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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. The whole menulist of Thai Food is used as soft power to attrack tourists......No news only for feel good for Thailand
  2. As on another website they have written that the 300 THB will not be shelved, but that agencies and online sales will do it instead of the airlines...They forgot it will cost more money and is more vulnerable for corruption... Besides that with the election coming, and the new Government in power in August, nobody has time to invent a good solution anymore... so yes shelved for next year or cancelled at all
  3. Okay they knew it why let people play Songkran?? Abolish this life taking 7 days dangerous event, as long as there is nowhere Covid found anywhere in the world...
  4. and how many in hospital because of traffic accidents??? and still everybody starts to wear a helmet?? Covid is a normal disease now.. All over the world everything is back to normal, but here in Thailand they keep on going
  5. I don't know.. Today I have to go he hospital and I will wear a mask. Why would you think, but last week I needed a bloodtest and went in without a mask and everyone was looking at me as if I was a criminal, and the nurse asked why I did not wear one. I explained that there is no real threat anymore, and than she ran away, just scary I think??? So I thought I let myself go with the flow....But it is still strange... Songkran no masks and now again everybody wearing one
  6. Maybe they should start with a good internet and computersystem.... We found out yesterday that there is a lot to improve. Partly because they are too lazy to work, and partly because the system doesn't work..No wonder that criminals can't be found. I think it is the same for immigration too.... After 17 years living in Thailand immigration can't see where I live or something and my office have no idea too because we have to give them the information time after time....
  7. So why all the media attention for something that is no concern yet??.. Scare people and keep the masks on till 2050??
  8. Just another headline that doesn't match with the content. I think everybody knows that you have to report every 90 days and need a re entry visa if you leave the country and most important extent in time, as you never know what new requirements are needed.. 90 days reports always do at the office, as the immigration told me better can do it here than on the website, because if something goes wrong you have a problem.
  9. Sounds good, but I know someone who refuses to go into the army although he was lucky to pick a black ball,,He was summoned several times, but of course he did not show up. A few months ago he was arrested and in ail for drugs but now he is released again, but he is still walking around. We found out that the police has to arrest him and brin him to the army, but because of the poor computersystems, the computers of different provinces are not connected and so he can not be seen in another province that he must be a soldier...And the police is not doing anything as it is no priority.... I am wondering why than the conscriptions???
  10. The greed is unlimited... In summer when it is hot and people need to use their airco much more, or fans , they always increase the electricity bills.. Every year the same, a lot of use will give alot of money. Than start complaining and the bills go down a bit when it is cooler and less usage....
  11. The "smart" thinking of we let the airlines cash the 300 THB is not working, and that is good.. For airlines it is impossible on their websites to publish different prices. If Thailand needs the 300 THB they have to find a way to do it at the airport, but than long queues as a result which is bad for the reputation and also with a lot of confusion for travellers, who maybe stand for nothing in the queue and don't need to pay and than to go to another queue at the immigration and another on at the luggage claim...
  12. I think there already too much Thai culture and heritage in daily live. Maybe time to open up their minds and look around and get more worldly ideas
  13. I expect from a Government to make things better for the country, its people and visitors except doing nothing but filling their pockets and of their families....I know everwhere the same, but here it is only for a few unelected greedy people
  14. Happy to hear for you that you like Prayuth, but the household debts were never so high, the tourist sector has difficulties to recover, as it wa sbroke down already before the Covid, the export because of the strong manipulated THB is declining, Traffic deaths were never so high, povertry is enormous, drought and floodings every year without solutions, higher corruption, and no freedom of speech and writing or tv broadcastings....All for the good karma Prayuth did for the country???
  15. with an average death toll of 44 day this is lower than normal... 7x 44 should be 308, so 264 is better than normal, although every life taken in traffic is 1 too much..Most accidents are not necessary, but only caused by drunk, irresponsible speeding, etc drivers....
  16. with Mr Prayuth new elected it is not only bad karma, but it is the dead of a country
  17. Results of opening bars till 4 am... 2 am is more than enough and besides that, Thai people can't talk with their mouth, they only way the talk is with their fists...It is common as they know no other ways because it is taught in schools and in their families
  18. Thai Buddhism is truely not Budhism as they show.. Buddhism is a low profile, no luxury and wealth, but devoted to enter the enlightment and Nirvana.. but here in Thailand,, gambling numbers available, as we see now they want to be more important than another, and have most of the time too much money and than I don't talk about other things.....How can they teach the people the right behaviour??
  19. I strongly believe they have no idea about culture, habits, etc of foreigners...They are so focussed on everything Thai that everything else is a threat and so also foreigners, except when they come for a short holiday and than leave again
  20. The importance of 90 days reporting.... If you read the article there is nothing written why it is important, only how you have to do it, and if you don't you can face problems... But why it is important??? I can't read anywhere. It would be better that the immigration was giving a letter that you could use to get a pink card and register in the place where yo live... and no 90 days insanity anymore. Instead every Amphur has its own rules and change as they please. That is why I don't have a pink card yet after 18 years, although I pay taxes, have Social security fund, get signatures on my papers as proof that I live in Thailand, but I can't register, unless now the latest I have to official translate a certified copy of my passport by the Ministery of foreign affairs...I emigrated and in fact I am nowhere registered anymore.
  21. Indeed many reasons to retire in Thailand, but also many reasons not too.. Why? air pollution, visa rules as adress confirmation after a short holiday outside the country, a 90 days reports why?? .. double pricing standards, in this time of the year too hot,etc. And of course normally cheap, good food, and a lot to see.
  22. Do everything to scare people... suspected Covid, when will this nonsense stop. Indeed there is a new strain but there is not much known about it and far too early to panic. In Thailand they fear Covid more than the traffic deaths, which much more severe
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