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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Of course it will be true what he says.. We noticed in the Watch case too that he so honest
  2. Even by animals homosexual sex is seen... Not everyone is gay as not every one needs to be hetero...
  3. We have made contracts with eachother and yes it solves a lot of problems, but surely not the same as a legal . and lawful Marriage or registered partnership
  4. As long as the director of my school ask at P 4,5,6 kids if the are gay ( in Thai Tut), and the kids are ashamed and deny it, it is not accepted. Watch the movie Beautiful Boxer... Being not hetero is not "normal" in Thailand,, Speak with gay youth if you like to know..
  5. in Thailand the law is a bit different, and you can't register as a couple, and if so you go to a lawyer as we did, but still it is not been seen as a relationship for the Thai law..
  6. Thailand and the LGBTQ community is strange... One one hand it seems accepted, but it is not at all.. Gay men marry because they now they are not accepted as Gay in their live/work/family. Ladyboys pretend to be girls for the same reasons often. Yes there is no violence against these people, but they are not accepted too. If Thailand was a leader there should be a legal relationship possible for many years already, but there is still although many years promised still nothing for these people. Question is why?? Why tolerant but why no acceptance/education and or support??
  7. Who cares what people do in their freetime.. She is not paid by the education department/school in her freetime... It seems that employers "own" people as they all want to make rules what the employees can or may do in their freetime...
  8. I hope the new Government will make a new constitution and ban all these so called committees, senators and rules that make no sense..
  9. The EC has so many hurdles and hiddenlaws/rules that it seems impossible for non military people to make a Government. Stop with all these outdated and useless rules.. Media shares who cares... The military have them all and they decide what people can and may see or hear.. That is why nobody can possess any and will banned imprisoned as if they are terrrible criminals, but the real ones have made these stupid rules
  10. working days of more than 8 hours, 7 days a week, I am wondering why there is no institution for labourers as in other countries for better salaries, working times and conditions, Yesterday and in Covid time we could read how many nurses are overworked..and in factories, restaurants, bars etc many hours do they have to work for how much?? Even a proposal of 450 THb a day is too much and a lot of people have to work on holidays as a day wage is a day of no payment...Other than Government people That is a new kind of slavery. How many people have to struggle to make ends meet while others having holiday in Europe and don't care.
  11. very confusing.. drop all charges about mediashares, but running for PM knowingly he had media shares can put him in prison.....Do the EC know what they are doing or just try to find ways to prevent that Pita will be PM?
  12. Who cares?? as long as the military stay in power, and the richest can get richer every year by using the people of the country for them. and for God sake it is forbidden to say anythi g, do anything or use anything what they don't like because there is a law that covers all .. section 112.. Looks more like slavery or a work camp instead of a democracy, and every attempt to change anything will be answered with a coup. with the excuse of a danger for the safety of the country... But if this Government can;'t rule .... I think the country is doomed
  13. One of the stupidest and most outdated law of Thailand.. Has nothing to do with elections
  14. A dog that bites should be killed, no matter who the owner is ....Besides 200.000 THB for additional damages such as???
  15. The taxicompany should revoke the license of this man... Severe punishments to show that the taxis in Bangkok are reliable and the unreliable will be get out
  16. Strange stories, why should any western country as Germany or USA want to influence the Thai economic politics.. It is a third world country, with many restrictions and totally influenced by China... So if China had something to do wit it I could believe it, but al the other stories are fake nothing to gain here for them
  17. Indeed but proper education can not be done in classrooms with 50 kids.. A teacher can't spend 1 minute for each student.. Reform the system and force kids to go the nearest school at their home instead of going to well known schools with over crowded classes. Max 30 kids in a classroom
  18. Be careful... section 112 is watching... green and brown are colors that are allowed Yay or Nay no problems??
  19. Probably crowded places at 2 am....who cares in every country these things happens.. Sex on the beach, in the dunes, in dark corners... It is the youth and yes, sometimes the hormones can't wait.. We were young once too.. Why make a fuss of everything. Maybe it happened once and not every night in that park
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