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Posts posted by CorpusChristie

  1. 14 minutes ago, puipuitom said:

    Nice idea for all the pensionarios having an own property in... Spain, Portugal, France etc.


      Those already living there can stay as long as they want , those who have holiday homes there can go for three months at a time , nothing has changed .

      Those who have holiday homes there only stay for a few weeks or a few months 

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, TSF said:

    Just as long as you keep your mouth shut, mind your own business, don't try and socialize with Thai males, (especially when they're drinking) you'll be OK. 


      I disagree , like anywhere in the World , dont argue with drunk people and just walk away if the mood starts to get unpleasant 

  3. 12 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

    You're leaving a few facts out.  Cohen is in jail for this, Trump should be also.  Sadly, the DOJ won't indict a sitting president.  A get out of jail for free card...which expires Jan 20th.


      Wasnt Cohen jailed for tax evasion and for his illicit involvement with Russia business dealings and it had nothing to to with the legal Stormy Daniels confidentiality payments  ?

  4. 3 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

    I posted a link showing all his criminal activities.  More than any other president ever.


      You didnt , you just posted a link to Trumps and his Companies  legal actions over his lifetime .

    Going to Court to settle contract disputes cannot be regarded as "criminal activity" . 

      Settling person injury claims with people who got injured whilst on his property, cannot be regarded as criminal activities 

  5. 2 hours ago, Hi from France said:

    Although we did reach a climax, there are still many deals to be made in the coming months/years, we just mentioned the criminal/terrorist database the UK just lost access to (but not before hacking the entire base, not very gentlemanly)



       Could you provide some evidence to that ?

    Or was you referring to the E.U in Brussels being the criminals the UK has lost access to ?

    • Thanks 1
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  6. 1 hour ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I think it's time to lean back and enjoy the show. Let's look how Boris and his supporters will handle the next months and years. I am sure it will be funny to watch from outside how they made their lives worse.


      Due to the fallout from Covid , and the need to balance the books , UK, like the rest of the World will be in for a difficult few years

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  7. 10 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

    I guess the happiest person in the UK this morning, must be the Queen.........she has got all her sovereignty back.........heavy is the head that wears the crown.


      Doubt it , she has last the vast subsidies the E.U paid her to not grow crops on her land .

    The E.U wanted to keep the price of crops high and paid land owners NOT to produce any crops

  8. On 12/21/2020 at 5:14 PM, YITB1980 said:

    For me, Covid changed everything. Prior to the pandemic, I was single and I pretty-much enjoyed it. At the time of the lockdown, I decided to try the "relationship thing" with a beautiful, hard-working lady who owns her own retail business. She has taken great care of me these past few months and I have been there to support her when her business has been slow. I cannot predict the future but I have not regretted my decision once. I am grateful to have had a like-minded woman in my life while riding out this global pandemic. She has been a blessing to me.


      Dont get too loved up , her attitude may change once her business picks up 

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  9. 18 minutes ago, Throatwobbler said:

    By the way those predictions were not based on no deal. Any deal is worse than what we have now. Ok some old <deleted> will have their moment in the sun and wax lyrical about the British Empire, but in a few years they will be dead and good riddance


      Thats quite an unpleasant attitude to have , no need for that .


  10. 4 hours ago, Susco said:


    Germany and France are both countries with a a lot of power in the world, because they have grown and developed in a way most other countries haven't.


    And that is something the Brits never could digest, because they are now only a shadow of the empire they once were


      Yes , we moved on from Empires and all that .

    We dont seek World domination anymore .

    Been there, done that , time to move on and to mingle with the rest of the world .

    "Lesser" Countries will no longer accept being subordinates any more 

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