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Posts posted by scammed

  1. the video is clear, the drug addict was sitting down unarmed and looking down the ground,

    he was not moving and had no intention of moving.

    the police walked up and kicked the drug addict in the head, and then 

    when the police continued kicking the drug addict tried to deflect the attack ,

    and was shot for trying to deflect the kicks


    never thought i say it but smartphones with selfie ability 

    is a good thing for society 

    • Like 2
  2. 20 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    Please show here Democrats are 'actively preventing law enforcement to act". Democrat city administrators don't agree with trump administration's use of federal forces, considered counterproductive, not that they trying to actually prevent law enforcement.



    • Thanks 2
  3. On 7/22/2020 at 5:34 PM, digger70 said:

    Hate to do U Turns here, Dangerous , If there is a vehicle coming from the opposite way and want to do a U Turn and has to wait for his turn to do a  safe  turn than one can't see the oncoming traffic because the vehicle  blocks the view one has nearly go On the Road to see oncoming traffic. 

    They should make it that there only can be One side off the road can do a U turn. 

    Make it so that the Other side of the road can do a U turn say 200/300 Mtrs further on.

    Crazy  Traffic  Ideas Country.

    i hate it much more when someone else are about to do a u turn,

    cause they are hellbent on crossing all lanes

    • Like 1
  4. 45 minutes ago, DB58 said:

    You’re correct about making assumptions; but I think it’s safe to say that it is a drivers responsibility not to run over those in front of them. In my humble experience that is accomplished by being cautious when overtaking another vehicle, especially when they are on a vehicle that offers no protection for the occupants; a practice that seems to be absent in many vehicle drivers in Thailand. A shame that police didn’t investigate the accident and publish results, might serve as lesson for others; unfortunately the only lesson here is that it easy to die on roads here.

    taking over is done on the premise that she wasnt going to get cut off,

    he didnt have right of way to shift lane when she was already in the outer track,

    and on the contrary she shouldnt be cautious in the act, she should accelerate to get it over with.


    without this most basic premise that no one is allowed to turn into a lane

    until that lane is clear, it would not be possible to ever take over

    anyone regardless of how many lanes, it would be mayhem 


    there is a chance she ran into him without him cutting her, but that chance is low,

    among other things that would imply he had been sticking in the right lane all along.

    the most likely is that he made a sudden lane swap right at the moment she was taking over,

    and she had zero time to take evasive action

    • Like 2
  5. 8 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

    Considering that the motorbike had just been in a high speed collision, its quite likely that the motorbike for shunted by the car or even moved by rescuers , the position of the bike doesnt tell us anything

    the two factors combined indicate the scooter was in the right lane,

    its more probable that it was in the right lane then the left lane.

  6. 4 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:

    Well yes, thats what she SAID .

    Shes hardly likely to say to the police officer : *I was going 130 KPH down a small road and trying to reply to a text I had just received when BANG , hit a motorbike which I didnt see* , now is she 

    together with the fact that the image show the sidecar being on the right lane,

    that statement is the only data released on the case,

    any theory that doesnt use these two bits of data is even more speculation.

    they need to question the child if the intent was to drive into a side street to the right, i cant see a logical reason why the sidecar would ever venture into the right lane otherwise

  7. 26 minutes ago, simtemple said:

    Most road crashes are caused by distraction. I too believe it likely that the stupid woman was texting or talking on the phone. Unfortunately this level of detection is beyond the ability of the RTP

    I was struck on my bike and hospitalised by a stupid Thai woman talking on her cell phone. No charges were brought. My Embassy told me to leave Thailand as soon as possible. 




    the four accidents i had was all caused by my lane being cut off

    by someone that couldnt be arsed to signal intention or didnt see me coming 

    before driving into my lane

  8. 11 minutes ago, Paiman said:


    Unfortunately it is all speculation. May be tyretracks can give a glue?


    But I am overly cautious when I see a female driver. Too many times I experienced them paying more attention to the phone, instead to the ongoing traffic.


    Additionally often a self righteous attitude being granted only to them by some invisible higher power.


    Very sad. RIP.

    yes, woman arent to be trusted, but neither are drivers of a sidecar,

    those are tricky to handle in any instance they need to change speed or direction,

    and the question lingers: what was a side car doing in the right lane ??

    had he been driving in the right lane for kilometres on end ? if so why ?

    or did he just on a whim turn into the right lane at this precise moment ?

    if so why ?

    the only logical reason he was in the right lane is if he intended to turn into a sidetrack to the right imo, and took for granted there wasnt anyone taking over at that moment,

    this would also mean he was slowing down while she was accelerating,

    which double up closure rate and drastically reduces reaction time,

    it also suggest he didnt switch on signal in a timely manner to indicate his intent

    of lane cutting

  9. 18 minutes ago, seajae said:

    or that he had his indicator on to turn right and she tried to pass him or could react in time, I have had it done to me many times when riding, drivers simply ignore you. If he had his indicator on to  move into the middle lane to turn right and was in front of her he did have right of way, problem is many thais speed and will try to get past you before you can do it or are too busy looking at their phone/talking on it so react much slower. Speculation by everyone will not sort it out, we will have to wait for the police to decide what happened or the monk to tell his side

    no, giving a signal doesnt give you right of way, nor does procceding with caution give you right of way,

    you have to wait for oncoming traffic to pass before you shift lane or turn into a sidetrack

    • Like 1
  10. 1 minute ago, CorpusChristie said:

    Its quite possible that the car driver wasnt paying attention to the road ahead of her and went straight into the motorbike .

      Has it beeen established yet whether the two vehicles were going in the same or opposite direction or whether the bike was moving or stationary ? 

    she rammed into him in the behind, that is not likely to be the case if he was sticking to his lane

    all along, more likely is that he at the last second turned into the right lane

    when she was overtaking

    • Sad 1
  11. 1 minute ago, CorpusChristie said:

    Neither You or Colin oy anyone else on here can state who was in the right and who is in the wrong , because the information required to come to that conclusion hasnt been published .

       Colin doesnt like Female drivers , so hes blaming her 

    You like Thais more than you like Felangs , so you are blaming the felang .

    But, until any facts are established , no conclusion can be made

    i have no preference, in another thread where a truck crossed 4 lanes

    and a falang struck him in that maneuver i put the burden on the truck driver,

    i default on the blame on whomever doesnt adhere to right of way,

    in the 4 lane story, the truck driver admitted he was crossing all four lanes,

    leaving no lane for the biker, and in this case,

    i suspect the scooter to have crossed into her lane

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