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Posts posted by eek

  1. If you decide to venture out of A/C i recommend Galae Restaurant. Ive always enjoyed it. Book early though and try book next to the water, you can also feed the fish then. I feed them some scraps or buy fish food. The setting is very romantic in the evening.

  2. Being a bit of a social hermit, Facebook keeps me in the loop..so to speak. I don't enjoy talking on the phone, I dnt like being on Skype or messenger, and like doing a lot of things on my own. Thankfully my family and friends are used to and accepting of this, but with Facebook I can see what they are up to and make a quick comment and stay "<connected". Then, when we do meet up we know what each other has been up to..and don't feel to distant. It works for me.

    Edit: its also food for event invitations that I otherwise wouldn't know of, friends bdays etc.

    • Like 1
  3. ..best thing about to day was is im being dragged out now, at 11:30pm for a friends bday party night on the town. Looks like some fun down a dodgy end of town, then hitting a club. Classsssssy ^^^ biggrin.png

    Edit: and i need to add, im running on 3 hours sleep!

  4. GOod grief you have a real bee in your bonnet. Could that chip possibly be any bigger? All i want (as a FEMININE female biker) is a little bite of the apple myself. tongue.png WOuld be nice to see something for us ladies too, sometimes get a bit fed up with just seeing girls fawning on bikes (ok i fawn on mine, but at least i can ride it!) Yes, i know, i was the one that brought it up, i was also enjoying the humor that came from it..so..seeing as it was a while back..and over with..can we PLEASE get back to bikes now..? ermm.gif

    • Like 2
  5. I enjoy it, although one afternoon seems to be my whack. Just wish a liitle more consideration came into play. Aggressive throwing, squirting in face (particularly eyes and ears), and the extreme ice water bothers me.

    It's when you've avoided getting soaked all day just for some big,fat Swedish bird in her 50s to get you at a traffic light on your scooter with a dopey grin,you just feel like punching them!

    Is this big fat 50-something Swedish "bird" at the traffic lights every year? Which traffic lights? I must be lucky, I've never had her attack me. Seen plenty of big ape-ish dopey farang men around, you know, the kind that make random generalised unnecessary idiotic statements about women, but tbh that's not just at Song Kran tho...
  6. handsum man = you're a punter paying for sex, i find you pathetic and have zero respect for you.

    LOL, like it really matters what a working girl thinks of you.
    I'm sure it doesnt. I imagine that sentiment wouldn't just be a bargirls tho, I would think non "working" girls would have much the same thoughts. Likely even more so! But this thread isn't about that tho, its about the funny stuff that hookers feed their punters.
    • Like 1
  7. handsum man = you're a punter paying for sex, i find you pathetic and have zero respect for you.

    You so big = I am boosting your ego because you might give me more money and i know you get a kick out of thinking you are big man, and bigger than the local thai men, but actually Thai men are not small.

    Thai man no good = (already been covered), basically, my husband/gik/lover/bf is thai and sexy, but i know if you feel superior you might give me more money.

    (would be interesting to hear the flip-side!)

  8. It's the standard Nigerian scam, repackaged for a new audience.

    People seriously still fall for that?

    "I'll pay you back everything if you can just lend me some more money"

    Exactly. Ive had those before via Tagged (when i used to be on it), think i had a few random ones on facebook "other" messages too. Im so sorry that your wife's friends fell for this, but honestly so surprised.. i had thought no one ever really fell for these kinds of things.

  9. Best part of yesterday was Cricket, then later on treated to dinner by an old friend who is great company at a delicious pizza place ..where i stuffed my face with a seafood pizza and had to waddle out of the restaurant. I went to bed sated and happy (although really rather hot ..temperature is unreal!..actually its making me feel rather unwell..but thats not keeping in with the positives so ill hush!).. then today i was having coffee and a very interesting (and attractive :P) man started chatting with me and i left with a smile on my face. Hey..everyone needs some mental and visual stimulation from time to time, right! Even us ladies!

  10. Watched the video and so touching.

    Very sad indeed.

    Condolences to family and friends of Api.


    ...can i ask if anyone knows the details of this accident, how it came about, and if it he was taken to emergency or died on the spot?
    I suppose when you have a face to a name, it makes one wish to know the details more. I know it wont bring him back but maybe the circumstances could be prevented if others take heed (if it was the kind of accident where a driver was negligent etc? or helmets not worn?). Hope it doesnt cause offense that i ask.

  11. Thanks all. I have some things to try out and will take a look at rimping and tesco to compare.
    Because i was in a bit of a panic, i bought some vanilla ice cream and coconut milk (it was to be made into a drink with other things, so was ok to have a melted consistency). It worked ok! I like the home made idea, and nienke sent me another version too. Much appreciated!

    The bounty bar one sounds utterly wicked! w00t.gif

  12. The problem of chiang mai is that many foreigners hang out around the old city, however Chiang mai is much more than that.

    To be honest, the nightlife in CM is poor quality, the best clubs in city are Infinity and warm up, apart from that the clubs are bullshit. ie spicy or hot shots.

    Waiting for sonic playground

    "Waiting for sonic playground"

    Me too!!

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