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Posts posted by scammed

  1. i usually buy my laptops at tuk com since i cant order from lazada without a computer,

    but now with lazada phone app i believe i could get it cheaper on lazada,

    its just that there might be a time constraint, such as in need of a computer to transfer my pension in a timely manner, in which case i would still go to tuk com

  2. 13 minutes ago, stouricks said:

    Many times it is SLOW drivers who cause accidents. Does your driving at 30 kph reduce the pain level when a Lambo hits you at 177 kph?   PML

    even a lambo cant make it to 177 km/h on the small sois i voluntarily restrict

    my driving to, and from my experience the accidents happen during lane cutting,

    i am not the cause of someone else cutting my lane

    regardless of my speed

  3. 4 minutes ago, giddyup said:

    You do understand that Thailand has one of the highest, if not the highest, death tolls on the road, so the colour blindness test (very few countries have this) and reaction tests are meaningless in terms of making better drivers.

    i believe every single nation has color test, or else the roads would constantly

    have incidents because none can see the brakes light on the car in front,

    leading to rear ramming, people would be violating traffic lights at crossings,

    luckily we see none of that.

    a bigger issue is people, including tvf members, think signaling and proceeding with caution

    gives right of way to cut and cross lanes, i believe there is no cure for this level of illogical

    line of thought, because at its heart its a lack of analytical skill and rationality

    • Confused 3
  4. since my accidents are invariably inflicted by another trafficant, i dont have to worry,

    its their insurance company that has to pay.

    that said its painful like hell and unavoidable too, so i dont drive much

    and when i do i drive slow to reduce pain level that is coming without fail

  5. 14 minutes ago, giddyup said:

    Do you think passing a colour and reaction test is enough to ensure you are a good driver?

    since they already qualified for driving license, i say yes.

    the two main relevant things that will deteriorate with time, as in retirement age,

    is reaction and eyes, these two tests will filter out nearly all unfit to drive on public roads

  6. 54 minutes ago, asiacurious said:


    If Trump loses in November, will the world's view of the US change?  Or will the US continue to be seen as people now see it?  



    It seems like Covid shuts down economies regardless of the actions taken.  Shut everything down to protect the health of your people and the economy will suffer.  Refuse to shut down to keep things open and the economy will still suffer and you'll have millions sick, hundreds of thousands dead, hospitals overwhelmed, schools closed....


    And which is the knee jerk reaction in this case?  Shutting down based on what the science is saying about a virus, or insisting that nothing is wrong based on... well, nothing actually?

    sweden is fully operational and in fact gdp went up a bit

    at covid outbreak. its going to contract due to rest of the world knee jerk reaction and sweden being an exporter will be affected as the rest of the world suffer economic famine

    from the lunacy that has taken hold.

    you could say an almost world wide self inflicted economic trauma,

    and an immoral one at that since the 

    bill is sent to future generations

    • Like 2
    • Confused 2
  7. 16 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

    There seems to be 2 opposite opinions re your situation. Some very experienced guys say that your on amnesty and hence can obtain your annual extension anytime. I'm in the other camp that thinks you need to do it as per usual. Meaning prior to your permission of stay in your passport.

    Personally I would attend your imm now and ask about your situation. Also explaining the situation with your expiring pp. It has been difficult to renew passports in recent times.

    Good luck

    the agent took the passport to immigration in due time, it was immigration that noted that it was going to expire within a year.

    worst thing is i new it was going to expire within a year, i just thought i need to get a new passport by then and transfer the visa, but alas i fessed up.

    to complicate things i also couldnt just make half a year visa in the mean time because my driving license has also expired and need a one year visa to get a 5 year extension,

    it sucks to not be home

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