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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Apparently it is a trend these days... It is almost very hard to find someone who doesn't have a tattoo.. I don't like tattoos, but that is my taste... In the past people with tattoos were sailors and people with a not so decent history....Indeed if you had a tattoo work in general was very difficult to get.. Nowadays things changed, but I am still wondering why people want to mutilate themselves.. I saw in a bankoffice a very goodlooking boy , but tattoos on his hands and who knows where else...It such a pity because when they get older maybe they regret it and tattoos are forever... Not my kind of taste, but who want can do I don't mind... So girls with tattoos, not my kind of girls, but if they are happy with it....
  2. So what is strange about it, that women want to have children???And if they are, does that mean that they can't fullfill their duty anymore after given birth?....
  3. All farangs sadistic sex......all that is yellow is a banana.... That could be said too.....It shows the simplicity of minds
  4. I agree... but the current government is doing the same.....With a coup the grabbed the power, the elections that followed were manipulated and the next are already with rules that benefit the current parties most.... That is criminal too
  5. That is why I don't keep my money in Thailand... Very dangerous system...High debts and low savings....And everybody is being urged to spend to improve the economy......But what will happen if everybody has no money anymore but only debts??? The system will collapse exept the few with extreem a lot of money.. but probably they have more assets too abroad.
  6. And all the result of wearing facemasks... we continue till there are no patients hospitalized anymore.... And bad air quality???? WE don't know.. not important enough.. Covid is still in the news
  7. Well well well. eat festival, music festival, Songkran week.....a lot of activities and a few days ago an article about the high household debts....
  8. It shows how they spend money and where it is going...Buy a few big trees for normal price and the rest young ones and the difference...... So that is in the pocket...These tree grow fast so and we have one too in the garden and that was not more than 500 THB (1,5m tall)and is now 3 m high already in one year....
  9. i never went camping here, but when I look how the beach sometimes looks like... trash everywhere and overloaded bins... maybe the people who likes camping care more for nature that is true, but time will learn
  10. Pay money.. play on your cellphone for the time that is needed and you have your points back.. Now they have a system that doesn't work. If you lost your points it means you had a lot mistakes.. So consequences must be carried to learn a lesson .. We all know that people keep on making the same mistakes time after time here. So maybe they will learn if the driverslicense is invalid for a time now...] Money is the key hat opens all doors, but some should stay locked.
  11. That is what they spent.. but what have they earned ??? Masks still promoted to wear, alcohol sanitizers, selling vaccines...Only one part is mentioned... the other part disappeared in the pockets??
  12. There is a trend at this moment to discourage flying.. I hear it Europe too.. promoting the trains and higher taxes on airports....all for the climate change
  13. It is basically easy... you can ask for something what you want, but the consumer is paying what he/she think it is worth for him/her. Too expensive you don't sell a lot.. too cheap you will sell but no or not enough profit....Mostly buyer and seller find each other in he middle somewhere...But if the airline prices are also getting more expensive the hotels will have to lower their roomrates.... And bargains are always to be found somewhere...
  14. Congratulations....well done.... There could be more titles if sport was promoted and people had some freetime instead working from early morning till dark 7 days a week.. Even the students have almost never time to play....
  15. They are afraid to go to court apparently and have this solution.. But is was better if they hold the man and told him that water was not free and he had to pay for it... in decent words and there were no problems at all.....This is a very expensive bottle of water for the bar
  16. Impossible promise....as long as the RTP is involved it can't be done... In my neighbourhood there is a boy who is caught several times for dealing and possession of drugs. Every time the police ask money and he will not be charged..... last time it cost him 50k.... and he is free and start again....His girlfriend was the daughter of the head of the village, and when they came check the area the head of the village even dared to say there were no drugs in this area.... Just to say
  17. Hand repaired because of RSI... so that he can open the envelops or gets his money .......
  18. Something strange going on, as there is no cause of death released.....Normally they just tell it, but now everyone is speculating...
  19. Good that he stand up against these laws in Thailand that are outdated and too strict and are made by every man him/herself.... and all for a bottle of water.....Thai people should learn to think in grey and not only in black and white...Some minor offense are being handled as if they are big criminals.. just like in this case a bottle of water.... He did not rob a gold shop.....There is a lot of commotion about a Canadian who fought with 4 Thai people... but probably it is a similar case... He will probably loose the case, as foreigners will never win, but just the courage to try make life normal in Thailand is a good case..
  20. No problem, no alcohol....we buy before and drink it on Monday... but as long as we can buy and use weed no worries anymore... Happiness to the people ( and if we out of alcohol a shop in a soi will probably be there to serve us....)
  21. Thai teachers dictate and students copy.... The students have no idea what they are copying, but questions are not allowed to asked....English teachers??? Even more difficult. I have tried to speak with Thai English teachers, but they avoid me as much as possible, and when they speak I hardly understand them..The director of the school master in English can't speak either.. reading and writing are normal... I had to check the tests every time and full of mistakes....The year of retirement the retiring teachers don't do anything anymore... too busy with their farewell party and clothing and all kind of other activities...And now they have to come back?? They don't add anything....sorry
  22. Brake failure... I am always wondering have they never noticed a problem?? It is not the first time they stopped I guess....... and never had a problem.. only it occur when there is an accident
  23. It is indeed a feel good story to show how good Thai people are... I am happy that she is successful don't worry... But it is outside the country and inside the country there are people fighting with their lives for real democracy and that you don't read anywhere here.. That is annoying and more important than a successful sportsman/woman I think
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