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Everything posted by 2009

  1. These days I'm the US there is open racism towards whites - but I suppose that's okay - and whites are even hating themselves for being white, which is weird. Lol.
  2. Last time I checked he's the least violent president there's been. How many wars did he fund or countries did he bomb?
  3. They know fine well how to drive, they just have horrible attitudes.
  4. All I am hearing is hyperbole from anyone who tried to answer my question. They should just tell the truth: I am a democrat so I don't want Trump to be president again.
  5. Should have just dealt with it like my friend did: go there with a pair of snips and cut the cable. Although, he did that to a massive boombox stage setup that had been blasting for several days to be heard from a kilometer away.
  6. I have to ask: what exactly is it you're afraid of happening if Trump is elected as president again?
  7. Fresh turds for sale, limited supply.
  8. You don't have equal rights already? What don't they have?
  9. Not capable of discussion?
  10. Well, how about no Christmas, New Year, or Songkran then? Too many people might enjoy it, lol I doubt it. Got proof?
  11. Like the rainbow flag and all that stuff? Isn't it just the same kind of thing? And it's not just that Target is selling it, it's been shoved down everyone's throats for a while now. Even worse, parents can't even stop the doctors giving their kids life altering treatments if they feel confused about their gender. They could lose their kids. It's nuts. And no wonder kids might feel confused these days with their teachers completely disorientating them with concepts they aren't old enough to understand.
  12. That's BS, man. Everyone should be able to celebrate what they are without automatically being called a racist or whatever. Straight pride is every day? I've never seen any straight pride celebrations.
  13. You are playing dumb now; you know exactly what he is talking about. Whenever any attempt to celebrate straight pride or white pride is made, it's shot down immediately and labeled as homophobic or racist.
  14. Another poster brought it up, actually.
  15. I am suggesting that it is possible to be a nationalist and not be racist. In fact, they are not instrinsically related. Japanese are nationalists. So are Thais, as well as most countries in the world actually. But if a white person is a nationalist, he is tarred and feathered as a racist. So much for this white privilege, I am hearing about.
  16. I ain't going 'woke', buddy Yeah, that the last two so- called 'white supremacist attacks: have been committed by non-whites, lol. Why are they so eager to link recent attacks to white supremacy (when we clearly see the perp was brown)? This white supremacy thing is a witch hunt. If that were true, then why is there more black-on-white violence than the other way around? Look at the figures for violent crime and homicide each year. You'll see.
  17. You are really playing with words here to make it sound racist. Is it okay for African Americans or Asian Americans to be American nationalists? I am sure it is. Then why not whites? I really don't understand why all Americans - of every color - can't be nationalists together. You don't have to create division. It isn't a case of: 'my team vs. your team' You all have the same nationality, hence you should be nationalists together. ???? Although some hate their own country and want to see it burn.
  18. What does anyone have against Jews?? What wrong with being a nationalist anyway? Most countries are: look at Thailand. We are just tired of the LBGT rhetoric. It's even illegal now to use the wrong pronoun. The Left have gone so far left, that they are now an authoritarian entity.
  19. Nah, it's the intolerant left that's driving us right.
  20. Well, imho, good for them seeing sense. Maybe they realized not many boys wanted to get their 'tuck friendly' girls' bathing suit. Nothing wrong with being gay, but why do you need to tuck your meat n potatoes between your legs? And imagine marketing that to kids? Hurl. What ever happened to just being a child? I can just hear the mothers, "Jessica, don't forget to tuck you cock n balls between your legs when you go out to play at the pool."
  21. I was in New York as a tourist, shortly after 9/11. I don't recall it being particularly expensive, though maybe things have changed.
  22. Thais still don't tip, dude. ????
  23. Keep living your best life, man. ???? And ignore the haters.
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