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Meat Pie 47

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Everything posted by Meat Pie 47

  1. I don't believe any figures comming out of Thailand where I live in the west we have a population of just 2.5 million, still wearing masks and have an average of about 9000 infection per day
  2. Yes next time we can post "Where to by white bread without sugar in Pattaya"
  3. Well I am not really worried about it it was a bit of nuiseance all my time in Thailand now being back in the real world if I call an Asian person a slope head or call an dark skinned person a <deleted> I am in trouble
  4. And yes Facebook is banned in Russia since the invasion of the Ukrain
  5. Yes I had some Russian contacts and none of them is on line anymore
  6. How come they can post on western media like facebook I thought is is banned
  7. Who is we? You live in the sticks and you are not Thai and don't relay on money coming in from Chinese tourists but Thais do
  8. Yes the demand for Bratwurst sky rockets every year world wide after the October Fest
  9. If that bricklayer carries on for much longer I be lucky to come in a wheel chair if ever
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