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Posts posted by 2009

  1. 10 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    use only good oils for cooking (rice bran, olive and sunflower),



    But I think the others are bad to cook with due to being unstable when heated and creating oxidization more easily (which is a greater concern, when cooking with oil, than saturated fat content).


    Coconut oil also remains stable when heated quite well compared to other oils.


    Even lard and palm oil are healthier to cook with than most other vegetable oils (due to handling heat better and remaining more stable).


    • Like 2
  2. 4 minutes ago, DBath said:

    After pouring through this thread it is clear to me that diet and a healthy lifestyle are not the only things that determine whether or not we will live a long, happy and healthy life. Harvard University did an 80-year study that confirms the way to a healthy and happy life, here's the link (and it has little to do with diet and or exercise - IMO, it is spot on and I live my life by this):





    Any practical tips?



    • Thanks 1
  3. 7 minutes ago, userabcd said:

    Have you ever tugged at the plant and found it is hanging on by the roots, resisting.


    Ever tugged on a plant and ones hand slips and it makes that squealing noise.


    Those are plants hanging on for dear life and feeling hurt.

    Having a hard time figuring out if this is satire or not

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I do what makes me happy.

    I am too lazy to exercise, and I like good food. And from time to time a couple of drinks.

    I think it's always funny to see people who don't eat certain things because they are not good for their health - and then the people are moaning or at least unhappy about that. Just eat it!


    We will all die. I prefer to die happy and maybe a few years earlier and not old and healthy and miserable. 


    What I don't eat, mostly because I don't like it, is fast food, food with lots of MSG in it, ready meals or any of that.


    Enjoy life, and don't think too much.




    Fair enough.




    What about dying 20 years early?


    What about dying at 60?


    What about living with a disability after having a stroke?


    What about having foot amputations or going blind from diabetes?


    What about walking around with a <deleted> bag cos you lost all your intestines to cancer?


    There are other options than just dying a few years earlier.


    You know you might not just glide off gracefully into the clouds with a beer in one hand, a joint hanging out your mouth, and a raunchy Thai woman between your legs.

    • Sad 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, peterfranks said:

    Life is too short to have rules what you can like and what not.


    I don't believe that one can prevent to get sick by choosing the right foods.


    People I know, who had a healthy lifestyle, have died from cancer, others get hit by a car

    Wow, lol 


    Tell that to all those who had heart attacks at 60.

    • Like 1
  6. On 8/4/2022 at 4:08 PM, OneMoreFarang said:

    After Covid I didn't visit Hooters in Soi 4. But before Covid they had probably the best lineup of the whole street. Definitely more top girls in there than in any of the gogo bars.

    As far as I know in Hooters it's not usual that the customer takes the girls out. But looking at some of them: wow!



    They all look the same to me. I don't get it.

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