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Meat Pie 47

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Posts posted by Meat Pie 47

  1. 7 hours ago, placeholder said:

    First off, Thailand has about 65% of its population vaccinated. 73% have had at least one vaccination. That may not be quite enough, but it's certainly better than some developed nations.

    And whatever the truth of your statement about Thailand being dirty and unhygenic, covid is not transmitted by unclean surfaces or by consumption of food. It is transmitted via respiration.

    And finally, at least where I live in Thailand, the wearing of masks in public spaces is virtually universally practiced.  How does that compare to practices in the hygienic paradises in the West.

    Utter nonsense where I live we have 7 infections brought in by an unvaccinated backpacker and we have not worn a mask for years just the occasinal 1 week many months ago and now for 1 week

  2. 45 minutes ago, Capella said:

    I've had covid for the past few days, presumably omicron, as it's sweeping through Australia where I am at the moment. 


    I've had a low fever on and off. The others symptoms are those of a heavy cold - stuffy nose, sore throat and a cough. 

    Don't agree, most cases in Australia are still delta inNSW they had a few with just one dead I live in WA and we have just 7 cases and none is omnicron.

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  3. My laptop slowed down rapidly from one day to the other,never had any problems before so I am trying to de-frag it but even this takes days on end.

    I can watch grass grow faster. Even when I type, the letters just hang in there. Trying to view a website it takes ages before it connects. Any ideas?

    And what is a acceptable download speed? I run windows 10 and use Firefox as browser. I must mention I am in OZ and know nothing about computers 

    so be gentle with me and use plain English.

    Thanks in advance

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