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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. I want to scream.... another super dish as Thai soft power to attrack tourists
  2. That is an improvement of the normal days, as we could read last week that the average daily deaths were 44 a day. Now with the dangerous days only 158 in 4 days that means 18 less than normal... Rip for all the deceased, because a lot of them did not need to die if there was some law enforcement and driving education. Now it is the not wearing seatbelts for91% of the injured, but if they don't do anything during the whole year than next year in the same period it will be the same. In a few days you can't change behavior
  3. 75% of the Thai people don't pay tax at all.. Maybe they should start with a decent system to register where everyone is really living instead of the blue familybook, and with everyone giving a taxform to fill in. I think in Thailand the Government has no idea who is living where and doing what. That is why corruption and bribes can't be controlled too.
  4. but holidays, replacing holidays, extra holidays, very low salaries and very long working hours and no social funds.... On the other hand the most rich man of the world and the pocket filling Government doesn;t care about them at all..The new Government will do nothing too unless big changes are made, but with the army in the background control it will be very difficult
  5. Another successful story 36 deaths...... Last week we could read that the avarage of deaths till last week was 44 deaths a day.. So 8 less in the most dangerous days in the year.... Again prove that we are told stories
  6. As same in many countries... The elderly people are lonely special with holidays as the young ones will go out with their friends or with their own family. When you are of age you don't fit in the perfect picture anymore. Sadly, but in time the young ones now will experience the same, and maybe even worse as nowadays they are all addicted to phones and internet, and everyone is busy busy and busy..... I hope the elderly can find some happiness in living their own lives.
  7. The first of 7 dangerous days??? Yesterday Phetkasem Road was not even extreem busy as the seven days took probably off already lasgt weekend, when it was extreem busy.. But if they count too early there a re not 7 days of dangers, but 10 or more days. Anyway every day is very dangerous on the roads, but only 2 times of a year they pretend to make them safer...
  8. I hope that the young voters will vote for this party and everyone who loves Thailand, so that the MP's will be the most of all
  9. 19th century laws.... Politicians are people too, but they should be aware what they are doing.. As in Thailand they always go to far and that could have consequences, but than they are not suitable to be politician too
  10. Yesterday I was in the hospital and everyone is wearing a mask. The nurse asked me why don't you wear one? I told here there is no Covid anymore except a few cases, so why wear a mask? and than she went away...
  11. Inappropriate behaviour by the monks is better accepted. Such a conservative country and so sensitive for some issues.. It looks nice and is not offending at all.
  12. Indeed freedom of speech, freedom of press instead the controlling army based Government to keep things out of the news and decide which what and how they can tell and publish... Real democracy is needed
  13. Probably includes aircargo too.. Immigration could not handle all the passengers
  14. Election laws only for other parties not for the current leaders...Bsides that I am happy I was not there.. Only the thought of hearing him sing and seeing him dance gives me shivers...As he did with other candidates now it is time to expel him for 10 years
  15. Thai and digital programmes don't work as we noticed many times already
  16. No ideas? Normally it would be that they can't deal and use...use it as a rehabilitation course
  17. he whole conscription should be abolished. Boys who want to join the army can subscribe and the others should be drugs convicted instead of going to prison they should be obliged to join the army for 2 years..
  18. Move Forward should win the elections.. The Shinawatra family was in power long enough and have enriched themselves more than enough.. And it always ended in a coup. Now the country need a real change. Vote for a new party Move Forward, with no links to Prayuth, Prawith, Anutin, Thaksin or the army. Than real changes can be made
  19. But was Mr Anutin not the one who did not liked the tourists and foreigners? Was he not the one that blamed them for bringing the virus into the country? And now he switched 180 degrees and tells he will help tourism?? Indeed he can help tourism by sdisappearing as soon as possible from the political stage
  20. It is very needed for Thailand to end the ruling of the dinosaurs and bring the country forward. The old men have already showed in past 8 years that they are not capable of making things better for the people and the country. Constantly a throw back to outdated laws, thoughts, and stop reforming to enter the 21st century. Even the Civil Union Bill/ Gay Marriage was hold back although severl years ago already approved, but they were not willig to implement. So now time for real changes I hope
  21. He is right... He should be PM, but why is everything so difficult in Thailand. Make a partylist with candidates who has a minimum of supporters of example 100.00. Votes can be done on the party and the people they want in the Government. The party with the most votes will be the ruling party and the person with the most vostes on that list is the PM. How difficult can it be?? But in Thailand the current Government with in the influence of the army will do everything to keep the influence of the army...
  22. indeed.. they got probably the question... Do you have a valid visa or not? if not go back, as if you stay you will be fined 500 THB a day.... If you go back freely we don't charge yo anything..... And see so they went back... Asylum policy of Thailand
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