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Posts posted by CorpusChristie

  1. Just now, Eric Loh said:

    If he walk like a pig and smell like a pig, I call that a pig. Just read this link.


    "Denying defeat, claiming fraud and using government machinery to reverse election results are time-honored tools of dictator". Enjoy. 


    https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/11/world/europe/trump-autocrats-dictators.html#:~:text=Ben Curtis%2FAssociated Press In November 2010%2C President Laurent,civil war in which over 3%2C000 people died.


      A dictator is a President who doesnt hold elections , Dictators have absolute power .

      Trump has just been involved in an election and will concede power in due process , hence he cannot be described as a dictator 

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  2. 11 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    He said this, far from the same as your claim. Unless you can give another definition of 'otherwise'.

    "We are trying to do another four years," he told the assembled group, according to a Republican source who was at the event. "Otherwise, I’ll see you in four years"


      He is trying for another four years , if that fails , he will run again in four years time , meaning he will step down as POTUS in January 

    • Thanks 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

    Huh?  Trump just gave a 46-minute fact-free rant that would suggest otherwise....


    [WASHINGTON – Nearly four weeks after President-elect Joe Biden won the Nov. 3 election, President Donald Trump continues to level baseless claims of widespread voter fraud and a litany of conspiracy theories that have failed to hold up in court.]

    [Those claims have continued despite a series of scathing court decisions – including one written by a Trump-appointed judge – growing dissention within the GOP and an admission by his own Attorney General that there is no evidence of widespread fraud.]

    [Trump's latest salvo came Wednesday with a 46-minute video in which he rehashed many of the same claims.]




       Yes, the hand over isnt scheduled until 21 st of January , seems like he will accept the result , he is within his rights to make sure the result was legal , which doesnt make him a "dictator"

  4. 8 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    What would you like us to talk about? What a wonderful job he did with a pandemic?

    The headline says Biden is meeting with workers hit by it, AFAIK the meetings Trump held, helped to spread it.


       Yes, all those people out protesting on the streets , those people not socially distancing , those refusing to wear masks , all caused by Trump .

      Odd that you all call him a liar and dont believe anything he says , apart from when he said Covid isnt to be taken seriously as it would all blow over , you all believed that , that must be the only thing that hes ever said that you lot believed 

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  5. 18 minutes ago, sandyf said:

    Good attempt at distraction but the quote you tried to rubbish was perfectly correct, the UK denied them freedom of movement.


    "Romania and Bulgaria joined 2007 but it took till 2014 till the UK allowed them to live and work there which had nothing to do with the EU."


       That was part of Romania and Bulgarias gradual inception into the E.U .

       They were allowed to join in 2007  , but their citizens could freely live and work in other E.U Countries until 2014 .

      That was their agreement, made with the E.U , about them joining the E.U

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  6. 10 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:


    A dictator is a political leader who possesses absolute power. A dictatorship is a state ruled by one dictator or by a small clique.


    Like the term "tyrant" (which was originally a non-pejorative Ancient Greek title), and to a lesser degree "autocrat", "dictator" came to be used almost exclusively as a non-titular term for oppressive rule. Thus, in modern usage, the term "dictator" is generally used to describe a leader who holds or abuses an extraordinary amount of personal power. Dictatorships are often characterised by some of the following: suspension of elections and civil liberties; proclamation of a state of emergency; rule by decree; repression of political opponents; not abiding by the rule of law procedures, and cult of personality. Dictatorships are often one-party or dominant-party states.


       Yes, that is what the word means , now, explain why you are calling Trump a dictator 

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  7. 3 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    No Thai bashing, they are already jumping on their own people for needing better border security and with that comes the issue of a lack of border security and such on the other side.  They, Myanmar, have arrested the entertainment venue manager for violating the laws enacted in Myanmar, but they obviously did not control the Golden Triangle Are well enough, so it goes without saying the blame will be spread equally.  Do some reading of outside the country news sources and you may enlighten yourself a little more.  Enjoy your day.


       That doesnt show your suggestion that Thailand will blame other Countries for the porous border .

      The Thai Government have told the Thai side to tighten up border controls , they havent mentioned other Countries should also do the same .

       The Burmese guy got arrested for breaking Burmese law

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  8. 4 minutes ago, polpott said:

    He doesn't have any choice. Biden won, he's out.


    As for 2024, I can't see the republicans nominating him again. He's done untold damage to their rep.


       There were some suggestion on here that he would refuse to leave the White House and that the Proud boys would be outside protecting him and the building and that Antifa would have to take up arms to remove him and a civil war would break out  ????

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  9. 11 hours ago, ChouDoufu said:


    that link leads to a rumour-mongering sky news article that says:


    ...Donald Trump is also said to have no plans to invite Joe Biden to the White House beforehand or even call him.

    ...is said to be considering running

    ...NBC claims that people familiar with the discussions say

    ...is also said to have no plans

    ...NBC reports that Mr Trump has told advisers

    ...He has already begun fundraising

    ...emails to potential contributors to the Trump PAC suggest donations are for an "election defence fund


    no news.  nothing of substance, and no indication from the big man himself that he is planning to vacate the premises when the president elect's uhaul van arrives outside.


       If he is considering running for POTUS in 2024 , POTUS can only serve two terms , which means he accepts he will be stepping down next January 

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