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Posts posted by CorpusChristie

  1. 2 minutes ago, RocketDog said:

    Ridiculous. Clothing is very cheap in Thailand and can be purchased cheaper than uniforms. Flea markets sell it for pennies. 

    Besides, kids all know where the stand compared to others. 


       Not all parents are willing /able to buy their kids new clothes .

    You'd have some kids going to school wearing new designer clothes and their friends walking around in old second hand rags/clothes , it would put pressure on the poorer families to keep up clothes wise with the more affluent kids families .

       Its a school, NOT a fashion parade .

    • Like 1
  2. On 11/30/2020 at 4:22 PM, retayl said:

    A few years ago a British tabloid newspaper headlined with a picture of a London bus parked on the moon, how did it get there? A couple of weeks later the headline read “ mystery of London bus disappearing from the moon”. Nothing is ever new in this world but at least nobody got hurt.


      Errmmm , that was published in 1988 , 32 years ago and it was a WW2 bomber "found"  on the moon , it was a London bus that was found buried at the South pole, published 31 years ago

    • Like 1
  3. 59 minutes ago, poohy said:

    Simply not true

    even the scabbiest schools have about 4 daily uniforms each week

    Why cannot secondhand uniforms be used or poorer families and only one uniform at that


    Answer someone's making money out of it


      Because some parents send their kids to school wearing the same unwashed clothes everyday , and they are filthy  by Fridays .

       A different colour uniform everyday encourages the parents to send their kids to school in clean clothes .

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  4. 36 minutes ago, fangless said:


    Read the act on home schooling and remember this is Thailand (TITS)! where the observance and how the implementation of rules are or are not applied!


    Please do not bother to respond to me on this, or anything else for that matter, as I have nothing more to say to you on this.




       You are suggesting that Parents who cannot afford the 1000 odd Baht for a school uniform will decide to take a 10 years off work, buy all the necessary  school books and home school their kids !!!!!!!!

      Potentially losing 1-2 million Baht in wages over ten years , spending 10's of 1000s of Baht on school books , just to save themselves having to buy school uniforms !!!!!!

      I dont think so

    • Like 1
  5. 39 minutes ago, fangless said:

    As usual a bold and false statement from you not based on facts.  Parents do NOT need to send their children to school. 
    Home-schooling is legal in Thailand. Thailand's constitution and education law explicitly recognize alternative education and considers the family to be an educational institution. A home-school law passed in 2004, Ministerial Regulation No. 3 on the right to basic education by the family, governs home-schooling.


      Yes, home schooling is allowed , but I don't think that uneducated poor parents  would qualify for the home schooling scheme .

      In the instances of what we are talking about , parents who cannot afford a school uniform, are highly unlikely to qualify for being a parent/teacher .

    • Like 2
  6. 2 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:


    Because they knew their only realistic chance to win the referendum was by doing it the Trump way, lies, disinformation, verbal abuse. Had Brexiteers been decent democratic people, no one would feel Schadenfreude; people would probably have wished you well (including me). But had Brexiteers been decent democratic people, they wouldn’t have won the referendum in the first place.



        Misinformation and plainly just being wrong from both side .

    Didnt the Remainers predict/state that we would all go hungry because no one one work on the farms or pick the produce and that ,many of us would die because drugs couldnt be imported from Europe and that fuel supply would be curtailed .

       If we left the E.U. we would all either starve to death , freeze to death or diesin hospital because there were no drugs available

    • Like 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

    I’m not. It’s up to them. As I wrote before. 

    I don’t have an issue with England/UK. I also don’t mind if those who insult and lie reap what they sowed. 


    Who do you mean when you say “you”? You neither left me nor do I have any leverage to break you up. If you mean the EU, the same applies. 


      You just keep calling people liars all the time ................lets talk about the bus again and have the same conversation that we've been having for four years now . 

      Your second reply will be " Its not 1.6 Billion, the UK gets a rebate"

  8. 3 minutes ago, fangless said:

    Announcements at the Nudists' Ball:


    Mr and Mrs Gleebits and their son, Dan

    Mr and Mrs Snockers and beautiful daughter, Norma

    Mr and Mrs Talia and their daughter, Jenny

    Mr and Mrs Jarse and their son, Hugh


    .The above were read out by’
    Mr and Mrs Clocknews, and their daughter, Nina


       What were they announcing ?

  9. 18 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

    Nope, the facts you have is that the Scots voted (past tense) to remain in the UK, and that they may (vote to) leave the UK. You don’t know what “the Scots wish”, and you won’t know if you (UK) keep blocking a referendum. 

    You are not going to believe this but I’m not one of those. I wouldn’t mind to see the UK split up because I think those who throw abusive language and lies (Brexiteers) deserve it. 


      Do they swear and tell lies do they , ? they need to be made to stand on the naughty step until they start crying 

  10. Just now, herfiehandbag said:

    Personally, I am an Englishman who has always been not particularly bothered. They had their vote six years ago, it was not in favour of independence then.


    If they want another just go and do it - it is your business.I suspect that many of the English feel the same way! Frankly anything to stop the whining from north of the border.




       Yeah, let the English vote and they will probably get a leave result

    • Like 2
  11. 31 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

    Among three other countries that get a say in this. Imagine it had been up to the EU parliament (of which the UK was a part of) to give permission to hold a referendum and/or to leave the EU. The same people who now insist that England should have a say in Scottish matters would have cried big foul. 


      Why are you so supportive of Scottish independence ?

    Do you see it as some king of revenge on England/UK , because we decided to leave you ?

      We left you , you try to break us up .

    • Like 2
  12. 20 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

    Nope, you voted to remain. You kept moaning about it. You got a second vote. That turned out to be leave. 


    Up to the Scottish to decide whether to have another vote or not. Their fate ain’t your business. That’s democracy. 



       Like , have a Scottish referendum asking the Scottish people whether they should have a referendum or not ?

  13. 5 minutes ago, Victornoir said:

    The English foolishly voted Brexit. Not Scotland.

    It is perfectly legitimate that the Scots refuse to let themselves be drawn into the fall.

    And the more Westminster refuses a new consultation, the more it will inflate the number of its opponents.

    If you still want it, Scottish friends, we will keep your place warm for a reunion which will be celebrated one day soon with jubilation and mutual esteem.


       Headline news here ?

    E.U to allow an independent Scotland to join the E.U .

    That needs a thread of its own

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