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Posts posted by CorpusChristie

  1. 4 minutes ago, Throatwobbler said:

    And that is the whole fishing problem. Uk fisherman catch fish that people in the UK won’t eat. But suddenly Brexiteers care about our disgusting fish, 5 years ago they would not have cared less.


      Its about principles . 

    You can have the fish, as long as we agree to it .

    You cannot just come and take them without our consent 

  2. 53 minutes ago, Throatwobbler said:

    Because markets hate uncertainty. The pound has jumped because now the markets know what is happening. Don’t be fooled into thinking that just because the pound has risen that this means it is a good deal for the UK.


      Why is a high pound good for the UK .

    The high Bhat isnt good for Thailand /the high Deutsmark wasnt good for Germany

    Having a high currency isnt necessarily a good thing  

  3. 1 hour ago, Hi from France said:

    so I went shopping a few hours ago and I was shocked





    but in fact this is :



    so scottish, french quality label ... and its not sea salmon


    as we say "alors ça va" ????





      In the UK , we don't really eat fish 

    Cod and chips now and then , but fish is not really something we eat .

  4. 1 minute ago, Throatwobbler said:

    When a deal is made between two parties the side that comes rushing out to say what a great deal they have got is  the side that got the <deleted>ty end of the stick. Boris has been quick to boast. Let’s wait for all the details but it looks like the UK has got the <deleted>ty end of the stick.


      Aare you forgetting the French side , who have claimed victory and the UK "folding " in the last few days , BEFORE any deal was agreed upon  ?

  5. 2 hours ago, Susco said:


    My condolences to those leavers, who always insisted that they would leave without a deal which Boris claimed he would, as they didn't need the EU and would never back down on the fishing rights, but now have to live with the consequences that Boris once again lied and sold them out to the EU


      More lies .

    The suggestion was that we would leave without a deal if we got offered unfavorable/unfair terms 

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, oldhippy said:

    Now that there is a deal, will corpuschristie insist that the food aid that Germany sent, be redirected to Africa?


     False, can be called a lie .

    No food aid was sent from Germany .

    Just a different means of transport , flight instead of a lorry .

    Complete fallacy to state it was "aid", just using a different means of transport 

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, GrandPapillon said:

    ok Boris surrendering will be announced in a few hours today ????


    the deal is done, they have to read proof it and make it official to the press


    then we have to wait for the UK parliament approval and the EU27 approval, so we could be in for another 6months battle next year, so all good ????


      Nope , the UK is out the E.U , we have signed new agreements with the E.U .

  8. 54 minutes ago, jvs said:

    i was just going to watch a live broadcast about Brexit but it has been postponed,

    deal or no deal?

    My bet is on deal.


      I have a feeling that Boris and European commission President Ursula Von Der Leyen are going to announce  their engagement  with a Summer weeding .

      "After being together four years , we have decided to make our relationship official , he visits as often as he can and phones me most nights . We will have a April Wedding, because our babies due in May"


    a man wearing a suit and tie talking on a cell phone: European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen welcomes British Prime Minister Boris Johnson in Brussels, Belgium December 9, 2020. Olivier Hoslet/Pool via REUTERS

    • Haha 2
  9. 20 minutes ago, champers said:

    The queuing drivers and their passengers have no toilet or washing facilities, many have no access to food and drinks and they have just been left to their own devices by the Government. The army should have been mobilised setting up food kitchens and washrooms along with Covid testing. The Government has behaved shamelessly, poorly and they have demonstrated to the world how grossly incompetent they are.


      I do think the French Government should have provided those for their fellow Countrymen

  10. 11 minutes ago, puipuitom said:

    Ask why the English did not show up with a 10.000 fast corona tests. Problem could have been solved 24 h ago.


      Course it couldnt .

    You expect 10 000 people to get get tested at the same time, all get their results and all get on a boat across the channel at the click of a finger  !!!!!!!! 

    24 hours ago, the port wasnt even open for them to arrive in France 

      Just another Brit bashing post

    • Like 1
  11. 3 hours ago, paddypower said:

    a quick summation: all indications are that 1. there will be no tariffs; 2. an arbitration clause for any disagreements about the level playing field issues and 3. fishing rights is going to be so open to interpretation that both sides can claim a win.  3 years of kickers in a knot and ...it's a draw. what a bunch of knackers - I'm off for a pint, then.


      Had we stayed in the E.U , you would be going out for 0.6 liters 

    • Haha 2
  12. 1 minute ago, JonnyF said:



    Same as the red bus. If someone said to me "Let's go to Australia on holiday in 2024" I wouldn't take that as a promise that was set in stone and we were definitely going to Australia in 2024. It's a suggestion about what we could do, if we so choose. It's an option.


    Still, Remainers love to misquote and partially quote. Same as the Liam Fox "easiest deal in history" quote. They never quote that he said "should be" and qualified it with the following line. 




    Deliberately misleading, and disingenuous in the extreme. Very underhand.


      And they are also the ones who keep calling people liars and fools whilst still not being able to comprehend basic English .

      "Lets go to the beach today, it should be nice weather "

    *It rained today, you lied about it being sunny today*

    Errrr OK

    • Confused 1
  13. 5 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Since you don’t seem to understand a ‘prediction’ only becomes a true statement when the predicted result occurs, you are indeed wise to eschew teaching 


      No, a prediction remains a prediction , it doesnt change .

    Also , if you suggest something "could " happen , and it doesnt happen , that doesnt mean ................cannot be bother with teaching basic English, sorry

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