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Posts posted by CorpusChristie

  1. 4 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    They tried to cover it up more than likely, but with social media this one went viral fast.  Not sure tge government sensors saw it as they were trying to keep up with the protestors movements.  Just my view, but they did keep most media away from the story until it could not.  I have found several scathing reports and articles and only posted one of many reports.


       Why didnt all the alleged other cases get publicisesd by social media ?

      Thailand has handled the pandemic very well , we just spent three weeks under partial lock-down back in April and its been back to normal since then , whilst back in the UK , they are still under varying degrees of lock-down, over six months later 

    • Thanks 1
  2. 13 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    But the European Union's drug regulator said on Wednesday that its longer approval process for COVID-19 vaccines was safer, as it was based on more evidence and checks that the emergency procedure chosen by Britain.


    British leaders said that, while they would love to get a jab themselves, priority had to be given to those most in need - the elderly, those in care homes and health workers.


       Very selfless of the Politicians  , NOT to place themselves first in the queue for the jab , letting others go before them .


    • Like 2
  3. 2 hours ago, Salerno said:


    I beg to differ. The kids you keep talking down "...kids wearing filthy smelly old uniforms that get washed once a week and they smell like they sleep in the clothes." no doubt do so because the family can't afford multiple sets of school uniform and for whatever reason don't wash them every night. Over time the single set obviously gets old and tatty and therefore sets them up for bullying by those "rich" kids who's family can afford multiple sets.


    Non uniform, but with set standards (no logos, length of skirts, state of repair etc.), could at least alleviate your main issue of "...kids wearing filthy smelly old uniforms that get washed once a week and they smell like they sleep in the clothes."


       They are still clothes , whether they be school uniforms or casual clothes .

      Not sure where you come from , but where I came from , the poorer kids were more likely to bully the richer kids .

      Its the poor kids that I have sympathy for , seeing them feel inadequate because they dont have what the richer kids have .


  4. 2 minutes ago, bodga said:

    So Wife advertised and so  far the "hopefuls"  are man and woman , man 26  woman 44 "couple"  want the job but when asked for ID  card  copy dont answer, we check  all  applicants with our  Police friend as dont want any druggies  here, second  lot totally unsuitable for the work security guard and shopgirl, third  lot said they wanted it and will call us later..........havent so  far,   fourth man single was a chef..........unsuitable, 5th  lot is a  man and woman 25ish shes  6  months pregnant hasnt  called  back, all said they needed a  job  some out of work for 4  months...........no takers as  of today.

    Advert says what the work is so dont know why half of them even waste their time showing up when they arent suitable.........


      Is it that when they find out the pay and conditions, that they become uninterested ?

  5. 1 minute ago, placeholder said:

    Trump: 'The only way we're going to lose this election is if the election is rigged'

    Trump: 'The only way we're going to lose this election is if the election is rigged' | TheHill


    Trump says he won’t commit to leaving office if he loses the election because of a “ballot scam”

    Trump says he won’t commit to leaving office if he loses the election because of a “ballot scam” - Vox


      Keep up to date , the link that  I posted is from today , todays current news , not news from a few weeks ago

  6. 6 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    Remember Trump saying he won't leave unless Biden proves that there was no fraud?

    Edit: To be fair he only said this:

    "Biden can only enter the White House as President if he can prove that his ridiculous '80,000,000 votes' were not fraudulently or illegally obtained. When you see what happened in Detroit, Atlanta, Philadelphia & Milwaukee, massive voter fraud, he's got a big unsolvable problem!" Trump tweeted, baselessly alleging election fraud and malfeasance in four heavily Black cities in states that voted for Biden.

    Trump implies he won't leave White House unless Biden can disprove fraud - Business Insider


       Trump now seems to be saying that theres no evidence of voter fraud and so he will be leaving , which is fair enough .

       Even before the election , some people on here were saying that he would leave the WH if he got voted out and that there would need to be a civil war to remove him ????

    • Haha 1
  7. 28 minutes ago, RocketDog said:


    Finally, kids already know that different people have different income levels. Uniforms don't change that. Maybe it's the parents who are having trouble accepting that truth. Either way that's the reality of life. 



        I dont think they do, kids just see their mates getting new things and dont understand why their parents wont give them the same 

  8. 1 minute ago, RocketDog said:

    What schools should do is encourage individualism, free thinking, self-respect, self-reliance, and self-expression. Uniforms don't help any of those things. 




      Schools should be teaching kids how to read and write and about Maths , Geography and history etc .

      Collectively all learning together as a group and wearing a uniform helps that IMO.  

    • Like 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, RocketDog said:

    First, they don't have to buy new clothes. I often got clothes from my older brothers. They were not rags. Presentable but economical clothes are available everywhere. 


      We are talking about schools in Thailand , we arent talking about when you went to school .

      Even in village schools , you have some kids going to school wearing clean new school uniforms and other kids wearing filthy smelly old uniforms that get washed once a week and they smell like they sleep in the clothes .

       The situation would be exacerbated if kids could wear non school uniform clothes

    • Sad 1
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