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Posts posted by CorpusChristie

  1. 11 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

    The Scottish government has already said they could have a referendum on leaving.

    But thats not what the Shetland Isles want. They want more autonomy. Which was backed by the, wait for it, SNP councilors in the Shetland Isles. 

    I have to say I actually agree with them. They are better placed to decide what is good for their islands than anyone else.


        They should be given a referendum every few years , to see whether they want be be with Scotland or the UK , well , regular referendums until they finally vote to stay with the UK

  2. 39 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:


    So you are claiming the statement "Once in a generation" is legally binding? Yes or no?

    If its a yes does the statement "Dead in a ditch" also become legally binding?


       The former was an agreement , the latter was a figure of speech and wasnt meant to be taken literally ( He also didnt say he would be "dead in a ditch" , the first bit of the sentance was "I'd rather be dead in a ditch than blah blah blah................"

    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Rookiescot said:


    You think that Scots are ethnically closer to Europeans than our cousins south of the border?

    Absolute tosh. 


      We are talking about race , I am just pointing out flaws in your claim that Scots cannot be racist because they choose to stay with a whole continent thats the same race as they are .

      You would have more of a claim if you stated that Scotland choose to leave the EU and to be affiliated with Countries who are from another race to them .

       BTW , I am not making the claim that Scots are racist , just pointing out your logic is flawed 

  4. 5 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:


    I was also talking about the Scots who you accused of being racists and bigots.

    Yet Scotland voted to remain in the EU.

    How does that square with your belief that Scotland is full of racists and bigots? Surely such people would have voted FOR Brexit.


      Scottish people are typically the same race as Europeans (apart from the ethnic minorities) , so the Brexit vote doesnt show or prove anything

  5. 3 minutes ago, 3 minus 2 said:

    EVERYONE knows chelsea fans are chavs... Except Chelsea fans ????


      Its more of a West Ham/ Millwall/ Charlton kind of thing .

    "Chavs" from the Kings road Chelsea , playing on the Worlds most expensive (real estate  terms ) football pitch ?

  6. 5 hours ago, kingofthemountain said:

    Assuming most of the Myanmar national want to come to work in Thailand

    due to the better wages they can hope here, i wonder in what sort of work 2 young

    Thai girls can be employed in Myanmar that gives to them a better wage than in Thailand



      Phhhrrooaaww, Nudge-Nudge wink -wink,. you know , but of hows your father , wink -wink , bit of the old rumpy pumpy , I seem to have just heard some cannons going off "boom boom -boom " Knowwhatimean ???? Phhhhrroooaaww

  7. 27 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

     So when my wife and step daughter applied for their visas to live in the UK with me they applied to the EU?


    Strange, I distinctly remember their applications from initial visas up to and including naturalisation being decided by the UK Home Office!


    Historically the largest number of immigrants to the UK come from non EU/EEA countries and still do. Their applications and decisions on same  are dealt with by the UK's immigration rules which, like the equivalent rules of every member state, are nothing to do with the EU.


      Being a member of the E.U. gave every European citizen the right to live and work in the UK , they were E.U rules, not the UKs rules 

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