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Meat Pie 47

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Posts posted by Meat Pie 47

  1. 16 minutes ago, aussienam said:

    Sad but true.  Unless the police force modernized, had stricter laws, far better enforcement and was able to conduct roadside drug testing alongside breath testing, then fully legalizing cannabis will only cause more deaths and carnage from irresponsible people.  

    Drug driving is a big issue already. 

    Yes in OZ it is more people get charged for driving under the influence of drugs

  2. 4 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    Simple. It is far more contagious. More people are getting the virus. But, the fatality rate is way down as a percentage of infections. That is the all important aspect of this weak and pathetic variant. 

    I normally agree with you but not this time these infectioned people filling up hospitals and stopping other real people from having operations

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, RandiRona said:

    You may be right but exemption was provided so that he was able to board plane and land in Australia. That is Australia's failure who gave him permission to board and land but later rescind permission to enter when there was huge cry after his Instagram post. So blame lies on Australian government to not manage it better. You can expect this behaviour from China but not from Australia where laws are established and hopefully followed.

    Get a live

    • Haha 1
  4. 14 minutes ago, ericthai said:

    yes I think it's working or I think I would be really sick or worse.

    My good friend died two months ago from Covid he was 62 and was in perfect health, he went to the gym every day. 


    I know there are risks with the vaccination, but I think the risk is minimal. One of my friends got bells palsy after his injection and he still has issues. I've read allot about the vaccinations side effects, the unknown, but hell we all take risks every day. Getting into a car you dont know if your going to live or die. 

    tell that to the parents of the 17 months old baby who died in South Australia

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  5. 3 hours ago, kennw said:

    Yes hospitalization rates are the true indicator, I am in Australia and QR use is manditory everywhere, Testing stations are overloaded most at capacity, Mainly because if the QR reports you in close contact with someone you must get tested (not rapid test). To travel interstate you must get tested. And this is a country where 92% are double vaxed. Hospital rates are down, As are icu cases. Internationals coming in are not the problem for Thailand, they bring in the money and create jobs, Get the vax rate up in Thailand with real vaccines, Stop playing politics.   

    Nonsense again

    Hospitals in NSW are much closer to capacity due to surging Covid cases than is being admitted by officials, warn doctors and nurses, with one saying the system has “never been this bad”.


  6. 19 minutes ago, Stargeezr said:

    One other thing about COVID, is that there is a lot more plastic ending up in the garbage.

    The green people must be pulling their hair out in frustration.  Same for the people who say that we will not need

    oil as much in the future, look at how many products are made from oil, it is staggering.

      Trying to find PCR test kits are not always easy. 

    There are green people in Thailand?

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