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Meat Pie 47

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Posts posted by Meat Pie 47

  1. 4 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    As far as I remember I met 3 TV members in real life.


    But I guess in reality I met many more but I don't know their user names here.


    And if someone in real life would ask me about my user name in this and some other forums I would think twice if I would tell them. Sometimes it's nice to be (relative) anonymous. 

    I never met a member of Thai visa but I met 3 members on Facebook but covid put a stop to it

  2. 23 hours ago, billd766 said:

    One of the nicest things about street food in Thailand is not only the vast amount of choices, but nobody forces you to eat any of it.


    If you want to eat regulated portions of food in very sanitary places you can do that too, There are many fast food places in BKK to do so as well, and it will look and taste the same as any fast food chains world.


    Part of the enjoyment of Thailand is/was street food. In their ways of "improving" Thailand's future, this government is trying to become more like Singapore and less like Thailand.

    And what is wrong with Singapore?

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  3. 17 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:

    One thing I have learned about the Farang Pub, over almost a decade of reading, is that there are guys here who know much more than I about any topic, in particular, that you might imagine.


    Just name a topic, and there are people here, probably mostly lurking, who are experts in this given topic.


    If, as we know, there are many thousands of farang here in Thailand, then, within this community there exist experts who know much more about any given topic than you might imagine.


    In addition, in my opinion, the Farang Pub seems to attract the more intelligent readers of our crowd.


    And so, might I even go so far as to say that we represent the Intelligentsia of TV, just due to our enjoyment of a bit of humor?


    Naturally, if you just wish to talk about a door jamb, then, on TV, you can easily find this topic, as well.


    TV is the GREATEST, for sure!


    Never to be challenged by ANYBODY, especially the pretenders.


    Thankfully, I have retained enough of the small portion of my cognitive function in order to make this important observation.


    Maybe, by tomorrow, I will have lost even this ability.


    Best to you all.


    Wishing all a happy time in the upcoming holidays.


    Take care.


    Note:  Please listen to JS Bach.  Bach is the greatest, and the only, composer guaranteed to provide such beauty to patient listeners.  Be patient with Bach.  Listen tirelessly, over many years, and you will reap the glorious rewards for doing so.



    Just stop talking BS tell me what is Dementia? you have no idea just go away

    • Sad 1
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