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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Government will not do anything anymore.. They are almost finished and no time anymore. Or it must suit the elections...They approved so many things and did not do anything with it anymore...just approved to keep people quiet
  2. Yes indeed with storm last days and the pouring downs... accidents could not be prevented... That is easier than learn to adjust how to drive in all kind of weather conditions.. Probably they did not speed, they kept distance from each other, had good working sweepers on the on window etc etc.. Nothing to blame.. Nature did it
  3. Same as with Covid, we only adjust the numbers to look good.. Reality is what?? hundreds or a 148??
  4. impossible to kill a dog, but no problem for a person...in traffic, with a gun or after a rape etc.. That is Buddhism too?
  5. holiday jobs.... sure it will help temporarily the problem, if there is enough paid and working hours are also normal instead of 12 hours or more a day
  6. Kill the tourist and take care of the stray dogs..... Violent street dogs should be killed, for the safety of people... No need to say impossible because Buddhism, as it sometimes look like killing people is more normal than stray dogs and that is accepted...
  7. Yeah carbon enough in the air....And How can i see that Thailand is so green?? plastic and rubbish everywhere, black smoke cars, although a lot of sun almost no individuals have solarpanels...almost no electric cars, dieseltrains etc etc.. and than this: https://thainewsroom.com/2023/03/13/mae-hong-son-drowning-in-toxic-dust-as-pm2-5-exceeds-224/
  8. Maybe start with solution to get less polution.. Today on the news over 7 years there will more electric vehicles... other news is that Thailand want to help other countries with their waste..... Why in the western world can there be cities with zones for only vehicles younger than 6 years to prevent pollution. In teh wester n world there has been a big cleaning of the old cars which polluting more... Why can't here? If I see some cars they are pre WWII cars it seems and others are at least 40 or 50 years old and some even almost fall apart.. Why not a program to get them off the road and buy younger ones with help of the Government.. It will be better than travel together
  9. The peple who have to defend the country act like this??? What did they learn in the army? or is a lack of brains
  10. accomodations 21 USD a night??? What time was this article written??? Last week was mentioned that prices of hotels raised to even more than 50 % than before Covid.. and with the inflation, the strong THB we all notice that living costs are up too...
  11. A man of my heart...The military have damaged the country more than enough with their coups, their old fashioned ideas and their military discipline.....Time to create a real democracy, freedom, and entering the 21st century
  12. A sex industry that doesn't exist, according to the RTP...that is forbidden according to the law,. So what can you protect??
  13. And that while it is illegal for already a long time....How many were sold already? why did the RTP do nothing about it in previous years?? And how about the markets everywhere ... you can buy them easily
  14. I live in Thailand yes and that was immigration office in Phetchaburi, Tha Yang. It was no problem, I got only my 90 days receipt and no new address slip, But I did what the told me...and after that the extension of stay was again no problem
  15. Last year I went on a holiday in Europe and I asked do I have to do the TM30 reporting when I come back and the immigration office answered, yes you have to come for your address and we give you a new 90 days form....so no problem..
  16. It looks like election promises.. Every year there is this problem. and every year it is the same as with the floodings, as soon as it is over nothing will be done about it anymore...Government must take measures to prevent the problems... A lot can be done... Why are in Eu citys zones where old vehicles are forbidden? Why are there in big cities electric new taxis driving and public transportion....Why are in some countries restrictions for factories about airpollution?? Why can it be done there and not in Thailand?? Why are there still so many blacksmoke cars driving here around although several crackdowns, why here still so many oldtimers driving around? Why not educate people not to take the motorcycle for a very short trip( a few hundred meters to a shop for example) etc etc and restriction on burning rice and sugarfields And of course enforce the laws....But this is Thailand... always walking behind the facts, no view, and no idea how to solve things properly
  17. How can he get several different id cards?? As I wrote several times, make a good registration system, Now it is a system that nobody can control with the blue book. It are the officers who have given the cards shold be blamed. And of course he will not get 6 votes letters so no impact on the electons, except if he vote Pheu Thai or Move Forward
  18. Probably because in the EU several countries are back to normal again...Covid is now classified as a normal disease, so too many vaccines are be given away instead of threw away
  19. 30 million, 40 million, 80 million tourists next year who bet more???
  20. Only words, but no actions.... as we could see with his promise to legalize same sex couples....Now women are the same... but still they are not able to ask for a divorce for example..A lot of work to do, but Mr PM only talks and does nothing
  21. I have built a house outside the city with views on the ricefields.... but indeed maybe in a city it is much more quit.
  22. Again a foreigner arguing with a Thai.......and the foreigner slipped and contacted the ground... yes sure... there is more but we will never know... I slipped in my kitchen a few weeks back and I bruised my toes and a bruise on my head....Little bit unbelievable that this man died only by slipping
  23. Very true.. There NO place in Thailand where you will find a quiet spot.. People are screaming when they talk, TV's everywhere are on max volume, Shopping Malls as BIg C , Lotus etc have many different places in their shop that try to sell their stuff and than overall what should be background music, makes it a more like a club than a shop... Probably they never heard that soundpollution will scare the customers off. Than the open air parties almost every day somewhere.. Why turn on the music so loudly that sometimes we can't hear our own TV or that by the bass we hardly can sleep.. It happens in temples and public places, for weddings birthdays, and shows, cow races and also open air karaoke bars and just name it.. And than of course the stupid cars, with the advertisements, and in a few weeks of the parties for elections. Driving around the whole day... And as I write this at 6 00 in the morning there is someone already listen to the radio while I can hear inside my house... Complaining is no use as the police will always tell that everybody has a right to have a party, they have earn money etc.... No wonder that people shoot sometimes as sounds can make people crazy... It is used as a torture sometimes... And than I don't even talk about the crazy driving motorcycles and cars, and the cars that have the music on that you can hear streets away
  24. What a stupid law.... How old is it?? Thailand never will get in the 21st century because it tries to control everyone and everything...As Chinese can embroider Thai letters....Besides is there a copyright on these uniforms?? And retired foreign teachers who wear shirts from the schools they worked are not allowed to wear them too??? And than hoping to atrack more tourists, no vaping, limited alcohol sales, double pricing, and now limitation on what you wear...
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