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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. They should stop with daily payment.. everybody should be paid monthly..based on 1 day a week off and at least 600 THB a day. It would mean that everybody earns at least 26x600THB = 15.600 THB a month. and are 1 day a week off. The people than also have paid holidays, as this week for example Monday off Thursday off Friday off and than the we weekend again.. Daily wages are not paid on days off, but if we want to help the economy with monthly salaries we will. There will a lot less holidays, as companies have to pay the salaries on days off. People can spend more, as they have a better income, and the price will go up a bit but when you tell that the inflation correction is related to the wages and if the inflation is 10% the wages also raise 10% you will see that prices don't rise so much...But who am I ??
  2. But I like the Chinese way more than the Western world... indeed death row inmates cost a lot and they are not worth it... the sooner the execution takes place the better...And yes in the Western world people don't like the death penalty, and yes it will not stop the murders and crimes, but at least there a few less.
  3. Maybe a decent research about air pollution which cause lung infections and vulnerability to Covid infections would be better than just blame it on Songkran...How much Covid in air polluted areas, less air polluted or in in clean air.. and how about the effect of mask wearing.... how long do people use the same mask, which also can be a reason because after a few hours there are a lot of pollution in the masks too
  4. I expect rain in the rainy season and after that cooler weather and dry season....
  5. Good ........ as it was for promoting this Government
  6. In my opinion there should be capital punishment in all countries.. If you see how many criminals have done such a bad things to people , than they don't deserve to live anymore. They only cost a lot of money in prison and all appeals they make at courts, while the family of the victims are punished to live with their loss. Besides maybe a lot of serious crimes could be prevented when they do the dead penalty in public.. I know there will always be people who will say suppose the judges were making a mistake...but there must be protection too ... of has evil a chance??
  7. I think the capital punishment is the best.. In public .... because life sentence sounds worse, but it will cost the society a lot and this kind of people the world can miss.... No endless process.. just proven to be guilty and a few days later the execution
  8. every party that is not army based or influenced is better
  9. I am always wondering wherever I go on any day of the week, where all the people come from who are drinking coffee, walking in shopping malls etc. It seems that almost nobody s workin and a lot of people even young ones drive big cars, so that even my Thai partner ask me where does the money come from and what kind of work do they do?? And I agree.. It seems that nobody is working and that there is a lot of money they all can spend.... so I think this article is rubbish.. but of course don't count housewives, students, peope with disabilities, the eledery the tourists, the expats, and you can make the figures looks the best
  10. Of course they have an explanation that doesn't hold...Ukraine/ Russian war, did rise the the fuel prices indeed, but in the western news these prices are almost back to normal again. In the hot weather indeed the airco and fridges have to work harder to keep things cool and that will cost more energy. But where is the solar energy which is free with so much sunshine, and wind energy in Thailand? and why is that not more promoted?? I am willing to put solar panels on my roof, but where can you find good information and installation companies?? In my opinion it is the greed of the electricity companies who raising prices for bigger profits and use excuses for nothing and surely are not happy if many people change to green energy.
  11. Arrivals are not tourists, and with the increasing prices for flights I don't think it is reliable that tourist industry will recover so quickly. Even for the Russians and the Chinese, who has already a problem with the new visa rule for them.
  12. THe poll shows that there is a big need of change in Thailand... People want to get rid of the old conservative people who are staying in charge..
  13. After noticing his brakes were stuck he stopped....??? how did he stop than?? Besides I agree with many other comments.. a 14 year old on a motorcycle,no helmets, no drivers license, no parent control, in the dark an of course no police control to enforce the law..Sadly enough these accidents are not necessary, and could be prevented...but everybody has to start to do something
  14. the votes on the incorrect party listing will be declared invalid, just a trick to influence the elections.. Everybody should be very careful.. and hopefully Move Forward will be the big winner
  15. They keep on dividing the country, and we al know were will lead to..... The people will not accept the Pheu Thai will be banned or dissolved, so stop this madness please and get rid of this man because he surely doesn't know what he is doing.... There are promisses at all parties and we don't know if any will be real, when they are chosen
  16. The Bank Governor should do what he has to do.... and being involved in elections
  17. Clearly they have never had any real prediction. As clearvoyants, and all gifted with a sixth sense know that there will never be given numbers to win money as same as dates of death.. The hereafter is not money based so who says they can predict you have to avoid, as they are charlatans
  18. Of course, they will use all kind of tricks to stay in power.. As we could see last time with Future Forward and now with predictions that the army influence is out of power, they will never accept that. Or dissolutions or a new coup...I hope that the world will punish this kind of so called democracy
  19. kill them as they attack people. They don't have an owner and probably no one is taking care of them..
  20. No natural enemies so other solutions would be better, but dramatic in Thailand...sterilize them and 75% kill them...what is the use of all the monkeys in every city in several places.. they are a real burden
  21. ban on alcohol because you have to put a cross in box estimated time 5 minutes, but an alcohol ban for 24 hours...and that 2 weeks while the politician are drinking probably in waiting for their votes...
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