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Posts posted by scammed

  1. 2 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    You may be right. Having said that, I've been here ten years, have had my fair share of tupping, and have never had any form of STD.

    i had my unfair share of 50% of them giving it to me,

    luckily it was curable diseases and i made up my mind

    they are too dirty for me, i aint gambling on those odds

  2. 1 minute ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Considering the amount of guys who don't use a condom it's surprising how little spread of STIs there is, recently even less as no tourists to bring it in the country 

    i think the diseases are more abundant here,

    and is a net export

  3. 4 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    It does baffle me why so many guys here have unprotected sex. A skilled woman can make the process of donning a condom a very enjoyable experience.

    The only woman I have unprotected sex with here is my Thai GF, and even she was on probation for several years.

    Common sense goes out the window when one is thinking with the small head.

    i think with herpes virus the only safe way is to steer clear from the infected altogether

  4. 7 minutes ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

    Yeah, a bit wet this year, but eventually the rain will stop.



    that definitely looks like pattaya tai & soi 17 early 2000, still amazed my old scooter didnt choke,

    the engine was entirely submerged all the way.

    ed: i just realized the air intake must have been at the tank, similar like the weirdo looking pickup trucks with a trunk for air intake

  5. 1 hour ago, CorpusChristie said:

    Bit stupid of him to show the World his weapons , that would be the first thing to be targeted by a by an enemy missile, should a war break out , satellites are probably watching and and seeing where he puts it 

    no, this is a deterrent, if anything,

    you would want to convince everyone that its a bad idea to use force against them. another card he has in his hand is that south korea capital is within artillery range

    • Like 2
  6. 8 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    The link to the video is given in the OP, so that is not censored unless this thread disappears.

    Were you given a holiday recently for being naughty? All previous posts are wiped when that happens.

    i uploaded in covid19 topic, the topic disappeared,

    i truly hope its a technical flaw rather then censorship.

    this topic is in response to that topics disappearance

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