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Posts posted by CorpusChristie

  1. 21 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Because its so easy to prove and no president ever lied this much. This is totally unacceptable. 


    Are you saying it is not true or are you bored of reading it. Maybe if Trump stops lying people would stop calling him out on it.


       Just completely bored of reading the same thing every day and having the same discussion everyday , a discussion which will get deleted for going off topic

    • Like 2
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  2. 23 minutes ago, the green light said:

    yes so what these drone will do ..just fake news --nothing  

    poor people swim --these whores must also give sex service to the head of the police in Mae Sai  ..why not --the price to cross.....and pay some money .they got plenty 

    so why are they not testing the border police for covid -19



       Is that based on your over active imagination ?

    • Like 2
  3. 45 minutes ago, robblok said:

    May lie.... the guy is constantly lying even social media is placing warnings. There are webpages devoted to the lies of Trump.


    While Bush with his weapons of mass destructions is bad he was not constantly lying. Trump is doing it all the time its like he cant stop.


    His speeches are always the same bigger then ever seen ect. 


      For crying out load , that gets repeated over and over and over again on these forums .

    *Yeah, cuz its true* 

    Everyday , numerous times *Trump is a liar

    • Confused 1
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  4. 4 minutes ago, the green light said:

    tthe whores are not going to cross the border on the  back of an elephant  andcrossing jungles to get to thailand. the area in Maesai is quite hilly and steep. There is not way to



       Tachilek and Maesai are adjacent to each other, with just a small stream separating them , you can just walk under the border bridge at night , seen many people doing that , just wade arcos the stream below the bridge 

  5. 4 minutes ago, champers said:

    The Millwall forum I read; a Chelsea friend of one of the Millwall posters. Not Reuters I grant you but no reason to disbelieve it.


       There may be some confusion , confusion with Chelseas policy of banning anyone who participates in racial abuse .

       I dont think that CFC have stated they will ban anyone who boos the knee taking , I am quite sure they havent 

  6. 9 minutes ago, ChipButty said:

    I think we can all safely say every boarder crossing has it's very own sex industry, Ive been through Sadao in the south a few times that place is wall to wall pussy at night, 

    Even Su-ngai Kolok has it's night time venues on the Malaysian boarder 


      Its not "wall to wall pussy" in Tachilek , there are just a few expensive hotels with a few expensive females , Tachilelk is not really "wall to wall pussy" place 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Techno Viking said:


    and a 50c tap washer is billed as a $2,000 new hot water system !!


      I did actually have a boiler that kept malfunctioning , breaking down, it was over 15 years old and passed its use by date .

      My gas engineer took a look at it , replaced the faulty part and told me my boiler is so old , it needs replacing and the next time it breaks , I should replace it .

      Three months later, it broke again and I spent $3000 replacing it .

    I did everything online myself without using a property manager 

  8. 2 minutes ago, kingdong said:

    How extremely easy you,ve made it sound,and it is......in theory.


      To make things even easier , tell your tenants your plumbers contact details (When they move in) and tell them to contact him directly if anything is required and also tell the tenants to pay him and to deduct the costs from the next rental payment 

    • Sad 1
  9. 4 hours ago, champers said:

    Chelsea are telling fans collecting match tickets that if they boo during the taking a knee their season tickets will be rescinded. That is out of line for me.


       Where did you get that info from ?

    Doesnt seem to have been reported anywhere 

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Jaggg88 said:

    You are correct as that used to be the case. The brewery is close to where I usually live, Nakhon Sawan, and I met some Austrian guys a few years back who were working in the brewery to try and correct the productivity issues. They told me their checks showed the the vol varied from 3% to 14%


       Thats why they had to make Chang Export , they made sure the alcohol content of that was 5 % for the export market 

    • Like 1
  11. 3 minutes ago, fangless said:

    A man went to an old furniture shop to buy an antique kitchen table. Almost at once, he saw the table he wanted to buy and asked the price. 
    “£2,000 sir.” 
    “Never!” exclaimed the man, “That’s unbelievably expensive.” 
    “That’s true,” replied the assistant, but this is not just any antique kitchen table, this piece of furniture has special powers.” 
    “Get away! Show me.” 
    The assistant went up to the table and said, “How many floors are there in this building?” 
    Immediately, the table jumped into the air four times, and indeed there were four floors in the building. 
    The man wasn’t totally convinced. 
    “OK, ask it how much money I’ve got in my wallet.” 
    The question was asked and the table jumped up and down eleven times. 
    “That’s incredible,” said the man. “It’s true, I’ve got two £5
    notes and a loose £1 coin. I must have that table.” 
    So the man paid £2,000 and the antique kitchen table was delivered the next day. While it was being installed, his mate popped over and remarked on the piece of new purchase. 
    “It’s very special,” said the man. “Here, I’ll show you.” He thought for a moment and then said, “How much money has my wife got in her bank account?” 
    The table went completely berserk. It started jumping up and down and was still going 30 minutes later. 
    “But how can that be? Where did she get all that money?” he said, flabbergasted. 


    Suddenly, the table stopped moving, its legs fell apart and its drawers fell to the floor. 


       She earnt her money through prostitution ?

  12. 2 minutes ago, fangless said:

    A man takes the afternoon off work and comes home unexpectedly to find his wife lying on the bed, naked and out of breath. 
    “What’s going on?” he asks. 
    “I think I’m having an asthma attack,” she gasps. 
    He rushes to the phone to ring for a doctor when his son runs in. 
    “Daddy, daddy, Uncle Bill is in the wardrobe and he’s got no clothes on.” 
    “What!” shouts the man, and back up the stairs he rushes to find his brother hiding naked in the wardrobe. 

    “Why, you bloody prat,” he shouts angrily, “there’s my wife having a severe asthma attack and all you can do is play hide and seek and scare the kids!” 


       They were probably having sex when the husband arrived home earlier than expected and caught them 

    • Haha 2
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