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Posts posted by Farmerslife

  1. What are their outgoings?

    Do they own the "small house" or are they paying rent?

    You mention insurance. Is that medical insurance? If so, does it include both parents and the 12 year old.

    What are her schooling costs?

    Utility bills?

    Does the father still have the van? Is he making repayments on it?  Insurance, repairs?


    Whilst many people are forced toget by on 300 baht a day or less, it leaves nothing spare for most of the items above. 


    What can you afford? How much responsibility do you want to shoulder?

    You want to be supportive of your girlfriend so it's a difficult choice but limits do need to be set and adhered to unless a genuine crisis arises.



  2. OP you obviously have your own doubts but if you've came on here expecting some reassurance from this bunch of cynics you're onto a hiding to nothing.???? 

    By your own admission she drinks alone in her room, sometimes goes absent and throws tantrums. On that basis it sounds as if she would not be easy to live with. Do you feel up to that challenge?

    Only you can decide how you proceed but, for your sake do it  with caution, head over heart.

    Good luck, fella.

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  3. It is not the vendor that you buy your ticket from that benefits from the overpricing. These people work a wealthy individual or company who pay them 300 baht a day. It is their employer that fixes the price and collects all the income.

  4. Two days ago I booked a train ticket to Bangkok for next week, an interprovincial journey.
    In addition to asking for sight of my passport, the ticketing clerk also asked for proof of vaccination. Not a problem, I merely opened the Mor Phrom app. and let him check the details.

    However, I was taken a little by surprise. Whether this is a SRT or BMA requirement wasn't made  clear. Nor do I know whether I would have been refused the ticket had I not been vaccinated.  I have looked online but have not seen this requirement mentioned anywhere.  

    I don't mind, in fact I find it slightly encouraging but has anyone else encountered something similar to this?


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