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Everything posted by metisdead

  1. A troll post has been removed: 17. The ASEAN NOW news team gathers and disseminates news bulletins from Thai and international sources, and republishes them in the news forums for our members' information and enjoyment. Our news team works hard to bring quality content to the news forums and should be respected for their efforts. Comments such as "slow news day" or "clickbait headline" are disrespectful and unwelcome. Such comments will be sanctioned. Original articles, especially in the Thai or foreign language press can sometimes have grammatical mistakes or misspellings. ASEAN NOW is not responsible for these nor does ASEAN NOW have the right to alter content it is reprinting from another source. Similarly, ASEAN NOW is not responsible for any opinions reflected or quoted in reprinted news stories.
  2. Here's the original topic about this case:
  3. A post using profane language has been removed. Some off topic posts and the replies have been removed.
  4. If you only have 1 of those forearm crutches, it might be a good idea to get a second one. I have 2, I don't use both of them all the time, only when the pain level is high, then I use both of them to get around which helps a lot.
  5. Some totally off topic posts and replies about the Australian voting system have been removed.
  6. I had a hip replacement on my left hip 4 years ago. Since April I have had persistent pain in my left leg upper thigh area. The doctor diagnosed the problem as hip tendonitis, he did give a steroid injection back in April and a week later prescribed a weeks worth of some steroid pills. My main problem has been after sitting down then standing up, the pain kicks in. I use one of those forearm crutches to get around. Sometimes the pain eases but it always comes back after sitting down and standing up. It got worse and worse about 9 weeks ago while I was in the USA, as I didn't have health insurance coverage there, I didn't get any medical assistance there other than my forearm crutch. When I returned to Thailand and visited the doctor at the hospital where I had my hip replacement, the doctor diagnosed it as calcification hip tendonitis, he didn't know what to say regarding treatment, gave me a steroid injection at the time and he prescribed Norgesic and Celebrex I decided to visit the therapy department at the hospital and I was having ultrasound therapy 3 times a week for a couple weeks. Then they added laser therapy after the ultrasound. That went on for a couple weeks then they upgraded my therapy to shock wave therapy and electric shock therapy, it got a bit better. I was advised to do some exercises, maybe this will help: https://www.verywellhealth.com/hip-tendonitis-exercises-5119249 The therapy people advised to more or less do this: RICE therapy (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation). They didn't really get into the Compression part. In the local drug stores, you will see all sorts of wraps for ankle pain, elbow pain, wrist pain, back pain, but not much in the hip area. I found this on Walmart online while in the US: If your problem is in the upper thigh area, you may find that hip wrap will help. I have found that wrap to be really helpful. I use it all day, take it off before bed. I still have a bit of pain when standing up, at least my leg pain is no longer holding me hostage. As you said, you have pain while sleeping, maybe you should not lay on the side where you had the hip replacement, mine was on the left side, I was advised to sleep on my right side with a comforter between my legs. Hope this helps!
  7. Some off topic posts and replies about the welfare system in the UK have been removed.
  8. Please continue in the same topic that is already running here: //Closed//
  9. Off topic deflection posts about Rodrigo Duterte and the replies have been removed.
  10. Please continue in the same topic that is already running here: //Closed//
  11. Please continue in the same topic that is already running here: //Closed//
  12. Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed.
  13. A post with a trolling meme has been reported and removed.
  14. A post trolling about Mr. Red Bull Jr. has been removed. A post in which the quoted content had been altered and a reply has been removed: 28. You will not make changes to messages quoted from other members posts, except for purposes of shortening the quoted post. Do not shorten any post in a way that alters the context of the original post. Do not change the formatting of the post you are quoting.
  15. An off topic deflection post and a reply has been removed.
  16. Some crude troll posts have been removed.
  17. An off topic post and a reply has been removed.
  18. Some derogatory and racist troll posts have been removed.
  19. Have moved your topic to the Thailand Travel Forum.
  20. An off topic post has been removed. A post trolling about the Red Bull case has been reported and removed.
  21. Some off topic posts, troll posts and the replies have been removed.
  22. Off topic posts, troll posts and the replies have been removed.
  23. Although this topic is about Nightlife until 4 am does not make the topic specifically about prostitution. A number of posts and replies have been removed: 29. You will not discuss the specifics of prostitution. Although Thailand has a visible sex industry and acknowledgement of that fact is not forbidden, ASEAN NOW is not the place to seek or give information on this topic. ASEAN NOW seeks to protect children and other at risk groups from exploitation on the internet. Any content that appears to be inappropriate or exploitative will be removed.
  24. A post with a video from a source that is currently pending or under review has been removed: 18. Social media content is acceptable in most forums. However in factual areas such as but not limited to news, current affairs and health topics, social media cannot be used unless it is from a credible news media source or a government agency, and must include a link to the original source. In some circumstances a moderator may relax this rule and this will be determined on a case by case basis. If this rule is relaxed a moderator will post a public notice explaining the limit and scope of the relaxation.
  25. A troll post has been reported and removed.
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