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Global Moderator
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Everything posted by metisdead

  1. A post with multiple quotes that were misquoted has been removed: 28. You will not make changes to messages quoted from other members posts, except for purposes of shortening the quoted post. Do not shorten any post in a way that alters the context of the original post. Do not change the formatting of the post you are quoting. Some posts discussing another member have been removed, please stay on topic.
  2. A post with unattributed content that was copy and pasted from some site without providing a link to the source of information has been removed: Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to a mainstream media source.
  3. An off topic deflection post about EV fires has been removed. The topic about electric vehicle fires is here: ICEV & EV Fires ... worldwide
  4. A post with a link to a Questionable Source has been removed. A post with a screenshot of a news article has been removed as it contravened the following Forum Rule: 27. You will not post any copyrighted material except as fair use laws apply (as in the case of news articles). Only post a link, the headline and three sentences from the article. Content in the public domain is limited to the same restrictions.
  5. Some posts discussing another member have been removed.
  6. Some posts with disrespectful comments about the news article have been removed.
  7. A post trolling about an unrecognized medical condition has been removed.
  8. Posts using derogatory and toxic nicknames or intentional misspelling of people’s names will be removed. If you don’t want your post to be removed, spell people’s names correctly, this applies to both sides of the political debate.
  9. Posts using derogatory and toxic nicknames or intentional misspelling of people’s names will be removed. If you don’t want your post to be removed, spell people’s names correctly, this applies to both sides of the political debate.
  10. An off topic post trolling about other world leaders behavior has been removed.
  11. Some inflammatory bickering posts have been removed: Please be polite and respectful to others Do not flame, troll or stalk other members
  12. As per the Standards of Conduct: 5. Do not post text with all capital letters or with over-sized fonts, all bold font, non-standard fonts, colored fonts or unusually large emojis. Do not use emojis or any other form of graphics in the title of your poll or topic. As per your request, topic closed.
  13. Posts using derogatory and toxic nicknames or intentional misspelling of people’s names will be removed. If you don’t want your post to be removed, spell people’s names correctly, this applies to both sides of the political debate.
  14. Posts using derogatory and toxic nicknames or intentional misspelling of people’s names will be removed. If you don’t want your post to be removed, spell people’s names correctly, this applies to both sides of the political debate. A post trolling about an unrecognized medical condition has been removed.
  15. Posts using derogatory and toxic nicknames or intentional misspelling of people’s names will be removed. If you don’t want your post to be removed, spell people’s names correctly, this applies to both sides of the political debate.
  16. A name calling troll post has been reported and removed.
  17. Some more off topic deflection posts and replies have been removed.
  18. Off topic deflection posts and replies have been removed.
  19. A troll post has been removed.
  20. A post trolling about an unrecognized medical condition has been removed.
  21. Please continue in the topic running here: //Closed//
  22. A troll post trolling about an unrecognized medical condition has been removed.
  23. A post with a video from an unapproved social media source contravening our Forum Rules has been removed: 18. Social media content is acceptable in most forums. However, in factual areas such as, but not limited to news, current affairs and health topics, social media cannot be used unless it is from a credible news media source or a government agency and must include a link to the original source. In some circumstances, a moderator may relax this rule and this will be determined on a case-by-case basis. If this rule is relaxed, a moderator will post a public notice explaining the limit and scope of the relaxation. Posts using derogatory and toxic nicknames or intentional misspelling of people’s names will be removed. If you don’t want your post to be removed, spell people’s names correctly, this applies to both sides of the political debate.
  24. A post with unsubstantiated information and the replies have been removed: Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to a mainstream media source.
  25. A post with a video from an unapproved social media source contravening our Forum Rules has been removed: 18. Social media content is acceptable in most forums. However, in factual areas such as, but not limited to news, current affairs and health topics, social media cannot be used unless it is from a credible news media source or a government agency and must include a link to the original source. In some circumstances, a moderator may relax this rule and this will be determined on a case-by-case basis. If this rule is relaxed, a moderator will post a public notice explaining the limit and scope of the relaxation.
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