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Posts posted by Farmerslife

  1. It is not the vendor that you buy your ticket from that benefits from the overpricing. These people work a wealthy individual or company who pay them 300 baht a day. It is their employer that fixes the price and collects all the income.

  2. Two days ago I booked a train ticket to Bangkok for next week, an interprovincial journey.
    In addition to asking for sight of my passport, the ticketing clerk also asked for proof of vaccination. Not a problem, I merely opened the Mor Phrom app. and let him check the details.

    However, I was taken a little by surprise. Whether this is a SRT or BMA requirement wasn't made  clear. Nor do I know whether I would have been refused the ticket had I not been vaccinated.  I have looked online but have not seen this requirement mentioned anywhere.  

    I don't mind, in fact I find it slightly encouraging but has anyone else encountered something similar to this?


  3. London taxi drivers are required to know all the streets within a 6 mile radius of Charing Cross, it's called 'the Knowledge' . On average it takes about 3 to 4 years to master. 

    If your London taxi driver was suddenly gifted with the ability to read and speak Thai then I would imagine it would take him a similar period to learn a 6 mile radius from say The Grand Palace or wherever you place your central point .   

  4. Makes good sense to me, given the all year round bloodletting on the roads. It's a pity more people don't travel by train.

    Unfortunately trains have been seen as the poor mans means of transport and have been woefully underfunded by successive governments. Only now is Bangkok beginning to catch up with other capital cities around the world with the skytrain and the underground. Sadly though, the rest of the country has not seen any investment.   

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