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Everything posted by malthebluff

  1. Writen test is just watch a video and answer 3 questions very very easy can do it online now. After you pass it will give you a kind of certificate you can print it or just take a photo then take it to driving place
  2. Welcome to Thailand same thing in 2012 happened all given death sentence but out free 6 month later
  3. He deserves more then praise it took a lot of courage and risks to his own life he should be promoted to the top Thailand need more people like him and hopefully this will set an example to others in the future
  4. I think it's because of the new variants found here and they not want them in the uk they struggling with the delta already
  5. I can remember about 25/ 30 years ago while in Phuket young lad couldnt get through a flooded road so hopped off his bike only to be electrocuted when he grabbed hold of a hand rail
  6. I got my email for my appointment 1st jab 9th September age over 60 so the expatvac site is working only took 26 days so will let you know on the 9th if all good and what the vaccine is
  7. Just read it's gone up funny how prices never go down lol
  8. Cut it out but leave around 4 inch of pipe then cut this pipe as close to the fitting as possible so you have small piece of pipe then replace the faulty fitting with new on the end of this pipe and use a coupling with the small piece of pipe with new fitting connected to join existing pipe
  9. "I have never done this before," he continued as Thailand's press preyed on every word. "I swear by the amulet that hangs around my neck that this was not about extorting money. Notice he didnt swear on his amulet about not doing it before
  10. It was only a matter of time so I'm not surprised but with domestic travel not being allowed there will be a lot of people stuck here who need to get back as they cant get to an international airport in time to get back to the UK so going to be a costly £1750 quarantine
  11. The avoiding inheritance tax is completely legal you sell your assets or even equity release or o a lifetime morgage anything to lower your estate for when you die and the question was how to avoid the inheritance tax. The rent a room is legal to if you live in the UK as your main home and you have to join the scheme to take advantage of the 7500 so the tax man will know or would be informed and you are allowed to stay in Thailand 3 month a year. But yes if live here full time illegel. But the question was avoiding inheritance tax and the only way to do that is to make sure your estate is low when you die hence not having a house as part of said estate selling to son cheap its all legal. At the age of 80 I dont think she would want to gift it because of the 7 year rule. The op dosnt have to rent the house or charge any rent she just lives there free so why would that affect any tax and anybody can buy a house in the uk and live in another country that's not illegal
  12. Of course you dont tell the tax man you living in thailand no retiree would as their pension get frozen. You use this as your main home ( address) the rent a room is tax free up to 7500 so this is added to your tax allowance it's just a loop hole in the law not fully legal but it is away from the init paying nheritance tax the op asked about
  13. If he buys it in the same way as buying any other house and classes said house as his main home so the house was never inheritance it was bought and as the house will belong to him and used as his main home ( on paper) he can rent it back to his mum for up to 7500 a year tax free so no inheritance tax to pay unless he dies and leaves it to somebody else
  14. I think you will find I am right you getting confused with personal allowance for tax not the same thing as for cgt it's around £12500 of any profits but that's nothing if getting 7500 a year tax free
  15. That's why I said buy it like you would another house and not gift it. And then rent it back
  16. Not personnel allowance that's for tax code. Rent a room tax not the same you allowed to rent up to 7500 on top of your personal allowance
  17. Sells to you very cheap the lawyer will cost same as buying any house doing survey and that and then you rent it to her. you are allowed rent upto £7500 a year without the need for tax man to know or pay any tax No money changes hands of course cant really charge your mum rent can you but put it all on paper and have it witnessed by lawyer to make it all legal This is what i did about 12 years ago and I dont think law has changed. If she gifts you the house she has to stay around 7 years to stop you paying inheritance tax
  18. It will not let my share news from other sources on here not sure why. But if you Google it you will see it become law in 2019
  19. Google it they put it in 3 tier system foreigners pay more brought it in in 2919 and foreign retirees pay the most. This was translated my asian news so translation may not be word for word perfect but it's out there in google
  20. Like they do in must countries assets from ill gotten gains are taken away and sold and money raised is used for victims support unfortunately if they did that here the police would claim to be victims from the bad press they have received during all this.
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