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Posts posted by Farmerslife

  1. I had a beer with my meal at a restaurant in the middle of Pak Chong last night. At another table sat a policeman. There wasn't a flicker of interest when the staff asked me whether I wanted a beer nor one when it was brought to me. 

     If the restaurant was ignoring the rules then the officer was ignoring enforcing them.

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  2. I don't really understand how your post can make some sort of bizarre comparison between the difficulties of rock climbing with the ease of posting on social media, but - - - 

     if we are going to travel down that road then I'd like to introduce you to Hong Kong's Airin T, political activist and urban explorer. Al jazeera ran an article on her about 4 years ago, I think. She doesn't only risk her life clambering up skyscrapers, she risks it taking on the Chinese authorities.

    Now there is someone that I have enormous respect for.   

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  3. I have similar difficulties with food sometimes getting stuck on the way down. An endoscopy reveal a small hiatus hernia.

    I get around the problem by drinking water with my meal. Beer or wine works equal well, if you suffer from W.C.Fields aversion to water. ????

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  4. Quote


    From the article "The latest analysis from Zoe, drawing on test results from 1.2 million app users, suggested that the Pfizer jab was 88 per cent effective at preventing Covid-19 infection a month after the second dose, but that this fell to 74 per cent after five to six months."

    These are infection rates. How many went on to develop serious illness or, worse still, died from the infection? 

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