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Posts posted by 2009

  1. 1 hour ago, webfact said:

    ...she'd beaten him up as he'd been boozing all day not lifting a finger to help her.


    In addition he had had a go at her mother and relatives. 


    That was the final straw..

    Why does this read like some kind of hard-done-by 'poor wife' story?


    Just like the recent story of a woman commiting premeditated murder on a bloke when he dumped her. It read like he was the antagonist in the relationship and somehow deserved it.


    And I am sure this old bird in the story is almost as lazy as her husband. 


    Angry she has to cook dinner? I wonder whose work bought the ingredients? Probably he husband's. Women don't often stay with men who offer literally nothing.



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  2. 7 hours ago, Lorry said:

    If a chest x-ray would be a good way to screen people for lung cancer ( i.e. the benefits are bigger than the disadvantages) wouldn't you think that all those countries with socialized medicine would do this? But they don't - because it would bring more harm than good

    No, it's about GPs not wanting to waste their budget sending people who are statistically unlikely to have cancer up the the hospital for x-rays and blood tests when they know that most cases will come back clear and it'll be a waste of the national health budget.


    Yet, I personally know (in my family, friends, and extended family) almost a dozen people whose cancer symptoms were written off by the GP as "nothing to worry about" and they were later diagnosed as a much more advanced stage.


    Yet, my aunt a hospital nurse for 4 decades disagrees with the GPs' cavalier approach in the UK.


    She was literally on her knees begging the GP to send her husband for a simple chest x-ray and basic blood tests cos she knew from decades of experience something was seriously wrong. The GP reluctantly agreed. It turned out to be lymphoma. He got lucky.


    With my friend's lung cancer, the professor doing his 10 year case study, shook his head in shame when he heard the symptoms the UK GP had ignored for years. He'd had cancer in the lung for 5 years before being diagnosed and it was a simple routine chest x-ray (in Thailand, no less) that showed something wrong and started the investigation.


    The GPs just don't like sending patients to the hospital and wasting money. I know a lady who had a heart attack for 5 days and during that time she went to the GP twice who said it was just her asthma and maybe a chest infection, gave her antibiotics. 5 days later she was in the ER, heart failure. The cardiologist there said it could have all be different for her had the GP been more proactive.


    The doctors in hospitals have a very different mentality than GPs in countries with socialist healthcare and it is ironically to do with money. The GP, as the primary care doctor, has a budget or quota that is affected every time they send someone up to the hospital. They worry about that and they use statistical probabilities to decide who to send.


    It ain't about you being exposed to harmful radiation from x-rays. It ain't like you'd realistically be going up to the hospital ever week for screenings. Maybe an extra few in a lifetime (in the latter half of your life).



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  3. 36 minutes ago, Lorry said:

    Ultrasound is useless.

    Chest x-ray only if you hail from a TB infested place, like sub-saharan Africa.


    Standard blood test may be useful (blood sugar, creatinin, CBC...) but you are really too young for this. 


    Urin analysis is useless. 

    How are ultrasounds useless?


    A standard chest x-ray is useful for showing others things too.


    I know a guy who ended up being diagnosed with lung cancer and it all started with the chest x-ray he had to have done for his retirement visa medical.

  4. 2 hours ago, webfact said:

    Some years ago a Hungarian man who was deported and an Italian got into terrible trouble after filming themselves playing with sea slugs underwater off Koh Phangan

    Seriously? Or should I say "seariously" ???? Sorry, couldn't resist.


    But <deleted>?!


    Thais are the biggest rule breakers out, yet jump at the chance to blame foreigners who actually want to visit this place.

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  5. On 8/10/2022 at 11:22 PM, Sheryl said:

    RSU Healthcare on Sukhumbit would be good choice. https://rsu-healthcare.business.site/?utm_source=gmb&utm_medium=referral



    11 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    Everything except the occult blood and PSA. And colonoscopy if you are over 45.

    What would you recommend in addition to this?


    Standard blood and urine tests? 


    All of places offer abdomen ultrasound and chest x-ray too with these packages.


    Anything else?

  6. 4 hours ago, Bruno123 said:


    What a load.... I mean really.

    It's a kind of sickness. Blaming men for everything.


    A woman goes to a man's place of work, probably not having seen him for goodness knows how long, shoots him multiple times in order to kill him and then claims he once held her by her throat in the past when they were living together.

    I don't understand how someone can not only defend such sick and twisted behaviour, but go on to bad mouth a dead man to accuse him of abuse, when the actual evidence shows that she is the one who can kill and maim.

    What is wrong with you? Have you lost all sense of reality and decency? 


    This is the world we live in.


    Men are always to blame. And apparently cannot be victims 

  7. 52 minutes ago, huangnon said:

    After suffering gout attacks during my mid 30's to 40's, I changed my diet to a less acidic version of what i was eating and drinking before. In my mid 50's now, and the fittest I've been since I was a kid.

    A lot of processed meats, (especially organ meat) is very acidic / high in Uric acid. Ditto soda drinks (especially cola-based).

    A chart here, for anyone with gout or high uric acid in their blood:



    I am <deleted> then.


    I must just be a walking mass of uric acid.

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