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Posts posted by CorpusChristie

  1. 3 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:


    There will be no agreement with the WTO rules. You either accept them or you do not. They are not open to negotiation. 

    So either we accept the WTO terms and have them imposed upon us or we reject them.

    If we accept them then we are having our trade dictated to us by a bunch of unelected foreigners.


      We are part of those "unelected foreigners" who made the rules .

    We are part of that group , do you realise that we are also foreigners to them ?

    Yes, we accept them , we are happy to oblige by WTO rules

  2. 1 minute ago, GrandPapillon said:


    the reason for that, is that if we didn't, and because of your short memory, you would have accused the EU of not granting you an extension to plea your case


    but you are right, Barnier should have said to Maybot and her team to <deleted> off on day 1 ????


    complete waste of time, but we knew that already, but what do you do with a bunch of moaning Brexiteers ????


       Farage stood before the E.U and asked you, pleaded with you , to grant no more extensions to the on-going talks and to let is leave  , the E.U Parliament ignored that and gave an extension to the discussions , forcing us to stay

  3. Just now, Rookiescot said:


    Excellent. Now were are making progress. Although it is slow and I have to keep repeating myself in order to get you to answer questions.

    So Brexit is all about immigration then. You dont like foreigners coming to the UK.

    But you have no issue with foreigners dictating what our trade should look like?


      I have no problems with foreigners coming to the UK , I just think it should be regulated and controlled , rather than a free for all 

    I am happy to be part of the WTO , we are part of that group and we all come to an amicable agreement about the rules  .

      We dodn't join groups and then dictate to them what the rules should be , we come to agreements

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, david555 said:

    Because Boris fooled us ....promised  walking away  .... but never did .... keeps coming and above all ....phoning Merkel  ,Macron & Ursula  VDL for diners appointments ????


     We have indeed left and we are in discussions , the option has always been for the E.U to walk away and to have no more negotiations or discussions with us , but you kept persevering with them .

      The E.U could have said no more extensions to the discussions , we even pleaded with you to do that , but no, you refused and kept us in the E.U for a few more years

  5. 2 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:


    But the WTO rules are dictated to us. We cannot change them. We get no say. 

    But now we get to the crux of the matter eh? Brexit is all about immigration which is something you Brexiteers have always strenuously denied. 


      I cannot speak on behalf of anyone else , but I have always  had the opinion that Immigration should be regulated and that aired that numerous time , albeit, not every 20 minutes in the same thread 

  6. Just now, NanLaew said:

    By definition, a "Thai expat" is an expatriate Thai person, ie. a Thai person living in a country other than Thailand.


    As far as I know, they can come back relatively easily to their homeland in Thailand if they so chose.


    Therefore I have absolutely no clue why the OP is prattling on about foreigners domiciled in Thailand, stranded or otherwise.


      We all know what he meant .

    Although some people try to be difficult , and take the OP heading literally

    We all know very well that he was referring to Felangs living in Thailand 

  7. 1 minute ago, Rookiescot said:


    So handing over some of our sovereignty to the WTO who then dictate the rules we have to abide by and we have no say in what those rules are is preferable to having remained in the EU where we had a say on what the rules were?

    Taking back control?


      The UK is part of this World , having agreements with other Countries in the world is no loss to sovereignty .

    The whole World agreed to the WTO terms , why should the UK be any different ?

    The loss of sovereignty in regards to the E.U was the lack of control of our borders , the WTO agreement doesnt dictate to us who can and cannot enter the UK

    • Like 1
  8. 7 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

    So a real loss of sovereignty .......no discussion or negotiating......we need to have a vote and withdraw from these onerous rules imposed on us by an unelected body....(as soon as we have joined).


     We joined the WTO in 1995 and were members of the proceeding GATT since 1948 .

    The discussions and negotiations finished in 1995

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  9. 10 minutes ago, david555 said:

    Not the sinking

    .... only comparing the steering to a disaster when even knowing icebergs are around .... typical blind self-assurance  as for now with Boris as the captain on the  Brexit-coaster  ????



    BTW  .... nice try to put it in a bad way .... keep learning 

    Comparing Brexit with the Titanic ?

    I will raise you a :

    Comparing Brexit to World War 2 , they both took about the same amount of time and the end results are the same  .

    • Like 2
  10. 2 minutes ago, david555 said:

    Whatever conspiracy theory you believe ...., it was  a British designed ship  ....and that "damn Iceberg" would not divert for a  "rule Britannia waves ship "  coming .....( Iceberg probably didn't see the flag ....????.....) ????


      If you read the story , it seems to make sense , it all fits .

    Anyway , you seem to using the sinking of a ship as a celebration , because it was a UK design , which is rather unpleasant and immature.

      Will be be gloating about the Concord crash next ?

    • Like 1
  11. 12 hours ago, GrandPapillon said:

    if you ask the Brits living in France or Spain, they are staying in their property and not leaving even of it means never to return to the UK ????


       There is nothing to stop Brits living in Spain and France returning to the UK .

    As long as they have applied for residency in those Countries and adhere to the residency rules , thay can stay as long as they like and come and go as they please .

      As I recall foreign residents living in the UK had to visit the UK at least once every two years to keep that residency

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