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Global Moderator
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Everything posted by metisdead

  1. An off topic deflection post about the upcoming election in the USA has been removed.
  2. A troll post and a reply has been removed.
  3. An insensitive troll post has been removed.
  4. A post using bold font has been edited, the replies have been removed. Please observe the Standards of Conduct when posting: 5. Do not post text with all capital letters or with over-sized fonts, all bold font, non-standard fonts, colored fonts or unusually large emojis. Do not use emojis or any other form of graphics in the title of your poll or topic.
  5. Posts using derogatory and toxic nicknames or intentional misspelling of people’s names will be removed. If you don’t want your post to be removed, spell people’s names correctly, this applies to both sides of the political debate.
  6. Several inflammatory bickering posts and the replies have been removed.
  7. Inflammatory posts and the replies contravening our Forum Rules have been removed: 8. You will not post vulgarities, obscenities or profanities. 9. You will not post disruptive or inflammatory messages. You will respect other members and post in a civil manner. Personal attacks, insults or hate speech posted on the forum or sent by private message are not allowed.
  8. A post with a derogatory slang comment toward Americans has been removed.
  9. Some troll posts have been removed.
  10. A post with a trolling image containing profane language contravening our Forum Rules has been removed: You will not post vulgarities, obscenities or profanities.
  11. An off topic deflection post and a reply have been removed.
  12. Posts using derogatory and toxic nicknames or intentional misspelling of people’s names will be removed. If you don’t want your post to be removed, spell people’s names correctly, this applies to both sides of the political debate.
  13. Inflammatory posts and replies contravening our Forum Rules have been removed: 8. You will not post vulgarities, obscenities or profanities. 9. You will not post disruptive or inflammatory messages. You will respect other members and post in a civil manner. Personal attacks, insults or hate speech posted on the forum or sent by private message are not allowed.
  14. An inflammatory post and a reply contravening our Community Standards have been removed: Please be polite and respectful to others Do not flame, troll or stalk other members
  15. A post with an image containing profane language has been removed: You will not post vulgarities, obscenities or profanities.
  16. No worries, it is gone now.
  17. A post with a link to a Questionable Source has been removed: Overall, we rate Vigilant News as far-right biased and questionable based on the promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, pseudoscience, false claims, poor sourcing, and a lack of transparency. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/vigilant-news-bias/
  18. A post with an offensive comment toward another member and a reply has been removed.
  19. Inflammatory posts and replies contravening our Forum Rules have been removed: 8. You will not post vulgarities, obscenities or profanities. 9. You will not post disruptive or inflammatory messages. You will respect other members and post in a civil manner. Personal attacks, insults or hate speech posted on the forum or sent by private message are not allowed.
  20. A post with flaming comments to another member has been removed. Posts with content from unapproved social media sources have been removed: General approach and policy. We maintain a strict policy of accepting links or content only from mainstream and recognized media sources to ensure that information posted by members is both verifiable and trustworthy. We strive to remain impartial, prioritizing content that meets these standards and removing content that, in our opinion, does not. Consequently, we do not accept content from social media platforms unless it originates from a credible, professional, and qualified source. This approach is essential for upholding the integrity and credibility of the information shared within our community." Facebook is not a recognized media source.
  21. Posts using derogatory and toxic nicknames or intentional misspelling of people’s names will be removed. If you don’t want your post to be removed, spell people’s names correctly, this applies to both sides of the political debate.
  22. A post with trolling comments on moderation has been removed: 13. You will not publicly comment on moderation in an open forum. You will not comment on actions taken by individual moderators or on specific or general policies and issues. You will not post a negative emoticon in response to a public notice made by a moderator. You may send a private message to a moderator to discuss individual actions or you can email support (at) aseannow.com to discuss moderation policy and account suspensions.You will not block communication from moderators or Admin. Aggression or abuse against moderators is not tolerated, and any such action will be sanctioned. There is no excuse for abuse.
  23. A flaming post contravening our Community Standards has been removed: Please be polite and respectful to others Do not flame, troll or stalk other members Posts using a foreign language in the quoted content have been removed as this is an English language forum.
  24. A post trolling about an unrecognized medical condition has been removed.
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