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Posts posted by JT65

  1. Check Mr. Alessandro from Abotrading, really professional and quality products, I've done a couples of project with him and everything ok.

    check the website: http://www.abotrading.co.th/

    Hi Luke

    Thanks for the link.

    I had a look at their site and they seem to stock quality German chargers/inverters.

    Im looking at getting an emergency " off grid " setup with around 1.2kw of panels and some quality batteries with a charger / inverter which can handle more panels/batteries at a later stage.

    I will give these guys a call and check them out tomorrow.

    Once again thanks for the info.


  2. Can not help with the stored food question but amazed your wife would consider such as being fit to eat - know my wife would not. Freshness seems to be the most important thing for most Thai. There would be no market access?

    But perhaps she is of the younger generation - grandchildren do seem to be able to eat my frozen dinners without issues (but frozen would not be an option with solar power).


    The stored food is only really there for emergency reasons.

    Its in the event we are at the home and get cut off for weeks from the main village area.

    Its not our main source of food during normal times.

    We are not looking at frozen dinners but rather foods that do not require refrigeration etc.

    Normally we eat very fresh food and have many fruit trees of various types on the property itself.

    Last couple of weeks the roads were closed due to flooding so its always good to have some campbells tinned foods, rice, pasta etc stored in the event we are cut off for long periods of time.

    This is why I'm trying to make the house sustainable using solar panels, water tanks etc.


  3. Hi All

    The wife and I have a property in the Never Never of Mae Hong Son.

    In the rainy season it can be isolated for long periods of time due to flooding and roads been cut.

    Trying to make it stand alone with Solar Panels , Generators and Water Tanks etc. Also need to have good supply of storable food.

    Ive sorted the water tanks etc already. Now looking at Solar Panels. Have had quotes from Green Solar / Engineo on Chang Puak Rd, who seemed professional and had a number of options.

    Im keen to get further quotations on panels , inverters etc.

    Has anyone else had experience with this supplier or know of any others?

    Also any tips on storable food would be good. I don't know if Thailand has any long term storable food companies like the USA. Cant seem to find any on the web.

    I was thinking rice, dried fruits, pork jerky. Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated.



  4. HI Stoneyboy

    Thanks for your reply.

    So my latest entry finishes on the 8th Sept.

    So if i go to immigration on say the 6th and pay 1900bht they will give me another 60days? Thats good to know.

    Do you know if it is still okay to cross the border at Mae Sai. I was keen to do it with a buddy of mine for a bit of an escape for a couple of days. We wanted to go over to Tachilek to buys some DVD movies like the old days.

    Have they restricted that now as well.

    Look forward to your reply and thanks again for the info.


  5. Hi All

    I am on a Non O multiple entry 1 year Visa

    I have been here for 6 months and flew to Singapore 3 months ago for my first run.

    I was wondering if i can go to Mae Sai and do a same day run over the border.

    I used to do this all the time years ago but with all the new rules etc Im not sure if it is possible anymore.

    Would appreciate any info on this


  6. Yep

    Had enough of the kids and we both need a good night out.

    Problem is that we have no idea where to go.

    When we lived here nearly 8 years ago we used to love a place called Hot Shots but apparently it got closed down. Back then it had live music and was quite fun. Another place in that era was a place called Gi Gi's but that seems to have been finished up as well.

    We won't be eating out , just looking for a live music show and alcohol. Somewhere to relax and let our hair down ( well hers, I'm losing mine ).

    Any good suggestions would be much appreciated.



  7. Hi All

    Looking for a decent venue i may be able to take my 16yr old daughter too relax and listen to music.

    She loves music and we used to go to the beer gardens every now and then in oz for something to eat and to listen to the local bands.

    Is there anywhere in CM that may have decent bands playing with good food that would be suitable to take a 16 yr old?

    Obviously want to avoid any sleazy places.

    Any good info appreciated.



  8. Hi All

    Looking for an electronics store similar to Jaycar in the West.

    There used to be one down along the Klong in the Computer Plaza but they seemed to be knocking down the building.

    Would be great to know where that shop moved too? ( preferably somewhere with easier parking)

    Any info appreciated.


  9. If you are in Singapore go to golden mile mall. There are money remittance shops there which a lot of the Thais in Singapore use. Cheaper than using the bank


    Thanks for the reply.

    I will keep it in mind and check it out when I'm next in Singapore.

    At present I'm in Thailand so was hoping to find an online legal service similar to BahtSmart.com

    Thanks for the info.


  10. Hi All

    Just wondering if anyone knows of a good currency transfer system apart from using the banks.

    In Australia there is a company called BahtSmart which you can transfer AUD to THB at great rates and no commission within a day or two.

    I have a multi currency account in Singapore and the fees with DBS and the Thai banks are ridiculous when making withdrawals in Thailand or doing TT's.

    Is anyone aware of any companys in Singapore offering a similar service to BahtSmart in Australia. Not sure if there are many Thai's working in Singapore or not requiring that type of service.

    Look forward to any reply.



  11. Hi All

    I have a website that is WordPress 4.2.2 and the webmaster has become busy with more important customers.

    I therefore need to learn a bit about the basics of how to update the site, ie - put new products up, post Articles and generally be able to edit and add content to the site.

    I am after someone very familiar with this version of WordPress who is willing to train me on how to do this.

    Happy to pay an hourly rate if the hour is productive. Would prefer to have someone in Chiang Mai do this although will consider doing it online with skype etc.

    You can view the site at www.tightspottanks.com.au

    Please message me if you feel you can assist me , quoting your hourly cost and location etc.



  12. Hi All

    Need a little help finding a good skin specialist for my 15 year old daughter.

    She has had white marks on her face and arms for some time now and we need to get it looked at.

    Appreciate any info on good skin specialists or natural medicine places that may be able to help her.

    Thanks for replies in advance.



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