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Posts posted by Farmerslife

  1. Incidentally,  the shipping time from leaving my front door in the UK to arrival in Bangkok docks was only 8 weeks. 


    If the OP would like any more details about the company I used and the process, then please pm me and I will answer as best I can.

  2. A few years back I used Anglo-Pacific International when I left the UK for Thailand. I didn't have a huge amount of stuff only 429 cubic feet. The cost then, including insurance and VAT, was £2400.  

    There was no damage from damp or mold. I even left the stuff in storage in Bangkok for a couple of months before I had it delivered. 


    I attach some information that you might find useful.  



    • Like 2
  3. What is the land like? Is it currently being farmed?  If so, what crops? What are your intentions? Is it level? Is it stoney? Is it fertile? Do you have water? Do you need to sink boreholes? Does it flood in the rainy season?  Does it have access to the road network? Is farm labour available in the area?

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  4. I'm not a lover of tinned vegetables,  with the notable exception of tomatoes. You would be better off buying your beans, pulses, legumes dry rather than canned. Sure you have to put in a bit more effort to make them ready to use but I'm guessing you have a fair bit of time on your hands.
    Buy online and have them delivered. Lazada has plenty of choice and the prices are cheap.
      Alternatively, for fresh vegetables find an organic farm in your area. They will probably do deliveries of small quantities, a kilo of this, half a kilo of that etc. by courier, post or direct.

    • Haha 1
  5. As anticipated - two fingers up from the UK Government.


    The Government has responded to the petition you signed – “Give U.K. pensioners living abroad increases with parity as those in the U.K.”.

    Government responded:

    There are no plans to change the policy. The Government continues to up-rate the State Pension where there is a legal requirement to do so.

    The UK Government has no plans to change the current arrangements for payment of UK State Pension overseas................

    They conveniently overlook the fact that many of us still pay income tax in the UK on our total pension income if it takes us over the £12,500 personal allowance. 

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  6. So Thailand, along with another 140 countries, signs the UN resolution condemning Russia's invasion of Ukraine and then what do they do  exactly .........? ......... Nothing  ........ that's what!  Subsequent inaction renders the signing of the resolution meaningless. 

    Merely an attempt to stay on board with the majority of world opinion but with absolutely no intention of doing anything about it. Fence straddling at its worst. Perhaps, the Government would have been more honest had they not signed the resolution in the first place.

  7. It's easy to say I would have bought Amazon and Netflix shares at their launch and sold at their peak or whatever and it would have changed my life but the reality is would I want to change my life?  


     Despite looking back at all the mistakes I've made (and there have been as many as the stars in the firmament ????) I've still managed to enjoy so much. 


     As @Gottfrid has already said life is good. I wouldn't want to give up the fun I've had and swap it for, an admittedly more comfortable existence, but end up being bored spitless. 



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