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Posts posted by 2009

  1. 13 hours ago, bob smith said:

    come on now. wold i still be here typing away if I was having a heart attack? surey i would be on the ground by now? since 3am this morning

    My aunt had a heart attack for 5 days before she ended up in the ER.


    Doc basically said if she had come in 5 days earlier it would have been a simple stent job and she wouldn't have ended up with (permanent, obviously) heart failure.

    • Like 1
  2. 19 minutes ago, Lorry said:

    I was satisfied with Bumrungrad  (about 2000/session) and even more with St Louis Hospital (950/session)

    I also tried BNH, Sukhumvit Hospital and Samitivej Srinakarin Hospital but didn't go there anymore as the two hospitals mentioned above helped me a lot more.

    Interesting. I didn't know hospitals did physio.


    Does it include massage and manipulations?


    Can you just walk in a be like, "I have been sitting at the computer too long. Sore neck. Sore back. I need a physiotherapist"?

  3. On 7/29/2022 at 4:10 AM, Padthaigoong said:

    A lot of them don't know,

    Some don't want to know,

    Some are afraid to know,

    Some know but wish they didn't


    I know because I used to be like that.



    You can take the blue pill and stay in the land where strip clubs actually have nudity, pole dancing, and skillful lap dances.


    Or you can take the red pill and sit in a moldy-smelling gogo bar with women in bikinis awkwardly and unenthusiastically shuffling on stage holding on to a pole which apparently serves no purpose while staring at you in an attempt to make you so uncomfortable that you'll buy them a drink just to make it stop.

    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, starky said:

    A lot of thai massage is about manipulation. It shouldnt actually hurt but if done correctly isnt always comfortable or pleasant. 

    But these people are about as qualified to do manipulations as an 11 year old is to operate a motorcycle.


    I got a fractured rib from one of these numbskulls recently.


    Should have just went with the happy ending.


    • Haha 1
  5. Search out a physiotherapist or a chiropractor who also does soft tissue work.


    Thai massage is worthless, usually, because they are trained well, mostly don't give a <deleted>, and don't listen to you. It's their way or the highway. They don't think the (farang) customer should tell them how to do their job.


    And in tourist areas a lot of them are just there for the happy endings that they offer their oil massage customers,  so they don't really want to be massaging anyways.



  6. 47 minutes ago, scorecard said:

    Different example: 2 bigger/stronger/loud P1 boys, both seated at the back of the class room, were regularly molesting girls in the same class. Turns out one boy was holding girls from behind, the other boy pulling their panties down and fingering them.


    Old female teacher knew about it and told all the students to never mention it.


    Teacher did nothing/said nothing to the 2 errant boys or their parents.


    One girl who had been molested sereral time told her parents one evening. Next morning parents appraoched the teacher who tried to change the subject and then inisted she had a lot of tasks and was too busy to take care of this matter.


    Parents asked the teacher:


    - If the parents of the 2 errant boys had been told. Answer 'No because I am frightened of them'.


    - If the headmistress had been told. Answer 'No because the headmistress won't listen she insists that teachers must take care of these matters'.


    Parents get more serious with the old teacher 'What are you going to do?'. Answer 'At the start of next semester I'll move the 2 errant boys to the front of the class and tell them they cannot move to the back of the class.


    Parents contacted the school director who insisted that the teacher must do something and then hung up.


    End of semester came up and at the end of first day of the new semester parents of the girl mentioned above went to the class room half hour before end of the day. The 2 errant boys sitting at the rear of the class yelling and harrassing other kids. Teacher at the front talking to the class nobody listening to her.


    Parents called the police. A female officer was nearby and came quickly. Teacher got forced retirement next day. Police officer contacted someone in HO of ED. Ministry at Sanam Luang in Bkk. Headmistress got forced very early retirement.


    New teacher came from another school. Police lady sat most of the day in the back of the class room and spoke to the 2 running wild boys several times and told them to behave themselves. At end of second day police lady waited for the parents of both 2 errant boys and took them (with the new teacher and new headmistress) to the local police station.


    After some investigation the parents of the 2 errant boys were told 1 parent of each boy had to sit in the class room near their son, all day, and discipline the boy. Parents were fined (don't know how many Baht.) 


    Now some action (but I don't reallly support severe corporal punishment) immediately an errant boy misbehaved or disrupted the class the parent produced a large thick stick and walked the kid around the class room while many times hitting the kid strongly on his backside and on the back of his legs. 


    After this happened twice to both boys they became very timid and behaved themselves. 


    Police woman came back twice a day for a week. No further problems.




    I guess sometimes you just need a big stick for some people.


    They should have been forced into an all boys school. Let's see how far they get with their fingers there.


    You missed the part where the victim's parents asked for money to compensate for all the molesting, I think.

  7. 2 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    Cars driving too fast happened in every Country .

    Cars not following driving rules happened in every Country . 

    You are suggesting that Thailand is uncivilised because drivers drive faster than they should ?

       Drivers speeding happens in every Country , not just Thailand .

    No need to use this girls accident to bash Thailand 

    You are ignoring the fact that it's worse here. Much worse.

    • Like 2
  8. I actually think I got something similar.


    I was face down and she put both hands on my midback around bottom of ribcage and she just out all her weight on it and thrust down violently as hard as she could. There was nothing controlled about it.


    There was an audible noise. I felt cracks/adjustments, but not actual pain. But it did take me a bit to recover. It was quite an impact. I think I cursed and had to catch my breath.


    Then, I went about my business. I didn't think I was injured. I just thought she tried out a chiropractic move in a haphazard way.


    But now I occasionally feel some aches and pains from the side/back right of ribcage. Especially, when moving in particular ways, or at the gym.


    I really dunno what she did to me or if it's even related.

  9. 1 hour ago, georgegeorgia said:

    So let me get into this...I was at a soi bukhao book cafe last week talking to a few guys sitting there and we were all talking about haggling & negotiation


    The topic came about people such as waitress using "sympathy" & guiltness skills to get more tips.

    I spoke about a few years ago a waitress at a fish n chip restaurant in jomtien kept telling me loudly how she didn't have much salary ( all said in front of her farang boss who was listening attentionly and watching  ) and she had 3 kids etc and just asking me as she was serving me can I please tip her .

    I had to reply back I will if her service is good to which she replied .."how much you tip me??

    Now at the end of my meal she wasn't much special service but as I went to pay I saw her farang boss sticking his neck out from the kitchen to look how much I was giving her all planned .


    Now talking to the guys at the cafe about this a Scottish guy said to me ...you must be bloody stupid, Not this little black duck !

    She would of got my long bloody Scottish pockets !!


    So the psyche of that guy is...he is not a push over !

    Not this little black duck he says !


    So...are you a pushover or just sympathetic...are U made to feel guilty in giving tips or even in negotiations...

    Would you feel guilty in negotiating a driver say to the Bangkok airport?

    There's not a hope in hell she would have gotten a tip from me.


    My general rule is: if she asks for a tip, she gets nothing.


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