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Meat Pie 47

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Posts posted by Meat Pie 47

  1. 13 hours ago, bbko said:

    Poor isolated live in workers in a foreign country are easier to abuse.  I'm not saying the OP is planning on doing this, but whenever I hear of abuse stories of live in maids, there always seems to be a pattern.

    and money

  2. 1 hour ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    A recent change?  You said that you were a several-glasses-a-night wine drinker in your OP!

    Read again, the topic was about big belly and I said I don't drink any soft drinks just soda water.

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  3. On 12/8/2021 at 10:02 PM, Upnotover said:

    I used to make my own frozen chips.  Par boil, dry, fry once low temp.  Then freeze.  Fry high temp from frozen.  Usually came out pretty well.  I found that frying once did often brown them too fast and not crisp.  Could also do the second fry from cool if not freezing.

    You are correct I do soak my fries in water for many hours or overnight wash them to get rid of the starch, dry them fry them in low temperature oil first then at high temperature the second time to get them nice and crispy I think you can do this with Thai potatoes as well. It's just the way you fry them. I am talking about fresh potatoes using a french fry cutter.

  4. 26 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    I doubt that any doctor, anywhere has ever said that "a few glasses of wine each day is good for you"!

    Is 1 glass of wine a day OK?
    Attend an info session to learn more on how this program can advance your career. Moderate drinking — defined as one drink per day for healthy women and two drinks per day for healthy men — is widely considered safe.
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  5. 1 hour ago, Neeranam said:

    I stopped eating after 1pm. Took a while to get used to but lost a lot of fat. I also run 25 km a week.  No easy way, stop drinking alcohol.

    Not easy to run 25km per week when you just got over a broken ankle and 74 years old and also as I mentioned I don't eat a lot, I eat just fruit in the morning,no lunch and just a small meal in the afternoon and talking about meat pies this is just my avatar,as I said I don't eat many meat pies maybe just 1or2 per months and I make them myself since I have an pie maker and giving up drinking I must say again I don't drink beer or spirits just a couple of glasses red wine per day. Since I don't live in Thailand anymore I don't sweat a lot apart from summertime and I ride my exercise bike most days.

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  6. 17 minutes ago, darkobeli said:

    Well, border run is crossing the border so you could get a stump on your way back, in order to extend your stay in Thailand.Ofcourse you will need the right visa,for example multi entry TR.

    Currently there is NO border runs because of Covid restrictions. And as far as I know the embassies are not issuing multi entry vissas 

    Well when I was in Thailand I was only on a visa on Arrival and did a boarder run every 3 months to Malaysia I had no mtev at that time.

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  7. 3 minutes ago, daveAustin said:

    What did you want to hear, bruv?

    Sugar and breads are scoundrels for mortals

    Cycling, rowing and swimming low impact exercisers

    Daily press-ups, sit-ups (squeeze from inside) for core


    And stop eating them ‘meat pies’. ????????

    I don't eat meat pies very often, maybe you should learn how to read I don't use sugar at all I don't drink soft drinks I don't eat junk food I have 2 meals a day consisting of fruit in the morning no lunch and just a small dinner and you try to do sit ups when you are 74  and I use my exercise bike every day. Any more questions?

  8. 8 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    Nowehere has the OP indicated he is overweight. Many people still have local fat deposit on the abdomen even at their ideal weight,due to  genetically determined distribution of fat cells and if this is his situation he needs to either live with it or look into cosmetic procedures to remove fat cells from that location.


    Of course, if he is overweight, then weight loss should be first approach. But we do nto know this to be the case.


    I guess I am not overweight I weigh about 78-80 kg I eat only fruit in the morning no lunch and just a small dinner, no rice at all maybe just a potato or a bit of pasta some times. No soft drinks at all and hardly any juice, I drink just soda water and make it myself (soda stream) if I eat any less I would starve.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Glassjaw said:

    Indoors and in crowds makes sense; but as early as summer 2020 there was zero correlation to heaving beaches in the uk and any spikes of the virus. It simply doesn’t spread outdoors so to insist on wearing one outside away from others is madness. The reason Europe is having spikes has nothing to do with not wearing masks outside! When everything is open it is bound to keep spreading.

    I don't wont to argue with anybody, every body has the right to there own opinion, the place where I live we had no local infections since about 2 years, I only worn a mask for 1 week long time ago and again for a few days because infected persons escaped quarantine, and yes I live in a city of over 2 million and I don't live in a failed state like NSW or VIc and yes, who cares about travel I guess it is hard on families who can't be together but I have not seen my sister in 10 years. But that is beside the point.

    I still think you should wear a mask in Thailand at crowded places.


  10. 1 minute ago, Led Lolly Yellow Lolly said:

    It's pretty useless to say you don't drink alcohol, when you do. I think any alcohol is high in calories. A few glasses at night will be going straight to your waist.

    So all the doctors are wrong then they say a few glasses a day is good for you

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