been no agent out there to forewarn me of this potential banana skin!



      You can join landlords online forums , were you can find all the updates first hand , they also send you E-mails informing you .

      I have ten years worth of Gas Safety certificates and no one has ever asked to see .

    Is the electrical certificate a new regulation ?

    Pretty sure you also needed to get one done previously, like ten years ago 

  2. 16 hours ago, talahtnut said:

    Cor you old meany, mate, you don't have to be rich to offer comfort and care,

    I find it satisfying and rewarding to share my little lifestyle with my little buddy gal.


      Not a "meany" at all .

    Had two long term girlfriends in Thailand , treated her and her family very well .

    Renovated the house in the village , feed and clothed some family youngsters, then my income fell by 50 % , things got a bit difficult and nearly all my income was going to them , that wasnt enough and she ended the relationship after five years .

      Second one, again treated her and her family well , bringing up her young son as my own , she then demanded that I build her a house in her village . This was at the them when Covid was taking hold and I was potentially having to go on overstay .

      I declined the demand , and she put an end to the relationship .

    Both left , taking their families and everything I had bought them with them  .

    At the time, thought I was in genuine relationships , turns out I was just an ATM and they were parasites .

    Both went looking for the White Knight in shinning armor .

    Now my finances have improved , I want to stay single and affluent , rather than being poor and giving my money to others .

      Not complaining though , it was good whilst it lasted and I wouldnt change anything ..............not even them leaving , glad to see the back of them actually .

      Just currently happy and content being single and will definitely not be inheriting anymore families in the future

    • Like 1
  3. 11 minutes ago, talahtnut said:

     Experiment, doomed to failure,  no one loves a scrooge.

    Wimmins like comfort and care, for that they'll hang about.



      They sure do , as long as she can pay for it herself .

    If she wants a rich , affluent lifestyle of comfort and care which is beyond her means .

    I prefer it if they didnt hang about , otherwise its at my expense .

      If you can/want to pay for both , up to you 

    • Haha 2
  4. 11 hours ago, Hi from France said:

    first what allows you to use the "we"?


    besides the obvious fact that a majority of the population is against brexit , 






    so who is your "we" ? obviously not the majority of the UK population (even less Northern Ireland or Scotland who ironically are more pro-EU than most EU countries)






    now beside not wanting to leave the EU (too late now!) the second question now is "do we want to follow UE rules" ? As you say 


    on this question, we have polls too





    there, once the UK citizen are obliged to leave, it's a fifty-fifty "follow EU rules" or "not follow"




    so, I leave it to you to use bayesian inference and calculate what actual percentage of the population is your "We don't want to follow them"...



    in terms of pollution, carbon dioxide emission, workers right, protection of privacy etc.. EU rules can actually be considered pretty cool. Now, the UK could do faster and better on things like animal welfare (but then, forget about chlorinated chicken and a FTA with the USA)




    A third question would be 


    .. but are you going to follow them anyway. As the previous podcast shows, the UK has paid a huge price for the right to diverge.





    The question of future years is "now it can, will the UK diverge or not" ? Given that the present deal will put a price tag on divergence, that remains to be seen.




    Every hypothetical divergence would a/ be payed by the british worker/taxpayer and b/ won't even deliver a competitive advantage














       You are trying use that graph to show the UK doesnt agree with leaving the E.U anymore. 

    But that wasnt the question asked . 

    The question asked was :

    "In hindsight, do you think Britain was right or wrong to vote to leave the EU?"

    And the people who had no preference , those who didnt vote in the referendum , they would probably have thought that the vote to leave was wrong , because of all the commotion , stagnation and disagreement it has caused  .

      So, the results/Graph doesnt show that the UK thinks it was wrong to leave the EU , some neutral voters may have felt a Remain vote would have been preferably , just for the peace and quiet .

      So, people with no opinion on Brexit would have said the vote for Brexit was wrong because of the turmoil that vote caused . 

  5. 18 minutes ago, Ebumbu said:

    As your body eventually breaks down, good to have someone you can trust -- to wake up to as the anesthesia wears off and your wallet and phone aren't gone.   ???? 


       You should never leave your drink open and  alone when you go to the toilet, anyway, where did you hide your phone and wallet ?

  6. 3 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

    I say this because there was a discussion at my work today among us saying if you are looking for real real love & partner go to the Phillipines not Thailand


      Highly unlikely you will find "real love" , you will probably find a desperately poor lady who cannot make ends meet who will very much appreciate you financially helping her out 

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, 473geo said:

    Yes Colin but if it doesn't happen he has landed himself for life with a wife he feels he does not need, can you imagine how that would go?


    There are those who are better off single, and may have the money later in life to pay a carer



      And who is to say whether the Woman would stick around or be willing to care for me ?

    I would say that the majority of Thai Females would walk away from a relationship if the Husband had a serious accident and there was no long term benefit of them sticking around .

    • Sad 3
  8. 1 hour ago, Pilotman said:

    love is indefinable and is different for all the individuals concerned.  It's not about race, or ethnicity, its about a common bonding,  a mutual support and respect,  a companionship, a meeting of minds and you may find that anywhere, or never find it at all.  I 'love' my Thai wife of many years standing, as we both  have all of that list in common, although we do of course come from totally different cultural backgrounds. The relationship and love with my late first wife was of the same list.  I certainly would not wish to be single again. 


      Although I am single , I still have friends . 

    • Haha 1
  9. 2 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

    Can I ask your age?

    What about having someone who cares for you ?


      Just qualified for a Thai retirement visa .

    I can take care of myself , feed myself , wash myself , was and dry my clothes .

    I always seem to end up "caring" about/for Females more than they care for me .

    She did care about me, when the GBP was 55 to the Baht and as the GBP sunk , so did her "caring" about me 


    • Sad 2
    • Thanks 1
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  10. 19 hours ago, KhunFred said:

    I have noticed many farangs buying alcohol at Seven Eleven stores, as long as it is bagged in such a way as to hide the contents. I've also seen farangs in restaurants, getting their Singha poured into tea glasses for covert consumption. Businesses which have a mostly non-Thai clientele, hate this law and will do nearly anything to circumvent it. 


       I ve also been in bars when the Police barge in and check whats in peoples cups

  11. 28 minutes ago, david555 said:

    well that is a true confession from a right wing nationalist .....wait your next election .... can be fun  


      The next UK election will be interesting .

    All the (former) Labour voters who changed to vote Conservative , because Conservatives accepted the will of the people and Labour disregarded what the people voted for , will those voters stay with the Conservatives or revert back to Labour ?

      Will the life long Labour voters forgive the Labour party for their treachery ?

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