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Posts posted by Farmerslife

  1. On global level, the price of oil has risen as producers scaled back in line with demand from a covid shrunken economy and have currently not returned to pre-covid levels. 

    On a local level, migrant workers are in short supply.

    Seasonally, it is a difficult, and still largely, unrewarding time to grow vegetables, the increased prices profit those further along the supply chain than the farmer.

    Lastly, no one will thank me for saying it but in general terms food prices are too low. Governments, particularly China and the USA, know this which is why they heavily subsidise them. A hungry population is an discontented one, which no government wants.   

    • Confused 1
  2. I don't know if they have altered the process at all but when I received my first and second doses I was not given any paperwork other than a small card stating the vaccine administered and the dates.

    If you want to access the Morprom site and get your vaccine certificate you need an ID number. At the last admin desk you visit prior to being vaccinated you are given a form to present to the nurse/doctor administering the vaccine. Your ID number is on this form. 13 digits beginning 600000------. Take a pen and a scrap of paper to scribble this number down, it saves some hassle later.

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  3. "To prevent the corruption of minors." Online porn can be (and is ) viewed by children.  A quick look at Mum or Dad's search history, saved passwords etc and that's before we even get into using a parent's credit card.


    Bars, by comparison, are easily policed and require a certain amount of disposable income. 

  4. 14 minutes ago, wprime said:

    It's basically a blockchain ledger system that is used to identify ownership of particular things. The decentralised nature simplifies and cheapens selling the item, particularly for cross-border sales.


    They can also be used to record shared ownership of expensive items allowing for people to invest in very expensive items like fine art by purchasing small shares of the item. This I particularly like because it makes investments typically only available to the rich, accessible to everyone. This could really push the prices for such investments up a lot as it'll increase the pool of money seeking to buy.


    They're also being used to represent non-physical items. These sometimes come with an income from royalties for the use of the item it represents so they can have some underlying value. Usually NFTs for non-physical items are in my opinion a scam though. I can't imagine anyone paying for an NFT representing a Shakespeare quote 50 years from now when the fad has passed.

    Thank you, seriously. You have taken the trouble of attempting to explain it to someone whose grasp of these matters is non-existent. ????

    A valiant effort on your part and whilst I can understand what you have written I find it difficult to relate it to the OP.  NFT was the National Film Theatre in my day, what is it now?  "Drops" is this putting something up for sale?  OMI is this another cryptocurrency?  

    Sorry, stoneage man here but this is all beyond me.  ????

  5. 10 hours ago, Boarn said:

    Not true, the thrill was the price and what people would do for basically nothing, they won't anymore.

    So to summarise,  your gripe is that because the standard of living has risen for much of the population, your "thrill" at being able to exploit people less fortunate than yourself for your personal gratification has been diminished.


    Good grief!

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  6. You are going out on a limb here Mr. Globulin. I'll laugh but it's one thing to provoke your audience and another to openly antagonize them. The old adage about not biting the hand that feeds you, springs to mind.
    Looking at the hour this was posted, forgive me for asking but was this done under the 'affluence of incohol' ? ???? Perhaps you should take more water with it, as my father used to say.

     If you google 'gamma globulin' it brings up other searches, one of which is 'what is the function of gamma globulin?'  I rather like that one.  Troll? Humourist?  Provocateur?   I shall ponder that as I cut lettuce this morning.


    Enjoy your day, I must work for mine.

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