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Everything posted by 2009

  1. Makes no sense that you should have to cancel and extension of stay. When you leave, it gets cancelled if you don't have a reentry permit.
  2. 2009

    Thai beef

    Frozen. I don't think there really is fresh; it's all been laying around in a fridge for a week. And even the "fresh" was frozen and thawed. I caught Makro doing that. They poured out their "fresh" pork chops in the container......they were all frozen solid. They just thaw there and sell them as fresh
  3. Indeed. Immigration does play a different role to foreign ministry (consulates) abroad. They are on the front line of national protection and may let it go to their heads on occasion. The foreign ministry consulate folk are not immigration officers and likely often have a different mentality.
  4. 2009

    Thai beef

    That's what I get my New Zealand ribeye for.
  5. You can't just say people on the right are admirers of Hitler, just as I can't say people on the left are admirers of Stalin or Castro. And by the way, The National Socialist (Nazi) Party shared ideals with both the left and right. The clue is in their name: national(ist) which is a right ideal and socialist which is a left ideal. Actually, their full name was The National Socialist German Worker's Party. If the nationalism part weren't included in their ideology, they'd have been considered totally left wing. In fact, their rise to power was largely due to the German middle class' savings being destroyed by high inflation and Hitler vowed to fix that with socialism (a left ideal). They actually didn't like capitalism (which is a right ideal).
  6. I'd imagine there may have been some politically right minded people on the bus. Though that doesn't have anything to do with Hitler and isn't related .
  7. Last I checked other parts of the country require it to mature for 2 months too.
  8. The Red Lion is probably the best British pub in Bangkok for food, in my humble opinion. You can't beat the cod and *homemade* chips there. Most other British pubs in the area insult a good piece of fish with frozen chips. Chequers gets my vote too. They have an authentic Cornish pasty in there.
  9. We actually agree, for once. ???? I think these "groups" shouldn't exist either. But that's not the world we live in; we have so-called races, ethnicities, genders, and orientations etc. etc. Humans categorize things. It's just the way it is.
  10. Whites are just as significant as any other group, such as blacks, or any other group you could think of. No?
  11. I'll keep this in mind when I am expected to care about issues affecting other groups of people.
  12. Not necessarily. Maybe just people who don't think it's true. You don't have to label everyone with a different opinion to you as racist or something else like that. Nice strategy tho.
  13. It could possibly be considered true, if white-on-black violent crime or homocide was greater than black-on-white. But the figure don't lie, maybe Biden does. https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2018/crime-in-the-u.s.-2018/topic-pages/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-6.xls
  14. What a horrible lack of parenting, probably all round. So sad.
  15. I don't think so. Feel free to correct me on this points
  16. The only thing that will solve this is if you hit their pockets HARD. Their only weakness is money.
  17. Exactly, hence why there's a due process to be followed. Good point. We haven't seen any damage yet, nor the collision.
  18. There's civilized process to follow to just telling the person to pay up. Did you watch the video? Nobody suggested this
  19. It's not reasonable. Compensation for what? You can't just go around telling people to give you money. Insurance is there to fix any damage.
  20. Makro has a lot
  21. Try reading..... again.
  22. True -- malaria, dengue Finally, I've found a use for that bottle my EX left in my kitchen!
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