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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. The police is normally there to protect people and enforce laws... but in Thailand they do different things
  2. a new eletronic anklebrace??? check and control where the tourists are and what they are doing?? and does this really work, because so many computer programs in THailand doesn't work properly
  3. First question that comes in mind is how did she enter Thailand with no visa??? help from from who and why so stupid to leave at an airport where everything is checked?? Something else is why are these people seen as crimininals???
  4. Were sextoys not forbidden?? What is this than?? Gambling forbidden and a sextoy look......cut the tree
  5. Some time ago a high ranked police officer admitted that the RTP don't know the laws too... So how can you expect that foreigners know the laws if the ones who have to enforce them don't even know what to enforce. Besides RTP and Immigration are often making own laws and rules which makes it for foreigners even more difficult. Examples enough... different immigration offices, different ways of working....And let us be fair... as we could read in Bali it are mostly the Russians who disbehaving... the quality tourists and the Chinese??? why must the Chinese Embassy assure that the Chinese are safe in Thailand??
  6. I hope it will be... My choice too Move Forward PM better than another Shinawatra
  7. probably they can't ad peew. pong, or hahahaha at the jokes
  8. Happiness to the people... in eight years not a big improvement....And it is a question who they asked ...Corruption more happy, borrow money more happy, paying back not happy, air quality.... not happy, freedom of speech and writings no happy, Phuket ... more happy....etc
  9. my idea too.... and always strangely enough most accident occur at straight road, almost never in curves
  10. Maybe time to get rid of the EC committee and make a new one, who is really independent and reliable, but .... this is Thailand
  11. Rocketing, but not as many as expected... so in normal words tourism is going up again, slowly but up
  12. Times are changing....... indeed not France ... yet.... but the riches richer and the poorer poorer is a ground to get problems.. surely now a real leader is missing....
  13. He can say what he wants,. but who believes him, who borrowed expensive watches from a dead friend?? Another question that is more important I think, would the Thai people accept another coup???
  14. I really hope that Move Forward will be the winners, but in the always vote buying and manipulated elections it will be probably Pheu THai and / or other current Government parties that will score high. as we have seen several years back too when suddenly out of nothing a few hundred thousand votes were added to PPRP.
  15. They should do it also for the samesex marrfiage/ Civil Union Bill... deliberately delaying all the time.. and now again waiting for the new Government so nothing will happen with the anti torture law and several others... The sham of this Government
  16. Who doesn't make mistakes, doesn't make anything
  17. The man was upset and see what happened a policeforce of about 100 men placed the man under siege... No wonder tensions rise, if you are being treatened by 100 police/army men... Than again there was a long dispute about noise. We all can imagine that noise is really used in some countries a torture instrument, only in Thailand it is common. Noise pollution is everywhere, as said many times, but with a lack of regulation and enforcement more accidents like this will occur. Than another question of this story is why could he order so many bullits online? As Thailand wants to control everything, why not this?... and why 15 hrs? why not shoot him in he arm. leg or whatever instead of killing him? I don't care, as he killed 3 others too, but still.....
  18. Ok mu mistake I am not a citizen, but a resident.... although not even that as it is after 17 years still impossible to get a pink id card/yellow book. Al the time they change ... first years not possible, than only when you are married, and than a copy of your passport translated, and now only a certified copied translated and certified by the Ministry.... I have given up and I am not registered at all.. but I pay every year my taxes here, they fill in my papers for my pension, they all know me as I live in the same city, but a pink id....... impossible.... So I feel I am a citizen correction resident, but not in paperwork
  19. clearly no clue what you are talking about.....
  20. What would happen if Thais are being double priced in a western country????
  21. I am a citizen of Thailand now , but I don't have the nationality.... and I pay taxes here and I am still threated as a foreigner, with double pricing
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