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Posts posted by Farmerslife

  1. Quote


    From the article "The latest analysis from Zoe, drawing on test results from 1.2 million app users, suggested that the Pfizer jab was 88 per cent effective at preventing Covid-19 infection a month after the second dose, but that this fell to 74 per cent after five to six months."

    These are infection rates. How many went on to develop serious illness or, worse still, died from the infection? 

    • Like 1
  2. Registered on the expatvac site on 1st August.

    Myself along with 173 others in Nakhon Ratchasima were sent an email from the Maharat Hospital at 22:37 on 23rd (Monday) advising us that our appointments for innoculation were from 10:00 - 13:00 the next day at the Central Plaza in Korat. As I didn't see this email until that morning I had to get my skates on.
    I managed to arrive just 20 minutes late and this did not cause any difficulties. The layout was a bit bewildering but as they were utilising a space in a shopping mall that was designed for a totally different purpose that wasn't too surprising.  All credit to the medical and admin staff who brought it all together at short notice.
    Everyone was very courteous and helpful and 14:05 I was leaving having received my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine with an appointment for my second dose on the 14th September. 

    I have to admit that I was somewhat sceptical when I initially registered but, apart from the short notice and the brevity of the appointment notification,  I was very impressed. Thank you to all involved. 

  3. From previous news articles, my understanding regarding the Moderna vaccine was that 4.9 million doses had been ordered for delivery during the last quarter of this year. 1.1 million had been siphoned off by the Red Cross and the 3.9 million remainder would be allocated to private hospitals. The private hospitals had received orders for 9.2 million doses, thus leaving a big shortfall.

    A second order for a further 5 million doses from Moderna is due to arrive during the first quarter of 2022.

     I received an email on Sunday from the Sukumvit Hospital confirming my order, though the date for the vaccination will not be confirmed until they are in receipt the vaccine.  Admittedly there is plenty of scope for things to change but it does seem that they are still expecting to be in receipt of the vaccine as quoted in the original timeframe. 

     I have also received a SMS from them advising that they are now taking orders for doses from the second order due next year.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Daffy D said:

    Nice, bet the farm keeps you busy.

    It's not our farm, just one I took a photo of on my travels north. Near Pai if my memory serves me well.

    But yes, our farm does keep me busy - too busy! 


    This is just a small area of our farm


    • Like 1
  5. "because of the temperature storage needs of this vaccine it could only be done at certain hospitals so would not be available everywhere."

    That looks like their get out clause to me. Living in the countryside I won't  be holding my breath. If I am fortunate enough to get a vaccination any time soon then I'll give thanks and eat humble pie and somtum with plaa . Hell, I'll even invest in a lottery ticket.

  6. I have never bought anything from them but I believe they do make deliveries pretty much anywhere in Thailand. Not sure what the minimum spend is though.


    Good luck.



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  7. 16 hours ago, thaitom said:

    I love it ! if you ever consider selling......

    It would be hard to put a value on it, any value at all ! LOL

    I like it for the amusement factor, pull up somewhere swish and watch faces change from disgust to aghast when they see a farang step out. I can't really put a price on that. ????

    • Like 1
  8. I have only recently retired here (April 2019) so my experience is nothing like as extensive as your's but I would be sorry to see someone driven out by the political situation.
    I too don't like the current government and would welcome change. I actually believe covid may be the catalyst that finally stirs the public into demanding more from their leaders than their current placid acceptance.
     Although I am only a recent arrival, I have been visiting Thailand for around 35 years now and this is the first time I can recall the general public openly discussing their political masters with such anger and frustration. Even at the height of the red shirt/yellow shirt confrontations I don't remember this broad a level of distrust and dislike.
     In the past the vast majority have been more concerned with the daily grind of making ends meet than having the luxury to involve themselves in politics. It has been left to the reforming zeal of the young, the students, to demand change and as we all too sadly know that sense of injustice becomes subsumed by cynicism and reluctant acceptance as we age.
     But I really do sense a wind of change this time. Admittedly,  the odds are very highly stacked in the establishment's favour, they control the legislative bodies, the tanks and the guns, the money  and the goon squads all to suppress the clamour for reform but just maybe this time there will be sufficient numbers  to bring about change.

     Obviously you have thought long and hard about this, all you have invested in this country,  the enormous upheaval it would entail. Forgive me for saying so but reading your post you sound depressed by matters outside of your control rather than things that you have a direct input.
    "Don't let the buggers grind you down", as they say. You have made your life here, it would be a huge shame to be driven out by an establishment that is losing popularity and respect by the day.

    • Like 2
  9. Firstly, If using the THB 800,000 deposit route to meet the financial requirements,  is it necessary to have a bank statement or is a pass book sufficient evidence?

    Secondly, for how many days would the bank certificate verifying funds be valid before it becomes necessary to obtain a new one?

    Specifically does anyone have first-hand experience of Korat Immigration office requirements as above.


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