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Posts posted by scammed

  1. 8 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

    How can you possibly know how many lives were saved as a result of the shutdown?  For comparison sake, we have drunk driving laws which undoubtedly saved lives.  How many lives exactly, we have no way of knowing.  At least with drunk drivers, we had historical data.  With COVID, we have nothing. 


    I should add that your indifference to the "loss of retirees to the society" is rather alarming.  Aren't you yourself a retiree?

    yes i am, and i dont want to be a burden to future generations, it reflect badly on me,

    and it reflect badly on me when policy are being made that imply i support it

  2. 2 minutes ago, Opl said:

    And what do you suggest for undetected asymptomatic infected who are the productive super spreaders? 

    Would everyone be tested like Trump and his entourage, then you'd be right, is it the case?   

    i think the shut down of economy is more costly then the loss of retirees to the society,

    and i find it unethical to tax unborn generations 

    • Confused 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Putting aside your vile ‘the herd is better off without them’, a couple of salient points seem to have evaded you:


    1. It’s an election year.

    2. Older Americans, who vote in very much higher numbers than any other demographic group, have not missed that the failings of this President to deal with the Coronavirus place them at a very much higher risk to this disease.


    Let’s sacrifice our old for the economy - good luck going into an election with that as a policy.

    i think the quarantine policy got it 180 degree wrong,

    if you are going to quarantine anyone, do it with the infected, new arrivals,

    and possibly those at risk.

    NY did instead quarantine the productive population, and then sent the infected to nursing homes

    bristling with dying old folks, what could possibly go wrong with both economy & the dying ?

  4. 2 minutes ago, rabas said:

    I think you don't understand what he said, but yeah, things do get complicated. He is talking about RNA vaccines, not modifying people. Two of the 4 most promising vaccines currently under development are RNA vaccines. Hot new tech. Here is a good summary about these:  2 US, 1 British and 1 Swedish companies.


    From Beth Mole at ArsTechnica:

    ArsTechnica Meet the 4 frontrunners in the COVID-19 vaccine race


    BTW, Chinese are not in the race, their candidate it a third rate attempt at looking good with a vaccine that can't work well.

    i dont think its worth an effort, at least not an effort with tax money,

    it should be funded privately in its entirety 

  5. 3 minutes ago, rabas said:

    Humans are the result of 4 billion years of genetic modification. What is the problem? Are you going backwards?

    there is strong evidence that viruses has modified us along the journey,

    im not against it in principal, i would happily undergo it if it was free and cured my

    pain, but covid strikes a handful of elderly people, 

    i dont want to pay for it and above all its horribly unethical to pass the bill to unborn generations

  6. 40 minutes ago, black tabby said:

    The biggest role of mask in this case is to reduce the chances  of the virus spread from  the unconscious carriers.

    Medical experts say 80% of the infected show no symptoms unlike flu.

    And this is the most dangerous aspect of this illness.

    We might be infected and infect others while we don't even notice.

    And it is face masks that come between the carriers  and the uninfected.

    Masks other than N95 might not be 100% effective.

    But  it can still lower the risk  of its spread through saliva splash.

    The point is to reduce the risks. Not the 100% prevention.

    And even the simple 2-layer homemade cotton masks can be pretty effective if you place another sheet of paper towel between them.


    can/if/may/might be not statistically relevant difference in real world settings

  7. 16 minutes ago, black tabby said:

    Good to know it.

    Thanks to:

    1-Government's speedy decisive  moves to contain  Corona Virus. 

    2-The reasoned population  willing to wear face masks and accept body temperature check on demand.

    3-Easy access to affordable masks often made by individual tailors applying own skills to produce them.

    4-The tropical  gift to Thailand; high temperature, humidity, and strong UV, all what C/Virus hates.


    2 is particularly  the attitude the west should copy during this critical period of time.

    Freedom of not wearing face masks inside the indoor  public place  is just an abuse of freedom to spread the disease.








     there is no field data  to make an assertion over effectiveness of use/misuse of masks,

    the best bet is to compare US states where it was enforced vs where it wasnt

  8. 51 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

    COVID has killed more Americans than the Korean and Vietnam Wars combined.  The thing is, those wars lasted years.  COVID has done this in a span of around 6 months.  With Trump in charge, we'll surely surpass American deaths from World War II.

    no, covid deaths are unrelated to trump,

    but the shutdown and consequent quantitative easing aka borrow from unborn generations is certainly trumps fault.

    that epic fail is however shared with most of the world, save sweden

    • Haha 2
  9. 16 minutes ago, herwin1234 said:

    Thai citizens; educated and united against covid.

    Farang citizens: ITS ALL A HOAX !!! 


    No surprise the Thais have Covid under control while the usa, just to name one farang country, is in a state of chaos and rising deaths. 

    thailand, educated united and shut down economy,

    got a 3000 uptick in pneumonia deaths supposedly unrelated to covid


    sweden, educated and carried on business as usual,

    not a mask or closure in sight


    both are going toward zero new deaths

    daily deaths thailand.jpg

    sweden covid-19.jpg

    • Confused 1
  10. 13 hours ago, asiaexpat said:

    I tried this scheme when they started it to report motorbikes on the pavement and got nothing. They wanted video, pictures, plate number, location, time and date. Got zero out of it. I expect this to be the same. 

    well obviously they will want technical evidence that holds up in court,

    did you think a meme was going to cut it ? i.e their word against yours

    with yours having an economic incentive behind it

  11. 8 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    The link has a paywall block. I assume they are talking to redirecting more money toward social services, education and mental health agencies as police often are required take on the roles due to lack of resources i.e. insufficient funding for the responsible agencies, not actually defunding policing activity. if there are a few democrats who have an aggressive agenda to actually defund policing core activities it will never get enacted - in reality a nonsensical stance to gain a bit of attention.

    acording to the article, its not 'a few' but near consensus,

    rumors has it 97% of democrats are in unanimous sensus, the debate is over


    nterviews with superdelegates and members of a Biden-Sanders task force found near-unanimous sentiment for redirecting money away from policing, with positions beyond what Joseph R. Biden Jr. has proposed.

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