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Posts posted by scammed

  1. 1 minute ago, ubonjoe said:

    You can apply for the one year extension but it will only be valid to the day your passport expires. There is no requirement to have a full year to apply for it

    yes, the agent suggested it, but that would mean paying two times for one year,

    now i only hope things works out ok with the amnesty thing and from there the usual extension without any complication.


    when does amnesty run out ? i figure it takes 2 weeks from today before i got a new passport

  2. On 7/29/2020 at 5:36 PM, OneeyedJohn said:

    Xiaomi is pronounced like the first part of 'shower' and 'me' . apparently

    i also believe xi / chi should be with rising tone as if asking a question,

    similar in rise to the thai luuh ? / really ?

  3. its more of a case of, rich people dont have to bat an eyelid to make safety first,

    not so rich rather take their chances that its going to end well.

    im not into medicine as a matter of principle so generally if it isnt too bad

    i wait until 2nd day to see if the body can fix it by itself,

    but if the trend isnt what i want it to be, i go straight on a norfloxacin diet,

    and then within 2 days im back to normal whatever it was

  4. this graph show the only uptick in new deaths are at very advanced age,

    low age death is actually on decline.



    this is pointing straight at nursing homes yet again, and/or advanced age.

    it also rhymes with the findings of t cell deficiency in old folks


    another data we can extract from this is that 85+ folks dont go to work,

    dont riot, dont eat out at resturants, dont go out drinking at gogo, they do their bit of social distancing from anyone not in the nursing home, yet they make up for all the uptick in deaths.


    that in turn point to social distancing and shutdown is unrelated to new deaths,

    the new deaths revolve entirely around old folks hunkering in nursing homes

  5. 7 minutes ago, cmarshall said:

    You are welcome to believe in alien lizard people, if you wish, but that's not a reason for anyone here to take you seriously.


    There is no such thing as "general immunity" to viruses or bacteria.  There are some cross immunities that result because of the similarity of one virus to another, such as cowpox and smallpox.  Although there are several coronaviruses no cross immunity among them has ever been established.  Indeed, there is no evidence of persistent immunity against reinfection even from the same coronavirus again and again.  It's not known if this is true for Sars-Cov2.


    I don't know that viral immunity is inheritable.  If you have been infected with a virus, your body responds by producing antibodies and T cells that resist a second infection of that virus.  But how would that change your DNA so that you could pass it on to your offspring?  Sounds like Lamarckian evolution to me.


    There are, however, adaptations to disease that reduce the severity of an infection and improve survivability and these could be passed on.  The well-known example is sickle-cell anemia which is an adaptation to malaria found in African Americans and which is certainly inheritable, but it does not involve antibodies resulting from a single infection.  Probably such adaptations would only arise in environments where the disease is endemic, rather than to epidemic diseases.


    Europeans did have more immunity, to smallpox, for instance, than Native Americans, but that was because lacking herd animals and isolated from Eurasia, Native Americans had no exposure to epidemic disease of any kind prior to the European invasion.  

    https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20200716-the-people-with-hidden-protection-from-covid-19?xtor=ES-213-[BBC Features Newsletter]-2020July24-[Future|+Button]

  6. 7 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Yes the long run is all that matters:


    Sweden will probably see many more deaths due to covid, this is not over yet. From Sweden's Public Health Agency on the 22nd July. The best case scenario will be an additional 1,108 deaths, next scenario would be an additional 3,250 deaths and its third scenario is an additional 4,460 deaths still to come.




    its a hypothesis with no support of data, on contrary data contradict the hypothesis,

    that to my mind is just agenda peddling.

    a theory should be able to predict future, otherwise throw the theory in the trashcan

    and try harder

    sweden covid-19.jpg

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  7. 5 minutes ago, cmarshall said:

    As long as there are new Covid deaths, the deaths per million will rise although if there are few deaths then the rise is likely to be imperceptible.  If the pandemic ever ends, then new Covid death rates in every country will go to zero and wherever the Covid cumulative deaths per million count stands for each country it will stand for all time. 


    It is not reasonable at all to assume that most are going to be exposed.  Where would you get such an idea?  Do you think that S. Korea with a population of 51 million would have less than 300 deaths if most of the population became infected?  The death count is not kept low in the ICU, but by testing, isolating positives, and tracing their contacts.  This is called "containment" of the virus and it is what is responsible for the extermination of the SARS virus from 2003, for example.  You don't read much about containment in the Western press, since after all the Western governments failed even to try to contain Sars-Cov2, the cat got out of the bag and the only remaining option was mitigation. 


    As I have already pointed out if you focus on excess deaths against, say, a 5-year average month per month, then we can assume that all of those excess deaths are due to Covid either directly or indirectly.  That count also corrects for people who may have died from Covid, but would likely have died anyway during that period from other causes.  You can forget all about preconditions befuddling your mind.


    Ancestral exposure?  What part of novel coronavirus don't you understand?  Prior to this outbreak no human being was ever exposed to Sars-Cov2, nor is there any evidence that exposure to any other coronavirus would have produced any immunity to Sars-Cov2.

    i believe in inheritable general immunity,

    europeans, having long been accustomed to chinese export of virus commodity

    through silk road had much higher odds then native americans to withstand a virus.

    even after 300 years of exposure, i still think black americans generally 

    have a poorer immunity vs chinese commodity

  8. 52 minutes ago, cmarshall said:

    Are you capable of understanding that even if the daily death rate in Sweden now drops to zero and stays there the deaths per million will not change at all?


    If you think that S. Korea's deaths per million, for example, will rise from the current 5.8 to anything near Sweden's 562, then you are dealing in faith-based science.  

    why wouldnt it rise though ?

    as it stands, the most reasonable assumption is that most are going to be exposed,

    and out of those, 0.0x% of retirees will die a few years earlier then otherwise,

    and that x will contain a myriad of preconditions, like how long their ancestors has been exposed, obesity, T-cells, and various other preconditions

  9. 1 hour ago, BobinBKK said:

    Oh you mean driving like a Thai? Highly doubtful as he was white...

    i have seen it on numerous occasion here on this very forum how white elderly

    retirees have zero clue on traffic regulations, and i have also seen it first hand in traffic

    in pattaya, one of them actually stating that i had to wait on him to cut my lane because

    had had switched on his signal.

    i am here to educate as many as i can

  10. 22 minutes ago, opalred said:

    who is resposible for the increase in a lot of the countrys

    look at the countrys that followed trumps mouth / leaders that are trump followers /now all are following his mess /it will go away /dont wear masks/ open up /how many will die in the world because of him /the very smart man /he says he is/??

    much as expected, trump is to blame for everything where ever and what ever it may be

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  11. 22 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

    This story doesn't make sense.  Everyone who's lived in Thailand long enough must have been hit with the diarrhea before, or some manner of food poisoning.  I certainly have, one time so severe that I had painful stomach cramps, fatigue, and diarrhea for days.  But I never bothered to go to the hospital and recovered.  So to pay 40,000 bt for diarrhea....bizarre.

    i was once so weakened that i got rolled into the hospital in a wheelchair,

    you really should get on antibiotic on 2nd day at the latest

  12. 14 minutes ago, Opl said:

    To hold Trump accountable for his non sensical ideas about COVID-19 is not bashing.

    To make life and death decisions based on his sole self-interest to be reelected is what brings us to discuss about US domestic politics. 


    yes, he had some dumb comments about virus,

    but en large he dont make a difference and neither does anyone else

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