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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. find out about their businesses, their mistresses and also about their past and present as we already have seen that at least 1 senator has a dubious history
  2. So it was a misunderstanding.... He has high ranked friends probably
  3. The senators protect the so called Democracy, and Monarchy, and Religion of Thailand. But when I read a story of a senator on another website Chada Thaised, than suddenly the whole bunch of senators get a different spotlight and I am wondering why these culprits have the possibility to have a seat or even a vote. Probably more like him. https://www.thaipbsworld.com/chada-thaised-ferocious-opponent-of-pitas-pm-bid-has-a-dark-and-violence-racked-history/
  4. Owning is not prohibited, lying that they were borrowed from a dead friend, not in his assessment are...It was all proved except that the friend was dead.... Difference with the mediashares?? they are not proved they are owned by Pita, but were from his deceased father heritage.....These shares were far less worth than 1 so called borrowed watch
  5. No investigation for his watches, which are more serious than media shares. and old man that not even can holds his eyes open and sleeps during sessions.... Democracy in Thailand?? Modern country?? The land that want the be the leader in ASEAN???
  6. The more they protest the better it is for the Pita.. If something cost money people change their mind easily... So good demonstrate for the future of Thailand, let the police and military show how badly they handle he protests,It will go all over the world and people will stay away. TAT complaining, tourist sector complaining and all thanks to 200 dinosaur senators
  7. Nationwide is only Bangkok??? If the protestors indeed go nationwide with their protests, the police can't do much.. If tenthousands in thes treet in Chiang Mai, Korat, Bangkok, Phuket, Nakon Sawan...and so on... what can they do??? block the parliament house with containers but in the other cities?? The harbour will be empty
  8. The senators who abstained yesterday should not vote anymore at least... But in fact the old Government is gone and why have the senators a say in who is the next PM??They should be left out in the voting for PM...It is not their duty. The EC and senators will claim that this is a way of overthrowing the government , but in fact they are ones who does that, because they don't respect the voice of the people. That would be democratic, but yesterday they showed that in fact they are dictators, not listen to people and deliberately abstain from voting so it would fail
  9. The CC should finish the discussion on the amendment of section 112, as it known that the last time it could be amended in 1956. So it is possible and the CC should verdict that it is the right of MFP to try to amend this article as it is out of date and the reason is prominent because of misuse by the Government. That would give a boost for PITA to become PM... But as usual the CC will take a long time to think and delay and delay and delay as we are used of them. Besides those who are not in the voting session ( 63 yesterday) there places are not being counted and the majority of the vote. To pass 50% +1 is needed of the valid votes. In fact in my country voting for people is always with ballots even in a local footballclub. Only attending MP's can vote ..
  10. That is why they were all upset when Thailand had a meeting with one of their generals a few weeks back. Asean condemned it
  11. The army is happy only their bosses not... no conscription anymore is less soldiers is less personnel is less jobs is less money...Prevent it with everything you can
  12. 63 absence MP"s why are they not obliged to come if they don't show up the lost their votes. That means that 749 - 63= 686 MP's have the righ to vote and of these people Pita needs 50% +1= 344 votes...Ridiculious that it is possible not to show up by such an important election. Or fire these MP's immediately, as they show that they are not worthy to fulfill their job.. And 200 abstains ..... to scared to take a responsibility for yes or no
  13. It was a farce... 200 abstain votes... why?? Don't dare to take the responsibility for yes or no? Of course it was expected, Thailand don't want cilvilians in the Government, but this time the dinosaurs shall see that their time is over...
  14. tourists won't care indeed, It is only the money the have bring in...
  15. I know... but what is the alternative??? a bloodshed by fighting?? If you want to achieve things you have to sacrifice, whatever it is... in every aspect of your life... sickness, sport, as examples and now for sake of your future...
  16. Indeed that is why tougher actions are needed... no pain no gain...Massive disobedience and disrespect, they never can lock up everybody, block the enterprises of the people involved, stop working.. Look how other western countries are doing like France, The Netherlands, the UK, and yes it takes time, but they achieved things...Stupid idea only areas where you are allowed to protests.. don't ask permissions, take the streets, keep it peaceful and gather with tens of thousands turn the whole country upside down , the police and the army can't do anything than. Or do you believe that military and poilce will shoot their family and friends?? Unite is the solutions to tackle this kind of practice
  17. No matter what, but he is right... From the beginning it was clear that Pita never be accepted as PM..And all under the so called democratic system, which was overthrown by coups and now the people have spoken they can't accept the results and do another coup again, first trying with this nonsense and if that fail there will be unrest and there will be a military coup again.. Very democratic For those who don't know the word: Democracy means rule by the people. There are different ways this can be done: People meet to decide about new laws, and changes to existing ones. This is usually called direct democracy.
  18. Good move of the EC, the senators, and the dinosaurs.... The TAT will not be happy as there are warnings already from the Embassies.. Do they really think that tourists will book a holiday with this threat of demonstrations, political unrest, and maybe more?? Did these people think that they can do the same as with Futere Forward?? We are 4 years further and people don't accept it.. The French stormed the Bastille, as they had a similar situation..
  19. I can't agree more... make the senators EC members and judges and their companies loose money, stop the country working and things will change...and not only in Bangkok but all over the country every place... The problem is that because of the Thai culture people are brainwashed to do as their boss tel them, but if this time they don't listen nothing will happen to them, except maybe no payment....
  20. wait till the holidays at the end of he month.. With Thanatorn they started, this time there is already a lot of unrest in the whole country... and tomorrow we all know what will happen and it will not be acepted
  21. i believe that the Constitutional Court was informed already some time ago, but that the EC only today officially have send the documents to court. I don't believe that a court can't decide in a few minutes to accept the case like this, surely because in fact it was too late and very complex. The judges were well informed already I believe, and as they are military backgrounded too, in this way preventing that Pita can become PM.
  22. so is facebook, line, instagram, tik tok, theTV, the smartphone. and so on.. abolish all as all is media....even a pressmeeting is media
  23. and now 14th of July too...maybe....You don't know the history??
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