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Posts posted by CorpusChristie

  1. 4 hours ago, Phulublub said:

    I think it is you who are sulkng. 


    Many, here and elsewhere, have often pointed out that those who voted Leave did so for many very different reasons.  And some are contradictory.  Just becauser you cannot - or will not publicly - accept that fact is immaterial, but it is good to have others who are willing to reply with more than petty insults showing the diverse reasons they voted Leave.  At least they have reasons more than the racist xenophobes (some of whom live in foregin counrties).




      We all voted leave.................because we all wanted to leave .

    What other reasons would you like to hear ?

    Whatever reasons people had, we all came to the same conclusion , and thats the only opinion that matters

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  2. On 4/26/2013 at 8:41 AM, WinnieTheKhwai said:

    So overall though to consider Loy Kroh downhill from Cosy Corner/John's Place or the nasty that was the old Bar Beer center, decrepit even, shows that memories do get better with time. But again, I enjoyed myself at the time, as I do now. And in another 10-15 years someone will be calling this here year a golden age, and I'll be likely calling BS on that, too.


       Whilst not exactly the "Golden age" , a lot better than it is today

  3. 2 minutes ago, Agusts said:

    I don't know why such a logical deduction about EU does not appear to some, so they keep blaming it for the Brexit mess, let me try again:


    You can't be out of EU but then kind of in where and when it suits you, it just doesn't work and doesn't make sense...!


    No matter what load of bulls the Brexit leaders say or feed into people to fool them, it's not logical or make sense, have your cake and eat it... ! Like I want to be in a football team but only for the games that we win and I can score a lot of goals, but leave me out for hard loosing games...!!!!? ????


    EU is bending backwards to accommodate UK, somehow , with some tricks that probably many think it's absurd and don't like it, but still our good old Brexit leaders refuse..., then the only possible solution is exit with no agreement, get on with it already...., have some balls, do it and face the consequences.... ????????????


       The UK doesnt want to be partly in the E.U though .

    The UK are in the process of making trade deals with numerous Countries in the World , the E.U is just one of those deals being made .

      If no agreement is made , nevermind

    • Like 2
  4. 17 minutes ago, Pravda said:

    Let me get this straight. 


    The guy is almost 50, doesn't have a pot to pee in and he's still being advised to go to another third world country? 


    Nothing wrong with being broke and as a matter of fact I have been severely (financially) impacted by this covid nonsense. However my next plan would be to go back home. If you weren't able to save the absolute minimum during your financial prime then how do you think the next 10 years is going to be like? 


    Tip. It only gets worse. 


       It may be even more expensive to live in his home Country

    • Like 2
  5. 38 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

    45 K???? What do you get for 45K, three year retirement extensions? ????


    1 Visa and 1 extension , the price has risen recently and it also depends on whether you have a condo rental agreement (not having one costs extra) .

       I believe they were offered cheaper from Pattaya , but the cost would had worked out the same had travel and accommodation been added 

    • Confused 2
  6. 14 minutes ago, ronaldo0 said:

    Yeah my mistake, was the tiger temple I was thinking off . 
    As for your don’t fear and attack people , then tell that to the guy that got attacked there in 2014 or is a lawyer going to tell me that news was false  ?  ????


      One isolated incident in 20 years in an anomaly rather than the norm  , these things happen though with animals ,  even tame dogs sometimes bite people , 

  7. 21 hours ago, lovethai123 said:

    30,000,000 Vietnamese= 38,977.42 Thai Baht


    30,000,000 Myanmar Kyat = 677,306.63 Thai Baht


    30,000,000 Cambodian riel = 222,700.14 Thai Baht




    Reading your earliers posts , it's appears you are in bangkok.





    So 30 million property is understandable. Don't mess with any thais. As a foreigner you have no rights and authorities will always side with the locals. 


      He did say that was the cost to build the house, which suggests land wasnt included in that price 

  8. 5 minutes ago, ronaldo0 said:

    Yeah because it’s well known fact that these animals are totally placid around humans ! ????

    If you think they are that tame naturally around people even if brought up in captivity , then feel free to pop down to your local zoo and jump in the tiger den as you are so sure they are placid ! I think you might find out I’m correct !


      Tigers in zoos are not reared amongst humans and they are protective of their local environment and thus remain semi wild .

       Tigers in the tiger kingdom were rescued as Cubs in the wild and are bought up with human contact and thus dont fear humans, so dont attack them .

       I have Western friends who worked in the TK and they assure me that no drugs are involved in making them placid to humans .

       So, you have no evidence of your accusations and its just something that you think .

    You should be careful before making false accusations , because it wont be the tigers coming to get you, it will be the lawyers suing you for defamation 

    • Haha 1
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