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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Mostly the big celebrations are when they are 25, 50, 75, 100, etc.... instead of a broken umber of 241.... But in Thailand every number is celebration number
  2. Good, as there are too many monkeys everywhere and they don't have natural enemies and there is no other way to get rid of them. They breed more than rabbits
  3. More income means more to spend and that is better for the economy. Only problem is that a lot of promises are being made in election time, but most are never fulfilled.
  4. we ant to foreigners as tourists, but after the holiday we want them to overstay so we can earn some more...
  5. Freedom of speech only for those who don't criticize or comment against the Government. defamation, section 112, and all kind of other laws for those who dare to open their mouth. Democracy in Thailand
  6. and what if they keep on using the motorways?? Same as blacksmoke cars? overloaded trucks? And if they use alternative routes, not more dangerous for the people there??
  7. Probably a few patients in the hospital as everyone ran out as soon as she started, according to what I hear in the karaoke restaurants/bars and parties... As soon as they start to sing .... run... run...
  8. I hope it that the young generation will get rid of the dinosaurs currently ruling the country. it would mean a big step forward
  9. People can make mistakes, but these are serious ones, as immigration is an Government institution. To treat people like this for a possible mistake they made is a bit too much. Tourists are no criminals...and probably 2 times, and who knows how many times more, which are withold from the news. Shows the incompetence of a tourist destination
  10. As long as the number of tourists goes up no problem .... but what about the earnings for country and businesses??
  11. Always wondering why so many accidents happens on straight roads.. It seems you are nowhere safe, now a coffeeshop, and a shop, but there were restaurants too were people suddenly drive into....In a curve I would understand, but on a straight road??
  12. decent investigation and a autopsy should bring the solutions instead of only speculations as usual
  13. very smart going to sleep in a public area with a lot of money next to you....Why not get rid of it first??
  14. How is it possible with the booming tourism according to TAT. Tourist enough
  15. One of the worst scenario for the country... Everybody knows that Thailand has to change and enter the 21st century. With a moderate conservative party it will never happen as they will stay on the 19th century habits, laws, ways of living. We have example that the Conservative for example delayed constantly the samesex marriage, keep on tight on section 112, and have old ideas that are not of a modern society. Moderate liberal and liberal are far better for the country's sake as the 21st century is more than cellphones, wifi and TV's
  16. Most worry some in this case is that the police thinks....Besides that the Chinese fled the country already I am wondering how can a music teacher get 2,5 million for ransom?? Normally teachers, don't earn so much, probably more in this story than published
  17. In the Thailand they have never heard of work planning. Many times on very busy days the start or just have started works on roads...They need to block everywhere, on the road in the supermarket, on markets, just name it......Thinking is required
  18. They can see ahead?? I think most drivers don't look further than the end of their car.. So many times that they even can't steer to right or left to pass the car in front of them when it is turning into a street or something..They stay behind till the road is free again to drive on..And others need to drive in three lanes switching constantly without looking if it is possible because of slower traffic...Indeed you are right first start to educate them instead of giving a driverslicense...becaus herein lies the problem, no education at all
  19. That are more people than with Covid.... but alas who cares?? surely not the Government who did not do anything about it in the past years, and the ones who makes the fires, forest , ricefields or sugarcanefields, don"t care either
  20. Smart move.... now who wants to stay for 45 days have to leave and come back... Counting again for the tourist numbers and so we can get our goal this year.
  21. Rip to the unnecessary deceased... When is the Government start doing something... restrictions on hours, cards with drive hours and rest periods in the car, enforcement of speeding by placing more cameras and higher fines, better checks for alcohol and driverslicenses etc etc.... By nothing nothing will change
  22. Public area??? I thought that belongs to the city, so why not give pieces of land for a good rent to the beach bed and umbrella so they can earn a living pay for the permission, and tourist can sit in the shade... Everybody happy
  23. Maybe same system as in comic shows.... peep, boing, toing....and of course to control ....
  24. Normal as a a judge in Hua Hin some time back approved the overcharging for a Dutch National for the same treatment as Thai, with the reason that foreigners have more money....So if you can't fight this kind of discrimination, you have to accept or go to another country. But in the meanwhile Thailand wants to be promoted as the hub of healthcare...
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