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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. I am sure something is to find of this guy that he can chopped down...where comes the money from, what assets, etc etc..
  2. The police and military are not always fair in handling peaceful protests..We have seen it several times already, they challenge the protesters and that will make things worse...Let them break barriers as long as they don't fight or shoot control the mass but don't start with watercanons and chemicals, rubberbullits and that kind of ... because it will make things worse
  3. School uniforms is item in many countries. On one had it is ok to wear a uniform as all students rich or poor are wearing the same. On the other side kids a re being hindered in their own expression and choices...Personally I don't have a problem with uniforms, but the military behavior that goes behind it, should stop
  4. There is a lack of education on every level in Thailand. Kids are being beaten with sticks and rules in school for minor offences, At their families it is the same.. Thai people talk with their hands instead of their mouth. Nobody cares and alternative punishments as people in the western countries do are not accepted, but seen as interfering in their culture..So the beating and mistreatment are educated already to the kids even before they can talk. Sad, but there is a lot of change needed in Thailand.
  5. all kind mysterious incidents happens all ove rThailand, people fall from balconies, floors, and commit suicide, with no evidence...Proper inverstigation of police and journalists could solve a lot.... or do I watch too many movies?
  6. the familyname of the Porsche owner was witheld on TV .... Rich??? Expensive cars allow people to race??
  7. That is obvious who is behind it all.... who will be most affected with the plans of Move Forward?? It is not the army but the other one
  8. They have asked Thai people as Thailand likes to be the world.
  9. CPR is your heart is beating is dangerous.. It can kill someone instead of saving him/her. Cpr may only used when the heart stopped beating
  10. They have to solve the bad impression these cronies did to the country as an extra..
  11. As Myanmar commented on the election results, it is a move of the current caretaker Government to show that they agree with Myanmar... Just politics, but they forgot the world and the other ASEAN countries were looking too at this meeting, and now the new Government has an extra problem to deal with. But a military based Government will of course the junta of Myanmar, they are brothers in arms
  12. I think it says more about the policemen than the youtuber... If you can recruit 50 policemen to play a game, you ask yourself if they have nothing more useful to do or did they do it their freetime. If in their freetime , no problem, only maybe they are not allowed to wear their uniform. But in fact nothing wrong, there is even a program on TV with bloopers by policemen, so why this should be a problem I don't understand
  13. Everything must have a rehearsal? I thought they were educated adults, and know how to do something, but it seems they have do the same as schoolkids for teachersday.......
  14. they play by the rules, but it depends who will be the PM's name....
  15. With so many constitution in question and a even more the ballotboxes of Buriram, it is unlikely that they are being a part of the new Government. They are also military background based, showed as in the last years the were ruling
  16. He can untill somebody is really sick of this man and has the guts... He should be investigated where his money comes from, how much he has because he probably don't have a clear history too
  17. So they announced by the pressure from the public the election results, but they still don't have investigated enough on several MP's, The possibility still is that these 80 are not approved.. Why not investigate properly in past 5 weeks and than announce the results.. And how about the Bumjaithai party with the most constitutions with questions??
  18. it is almost impossible to comment on anything almost because everything is or has a r...... ticket.
  19. Thailand never had to do anything to atrack tourists, but with a post coup government they have broken down down the whole sector, and that was not only because of Covid.. Now they have to invent new things to get tourists back...Maybe a start to be more foreign friendly, instead of for example create a group police officers to chase foreigners.
  20. Perfect... at last freedom of speech and write and press.... The government although they pretended not to, were the worst in fake news...
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