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Posts posted by Farmerslife

  1. Just now, BritManToo said:

    Yeah, me too, been there, thought it was the end of my life,

    ........ 6 weeks of catheter 2 years back, 6mg Doxazosin/day to wee at all, and even then it was difficult. Now I'm down to 2mg doxazosin some days, and am mostly weeing entirely normal ......... lots of exercise/hard work/sweating still makes things worse. But if I just sit around drinking beer all day, zero problems now.

    As my moniker on here suggests exercise, hard work and sweating are a given.

    Also I thought alcohol was an irritant that made matters.

    You seem to be flying in the face of convention. Good luck if it works for you.   

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, GarryP said:

    Could it be possible that the 3 year limitation is because the device was not proved long ago so they do not yet have evidence of efficacy after 4 years? I remember with Rezum, they started with 3 years but are now saying it is still proving effective 5 years post treatment. Perhaps in a few more years, the iTind may prove to be effective for 5 or more years.

    On their website they talk about it lasting 3 years and then putting you through the same procedure again which they say might last you for 2 years.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    After 2 years on Finasteride (5mg every other day) along with Nettle root (1/day), I'm almost cured of prostate problems. Really, 1 month or even 2 isn't long enough time to tell if it's working for you. 

    Thanks. "Cured of prostate problems" is a curious one. My experience to date is a gradual worsening over time. I only wish I could make the bl**dy thing shrink!

    You may well be right about the amount of time I should give the new medication regime to prove itself but just having gone through a rather traumatic period of water retention and subsequent catheter usage, I am a bit despondent at present. 

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  4. 2 minutes ago, xylophone said:

    With all due respect Farmerslife, I have had a TURP in one of the best hospitals in Australia and it wasn't all smooth sailing although it did come right after a few months.


    If I was in the same position again I would certainly look at the iTind procedure, because it's quick and painless and if it doesn't work then nothing lost apart from a few thousand baht – – that's presuming that the size of your prostate does not rule it out.


    Again if I had been in this position when the Urolift procedure was around, this would have been my second choice, and I think I would have met the criteria for this procedure with regards to prostate size.


    The "gold standard" TURP should be the last resort, because it does involve an invasive procedure/surgery and is irreversible, and things can go wrong, whereas with the two options above, any problems and you can revert to the norm and then consider the TURP.


    Just my opinion for what it's worth, and as Sheryl has said, it's the doctor and the number of the operations he has done, which should be a guide, and my doctor/surgeon in NZ has said exactly the same.

    Thanks.  I looked at iTind but the 3 year only efficacy put me off somewhat. It just seemed to me to be putting off the inevitable day when I would have to face up to a TURP. My prostate is also at the top end of the scale for suitability. 


    • Thanks 1
  5. I have reluctantly accepted that I have to do something about my BPH. For a number of reasons and on advice from a couple of urologists I have settled on a TURP rather than some of the newer alternatives.

    I have received quotes from Sukumvit Hospital in Bangkok and Mittraphap Hospital in Saraburi. Does anyone have any first-hand experiences of these two hospitals.




    • Thanks 1
  6. Until the accident investigation is completed we won't know the cause of this appalling accident. 

    However, in general terms the role of sleep deprivation of bus drivers is well documented, though much of the blame should be directed towards their employers. 



    It is a sad indictment of the authorities that there appears to be little will to tackle the issue.  As long as the bus companies keep turning a profit, the the health and safety implications for their employees and customers seems a rather distant concern. 

    • Like 2
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  7. I don't know what Peter Sellers had to say on the subject of sex but Billy Connolly wasn't short of an observation or two.


    This is one of my favourites;


    "My own sexual demands are extremely simple: I like the missionary position – standing in a cook pot wearing a safari suit, looking towards Africa. Is that too much to ask?"

    • Haha 1
  8. 47 minutes ago, sagra said:

    The lack of English on the product pages when using the Lazada app drives up the wall. Every time I use it I say to myself, how can I expect to sell to people who don’t read Thai? I think that’s a lot of people.

    Just as bad, is the fact that you cannot copy the Thai text and put it in a translator when using the app, unlike when you are using a web browser. 



    From the Home page click on account bottom right hand corner

    From the next screen (login in /sign up) click on settings in the top right hand corner and change language to English


    I hope this is what you want.


  9. 7 hours ago, stigar said:

    .She know i get 27 million bath from my incurance...she know my mother left me alot of money..she know i sell my house about 12 million..she know i sell my holidayproperties about 15 million.She know my pension about 220.000 bath a month.

    I think this is what's known as tempting providence. Perhaps it would have wiser to keep this information to yourself. 


    • Like 1
  10. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41415-019-0036-x


    I find commercially produced mouthwashes too - what? - astringent - I guess. 

    Dental floss and a good brush used on both teeth and tongue seems to do the trick most of the time.


    On rare occasions I make a mild mouthwash by simply boiling a few cloves in water, nothing else. 

    And as instructed by the Health & Safety Executive I must emphasise that the extracted liquid must be allowed to cool before use.  


  11. Children have always needed guidance but it is a rite of passage as teenagers to ignore one's elders. Rebellious youth it's what kids do. It's what we did when we were their age. It's what youngsters do nowadays and  will do in the future.

    It is a part of growing up, how we learn, how we express ourselves, how we start to experience adulthood  

    Some of the learning we as parents try to instill in our children we hope lodges in some dark recess of their brain to emerge blinking in the sunlight at some future point. 

    The world is full of pitfalls, disappointments, traps, charlatans, predators, sexual or otherwise. Naturally we are fearful of our children being taken advantage of but credit them with some intelligence. Thankfully, most of them can think for themselves and can spot the cons and the lowlife.    

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