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Posts posted by CorpusChristie

  1. 11 hours ago, katana said:

    I wonder if he wandered down Glasgow's Sauchiehall Street late on a Saturday night dressed like that, if he would encounter a Glasgow kiss.


      Is the street patronised by poorly educated intolerant violent people ?

    • Like 1
  2. 6 hours ago, sharksy said:

    I have 9 properties I rent out in the UK.  It's no fun having to sort problems out when you are not around.

    I remember a few years ago, just landed in Manila, got to hotel - an email from a tenants saying I have a leak coming through the ceiling.  Last thing I wanted to do is spend hours trying to sort that out.  Or another time, tenants lock broke when they got back from holiday and couldn't get in the house at 6am.  Or the usual boiler issues.

    A good property manager can take the stress away.


       Just get your plumber to go around the property and fix the leak , E-mail your plumber and get him to go around there .

       Get a locksmith to visit the property and replace the lock 

  3. 4 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


    But we never left. The situation remains at it was, in respect to the integrity of the union other than the subsequent imposition of EVEL. 


    However there has been a material change in circumstances which has galvanised public support and demonstrated, clearly, that the countries of the UK are not aligned; that significant parts of it are unhappy at how the UK is managed, and how the will of the larger partner is imposed on the others without consideration. 


    That dissatisfaction was made clear in 2015 when the SNP almost swept the board at the GE. Their support has continued to grow and nothing has changed in terms of Westminster governance despite the promises illegally made during the referendum (illegal in that they breached purdah). 


    So what do you suggest should happen? Should Westminster continue apace and ignore the anger felt by the majority of Scots? 


    Should all the people that voted to remain  form their own Country and rejoin the E.U.?

    • Like 1
  4. 20 hours ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

    What are you saying, Democracy is about voting for something and it is final forever?  So you can only vote for a one party state....


    Democracy as typically implemented is about recurring voting regularly because people change their minds about issues and who is best to represent them...


       So, we have a referendum every four years ?

    Scotland leaving and (or not ) rejoining again every four years , just isnt workable .

       Just look at Brexit , if another referendum vote today went to remainers , we would be applying to join again , (which could take 10-20 years ) , before we've even properly left .

       In four years time , we could be applying to leave again, before we've even joined 

      It just doesn't work that way 

    • Like 1
  5. 24 minutes ago, theDukes said:

    Just an FYI before everyone expels a lot of energy, we have sold Fat Chow to a Thai couple who will be moving the restaurant down Chang Klan and building a building for it on grandma's land. So the night bazaar location is now empty and available for anyone one who wants a great space. Looks like The River Market might also be sold. 


      What was the point in them buying the restaurant if they arent going to open at the location ?

  6. 21 minutes ago, theDukes said:

    Looks like The River Market might also be sold. 


       At the river market location, there is a deep open well .

    That is an accident waiting to happen , I always look down there to see whether anyones falling down yet .

      It maybe an idea to cover it , that could save a childs life

  7. 6 minutes ago, Techno Viking said:


    Thats great, I prefer not to bother myself with such trivial matters.


    managers are also useful for items mentioned by ScubaSteve.... things I would find impossible to do from abroad.


    Amusingly my landlord here in Thailand tells me stories of others who rent one her other houses, they have called her at 10pm on a sunday night because the light globe in the toilet has blown and she should send someone to replace it.



      I would prefer not to do it myself as well  , although I have saved myself about £ 25 000 over the years not paying an agent to do it and doing it all myself

  8. 6 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    9%, they do the adverts, legal docs, show potential tenants around and can get involved with maintenance and eviction issues if need be, being in Thailand that gets tricky. I can organise repairs if the tenant is helpful which so far have been. 


    On the negative side they slow the payment of rent down and their maintenance charges and repair are always on the high side


       Probably about £1500/2000 a year they are charging , I would rather use that money to fly back to the UK and sort everything else out myself , especially if you have an empty property you can stay in .

      You can advertise for free on websites , also download all the necessary documents for free , show the tenants around the property for free and it also gives you a chance to see the tenants yourself .

      You can carry out an eviction yourself , the agent would just inflate the costs involved . 

    • Like 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, Techno Viking said:


    Not speaking for Scubasteve but my tenants have my email address, ive instructed the to send me an email if there is issues and the property manager is not sorting them in a timely manner.


    Ive only had 2 emails in the past 15 years which I sorted same day.... property managers act swiftly when the owner is in the loop.


      My tenants have my E-mail address , I have told them that if anything breaks or needs repairing , to sort it out themselves and deduct the costs from the next rental payments .

    • Confused 1
  10. 28 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    I have a property agent but I get the comms going with the tenant straight away, they come to me first if any issues, best to not leave it solely to an agent, staff aren't great


      What does the agent do, that you cannot do and which makes his 10-15% agents  fees worthwhile ?

  11. 37 minutes ago, Pilotman said:

    Bit off my own topic, but not for me thanks.  Too insecure by half and why do I want to know what others are doing and seeing thousands of their silly selfies. If I want to know, I ask. Or indeed tell them what I am doing. None of their business.  Online retail is fine for me, I don't need FB. 


      You can make a facebook account without adding any friends , just join some groups or visit marketplace  .

       Facebook is a good place to find property being sold/rented by the owners and without going through an agency 

    • Like 2
  12. 18 minutes ago, madmen said:

    Absolutely. The smart guys sold up years ago when their currency was reasonable. I keep hearing the same old nonsense.. Never burn bridges.. Keep money back home where it safe, Errr Yeah where it's been smashed by the baht over the last 6 years. By the time you guys add tax to your investments it turns out being very poor investments. 



       My "poor" investment is now worth  six times what I paid for it and has paid for itself 3 times over and the tax payments are minimal  

    • Haha 1
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